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2004 |
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2005 |
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2016 |
Schwiedrzik J, Gross T, Bina M, Pretterklieber M, Zysset P, Pahr D. Experimental validation of a nonlinear μFE model based on cohesive-frictional plasticity for trabecular bone. Int J Num Meth Biomed Eng. April 2016;32(4):e02739. |
2001 |
Bandak FA, Tannous RE, Toridis T. On the development of an osseo-ligamentous finite element model of the human ankle joint. Int J Solids Struct. March 2001;38(10-13):1681-1697. |
2009 |
DeVries NA, Shivanna KH, Tadepalli SC, Magnotta VA, Grosland NM. IA-FEMesh: anatomic FE models: a check of mesh accuracy and validity. Iowa Orthop J. 2009;29:48-54. |
2012 |
Skedros JG, Knight AN, Farnsworth RW, Bloebaum RD. Do regional modifications in tissue mineral content and microscopic mineralization heterogeneity adapt trabecular bone tracts for habitual bending? analysis in the context of trabecular architecture of deer calcanei. J Anat. March 2012;220(3):242-255. |
1990 |
Orr TE, Beaupré GS, Carter DR, Schurman DJ. Computer predictions of bone remodeling around porous-coated implants. J Arthoplast. September 1990;5(3):191-200. |
1978 |
Hayes WC, Swenson LW Jr, Schurman DJ. Axisymmetric finite element analysis of the lateral tibial plateau. J Biomech. 1978;11(1-2):21-33. |
1983 |
Bryant JD. The effect of impact on the marrow pressure of long bones in vitro. J Biomech. 1983;16(8):659-665. |
1983 |
Rohlmann A, Mössner U, Bergmann G, Kölbel R. Finite-element-analysis and experimental investigation in a femur with hip endoprosthesis. J Biomech. 1983;16(9):727-742. |
1983 |
Stone JL, Beaupre GS, Hayes WC. Multiaxial strength characteristics of trabecular bone. J Biomech. 1983;16(9):743-752. |
1983 |
Goldstein SA, Wilson DL, Sonstegard DA, Matthews LS. The mechanical properties of human tibial trabecular bone as a function of metaphyseal location. J Biomech. 1983;16(12):965-969. |
1983 |
Martens M, Van Audekercke R, Delport P, De Meester P, Mulier JC. The mechanical characteristics of cancellous bone at the upper femoral region. J Biomech. 1983;16(12):971-983. |
1984 |
Brown TD, Radin EL, Martin RB, Burr DB. Finite element studies of some juxtarticular stress changes due to localized subchondral stiffening. J Biomech. 1984;17(1):11-24. |
1985 |
Gibson LJ. The mechanical behaviour of cancellous bone. J Biomech. 1985;18(5):317-328. |
1985 |
Kaplan SJ, Hayes WC, Stone JL, Beaupré GS. Tensile strength of bovine trabecular bone. J Biomech. 1985;18(9):723-727. |
1986 |
Fischer RA, Arms SW, Pope MH, Seligson D. Analysis of the effect of using two different strain rates on the acoustic emission in bone. J Biomech. 1986;19(2):119-127. |
1987 |
Vahey JW, Lewis JL, Vanderby R Jr. Elastic moduli, yield stress, and ultimate stress of cancellous bone in the canine proximal femur. J Biomech. 1987;20(1):29-33. |
1987 |
Linde F, Hvid I. Stiffness behaviour of trabecular bone specimens. J Biomech. 1987;20(1):83-89. |
1987 |
Bentzen SM, Hvid I, Jorgensen J. Mechanical strength of tibial trabecular bone evaluated by X-ray computed tomography. J Biomech. 1987;20(8):743-752. |
1987 |
Carter DR, Fyhrie DP, Whalen RT. Trabecular bone density and loading history: regulation of connective tissue biology by mechanical energy. J Biomech. 1987;20(8):785-794. |
1987 |
Ashman RB, Corin JD, Turner CH. Elastic properties of cancellous bone: measurement by an ultrasonic technique. J Biomech. 1987;20(10):979-986. |
1987 |
Goldstein SA. The mechanical properties of trabecular bone: dependence on anatomic location and function. J Biomech. 1987;20(11-12):1055-1061. |
1987 |
Huiskes R, Weinans H, Grootenboer HJ, Dalstra M, Fudala B, Slooff TJ. Adaptive bone-remodeling theory applied to prosthetic-design analysis. J Biomech. 1987;20(11-12):1135-1150. |
1988 |
Schaffler MB, Burr DB. Stiffness of compact bone: effects of porosity and density. J Biomech. 1988;21(1):13-16. |
1988 |
Currey JD. The effect of porosity and mineral content on the Young's modulus of elasticity of compact bone. J Biomech. 1988;21(2):131-139. |
1988 |
Rice JC, Cowin SC, Bowman JA. On the dependence of the elasticity and strength of cancellous bone on apparent density. J Biomech. 1988;21(2):155-168. |
1988 |
Ashman RB, Rho JY. Elastic modulus of trabecular bone material. J Biomech. 1988;21(3):177-181. |
1989 |
Kuhn JL, Goldstein SA, Ciarelli MJ, Matthews LS. The limitations of canine trabecular bone as a model for human: a biomechanical study. J Biomech. 1989;22(2):95-107. |
1989 |
Carter DR, Orr TE, Fyhrie DP. Relationships between loading history and femoral cancellous bone architecture. J Biomech. 1989;22(3):231-244. |
1989 |
Ryan SD, Williams JL. Tensile testing of rodlike trabeculae excised from bovine femoral bone. J Biomech. 1989;22(4):351-355. |
1989 |
Linde F, Hvid I. The effect of constraint on the mechanical behaviour of trabecular bone specimens. J Biomech. 1989;22(5):485-490. |
1989 |
Odgaard A, Hvid I, Linde F. Compressive axial strain distributions in cancellous bone specimens. J Biomech. 1989;22(8-9):829-835. |
1989 |
Hvid I, Bentzen SM, Linde F, Mosekilde L, Pongsoipetch B. X-ray quantitative computed tomography: the relations to physical properties of proximal tibial trabecular bone specimens. J Biomech. 1989;22(8-9):837-844. |
1989 |
Ashman RB, Rho JY, Turner CH. Anatomical variation of orthotropic elastic moduli of the proximal human tibia. J Biomech. 1989;22(8-9):895-900. |
1990 |
Fyhrie DP, Carter DR. Femoral head apparent density distribution predicted from bone stresses. J Biomech. 1990;23(1):1-10. |
1990 |
Turner CH, Cowin SC, Rho JY, Ashman RB, Rice JC. The fabric dependence of the orthotropic elastic constants of cancellous bone. J Biomech. 1990;23(6):549-561. |
1990 |
Sharp DJ, Tanner KE, Bonfield W. Measurement of the density of trabecular bone. J Biomech. 1990;23(8):853-857. |
1991 |
Martin RB. Determinants of the mechanical properties of bones. J Biomech. 1991;24(suppl 1):79-88. |
1991 |
Odgaard A, Linde F. The underestimation of Young's modulus in compressive testing of cancellous bone specimens. J Biomech. 1991;24(8):691-698. |
1991 |
Linde F, Nørgaard P, Hvid I, Odgaard A, Søballe K. Mechanical properties of trabecular bone: dependency on strain rate. J Biomech. 1991;24(9):803-809. |
1992 |
Linde F, Hvid I, Madsen F. The effect of specimen geometry on the mechanical behaviour of trabecular bone specimens. J Biomech. 1992;25(4):359-368. |
1992 |
Hogan HA. Micromechanics modeling of Haversian cortical bone properties. J Biomech. May 1992;25(5):549-556. |
1992 |
Weinans H, Huiskes R, Grootenboer HJ. The behavior of adaptive bone-remodeling simulation models. J Biomech. December 1992;25(12):1425-1441. |
1993 |
Rho JY, Ashman RB, Turner CH. Young's modulus of trabecular and cortical bone material: ultrasonic and microtensile measurements. J Biomech. February 1993;26(2):111-119. |
1993 |
Van Rietbergen B, Huiskes R, Weinans H, Sumner DR, Turner TM, Galante JO. The mechanism of bone remodeling and resorption around press-fitted THA stems. J Biomech. April–May 1993;26(4-5):369-382. |
1993 |
Keaveny TM, Borchers RE, Gibson LJ, Hayes WC. Theoretical analysis of the experimental artifact in trabecular bone compressive modulus [published correction appears in J Biomech. 1993;26(9):1143]. J Biomech. April–May 1993;26(4-5):599-607. |
1993 |
Keaveny TM, Borchers RE, Gibson L, Hayes WC. Trabecular bone modulus and strength can depend on specimen geometry. J Biomech. August 1993;26(8):991-995. |
1993 |
Linde F, Sørensen HCF. The effect of different storage methods on the mechanical properties of trabecular bone. J Biomech. 1993;26(10):1249-1252. |
1994 |
Guo X-DE, McMahon TA, Keaveny TM, Hayes WC, Gibson LJ. Finite element modeling of damage accumulation in trabecular bone under cyclic loading. J Biomech. February 1994;27(2):145-155. |
1994 |
Bowman SM, Keaveny TM, Gibson LJ, Hayes WC, McMahon TA. Compressive creep behavior of bovine trabecular bone. J Biomech. March 1994;27(3):301-310. |
1994 |
Goulet RW, Goldstein SA, Ciarelli MJ, Kuhn JL, Brown MB, Feldkamp LA. The relationship between the structural and orthogonal compressive properties of trabecular bone. J Biomech. April 1994;27(4):375-389. |
1994 |
Keaveny TM, Guo XE, Wachtel EF, McMahon TA, Hayes WC. Trabecular bone exhibits fully linear elastic behavior and yields at low strains. J Biomech. 1994;27(9):1127-1136. |
1994 |
Keaveny TM, Wachtel EF, Ford CM, Hayes WC. Differences between the tensile and compressive strengths of bovine tibial trabecular bone depend on modulus. J Biomech. 1994;27(9):1137-1146. |
1994 |
Keller TS. Predicting the compressive mechanical behavior of bone. J Biomech. September 1994;27(9):1159-1168. |
1994 |
Deligianni DD, Maris A, Missirlis YF. Stress relaxation behaviour of trabecular bone specimens. J Biomech. December 1994;27(12):1469-1476. |
1995 |
Dalstra M, Huisker R. Load transfer across the pelvic bone. J Biomech. June 1995;28(6):715-724. |
1996 |
Zysset PK, Curnier A. A 3D damage model for trabecular bone based on fabric tensors. J Biomech. December 1996;29(12):1549-1558. |
1997 |
McGill SM. The biomechanics of low back injury: implications on current practice in industry and the clinic. J Biomech. May 1997;30(5):465-475. |
1998 |
Hou FJ, Lang SM, Hoshaw SJ, Reimann DA, Fyhrie DP. Human vertebral body apparent and hard tissue stiffness. J Biomech. November 1998;31(11):1009-1015. |
1998 |
Ulrich D, van Rietbergen B, Weinans H, Rüegsegger P. Finite element analysis of trabecular bone structure: a comparison of image-based meshing techniques. J Biomech. December 1998;31(12):1187-1192. |
1999 |
Kabel J, van Rietbergen B, Dalstra M, Odgaard A, Huiskes R. The role of an effective isotropic tissue modulus in the elastic properties of cancellous bone. J Biomech. 1999;32(7):673-680. |
1999 |
Kerner J, Huiskes R, van Lenthe GH, Weinans H, van Rietbergen B, Engh CA, Amis AA. Correlation between pre-operative periprosthetic bone density and post-operative bone loss in THA can be explained by strain-adaptive remodelling. J Biomech. July 1999;32(7):695-703. |
1999 |
Zysset PK, Guo XE, Hoffler CE, Moore KE, Goldstein SA. Elastic modulus and hardness of cortical and trabecular bone lamellae measured by nanoindentation in the human femur. J Biomech. October 1999;32(10):1005-1012. |
2000 |
Weinans H, Sumner DR, Igloria R, Natarajan RN. Sensitivity of periprosthetic stress-shielding to load and the bone density–modulus relationship in subject-specific finite element models. J Biomech. July 2000;33(7):809-817. |
2001 |
Morgan EF, Keaveny TM. Dependence of yield strain of human trabecular bone on anatomic site. J Biomech. 2001;34(5):569-577. |
2002 |
Kim HS, Al-Hassan STS. A morphological model of vertebral trabecular bone. J Biomech. August 2002;35(8):1101-1114. |
2003 |
Yeni YN, Fyhrie DP. A rate-dependent microcrack-bridging model that can explain the strain rate dependency of cortical bone apparent yield strength. J Biomech. September 2003;36(9):1343-1353. |
2003 |
Hengsberger S, Enstroem J, Peyrin F, Zysset P. How is the indentation modulus of bone tissue related to its macroscopic elastic response? a validation study. J Biomech. October 2003;36(10):1503-1509. |
2004 |
Bourne BC, van der Meulen MCH. Finite element models predict cancellous apparent modulus when tissue modulus is scaled from specimen CT-attenuation. J Biomech. May 2004;37(5):613-621. |
2004 |
Viceconti M, Davinelli M, Taddei F, Cappello A. Automatic generation of accurate subject-specific bone finite element models to be used in clinical studies. J Biomech. 2004;37(10):1597-1605. |
2005 |
Gibson LJ. Biomechanics of cellular solids. J Biomech. 2005;38(3):377-399. |
2005 |
Shefelbine SJ, Augat P, Claes L, Simo U. Trabecular bone fracture healing simulation with finite element analysis and fuzzy logic. J Biomech. December 2005;38(12):2440-2450. |
2006 |
Guedes RM, Simões JA, Morais JL. Viscoelastic behaviour and failure of bovine cancellous bone under constant strain rate. J Biomech. 2006;39(1):49-60. |
2006 |
Wang X, Niebur GL. Microdamage propagation in trabecular bone due to changes in loading mode. J Biomech. 2006;39(5):781-790. |
2006 |
Verhulp E, van Rietbergen B, Huiskes R. Comparison of micro-level and continuum-level voxel models of the proximal femur. J Biomech. 2006;39(16):2951-2957. |
2007 |
Laz PJ, Stowe JQ, Baldwin MA, Petrella AJ, Rullkoetter PJ. Incorporating uncertainty in mechanical properties for finite element-based evaluation of bone mechanics. J Biomech. 2007;40(13):2831-2836. |
2007 |
Kasra M, Grynpas MD. On shear properties of trabecular bone under torsional loading: effects of bone marrow and strain rate. J Biomech. 2007;40(13):2898-2903. |
2007 |
Schileo E, Taddei F, Malandrino A, Cristofolini L, Viceconti M. Subject-specific finite element models can accurately predict strain levels in long bones. J Biomech. 2007;40(13):2982-2989. |
2007 |
Bevill G, Easley SK, Keaveny TM. Side-artifact errors in yield strength and elastic modulus for human trabecular bone and their dependence on bone volume fraction and anatomic site. J Biomech. 2007;40(15):3381-3388. |
2007 |
Yosibash Z, Trabelsi N, Milgrom C. Reliable simulations of the human proximal femur by high-order finite element analysis validated by experimental observations. J Biomech. 2007;40(16):3688-3699. |
2008 |
Schileo E, Taddei F, Cristofolini L, Viceconti M. Subject-specific finite element models implementing a maximum principal strain criterion are able to estimate failure risk and fracture location on human femurs tested in vitro. J Biomech. 2008;41(2):356-367. |
2008 |
Perilli E, Baleani M, Öhman C, Fognani R, Baruffaldi F, Viceconti M. Dependence of mechanical compressive strength on local variations in microarchitecture in cancellous bone of proximal human femur. J Biomech. 2008;41(2):438-446. |
2008 |
Burgers TA, Mason J, Niebur G, Ploeg HL. Compressive properties of trabecular bone in the distal femur. J Biomech. 2008;41(5):1077-1085. |
2008 |
Zioupos P, Cook RB, Hutchinson JR. Some basic relationships between density values in cancellous and cortical bone. J Biomech. 2008;41(9):1961-1968. |
2008 |
Schileo E, Dall’Ara E, Taddei F, Malandrino A, Schotkamp T, Baleani M, Viceconti M. An accurate estimation of bone density improves the accuracy of subject-specific finite element models. J Biomech. August 7, 2008;41(11):2483-2491. |
2008 |
Austman RL, Milner JS, Holdsworth DW, Dunning CE. The effect of the density–modulus relationship selected to apply material properties in a finite element model of long bone. J Biomech. November 14, 2008;41(15):3171-3176. |
2009 |
Trabelsi N, Yosibash Z, Milgrom C. Validation of subject-specific automated p-FE analysis of the proximal femur. J Biomech. February 9, 2009;42(3):234-241. |
2009 |
Burgers TA, Lakes RS, García-Rodríguez S, Piller GR, Ploeg H-L. Post-yield relaxation behavior of bovine cancellous bone. J Biomech. 2009;42(16):2728-2733. |
2010 |
Chen G, Schmutz B, Epari D, Rathnayaka K, Ibrahim S, Schuetz MA, Pearcy MJ. A new approach for assigning bone material properties from CT images into finite element models. J Biomech. 2010;43(5):1011-1015. |
2010 |
Isaksson H, Nagao S, MaŁkiewicz M, Julkunen P, Nowak R, Jurvelin JS. Precision of nanoindentation protocols for measurement of viscoelasticity in cortical and trabecular bone. J Biomech. 2010;43(12):2410-2417. |
2011 |
Brynk T, Hellmich C, Fritsch A, Zysset P, Eberhardsteiner J. Experimental poromechanics of trabecular bone strength: role of Terzaghi's effective stress and of tissue level stress fluctuations. J Biomech. 2011;44(3):501-508. |
2011 |
Boyle C, Kim IY. Three-dimensional micro-level computational study of Wolff's law via trabecular bone remodeling in the human proximal femur using design space topology optimization. J Biomech. March 15, 2011;44(5):935-942. |
2011 |
Wu Z, Baker TA, Ovaert TC, Niebur GL. The effect of holding time on nanoindentation measurements of creep in bone. J Biomech. April 7, 2011;44(6):2055-2062. |
2011 |
Garrison JG, Gargac JA, Niebur GL. Shear strength and toughness of trabecular bone are more sensitive to density than damage. J Biomech. November 10, 2011;44(16):2747-2754. |
2013 |
Hazrati Marangalou J, Ito K, Cataldi M, Taddei F, van Rietbergen B. A novel approach to estimate trabecular bone anisotropy using a database approach. J Biomech. September 27, 2013;46(14):2356-2362. |
2014 |
Gilchrist S, Nishiyama KK, de Bakker P, Guy P, Boyd SK, Oxland T, Cripton PA. Proximal femur elastic behaviour is the same in impact and constant displacement rate fall simulation. J Biomech. November 28, 2014;47(15):3744-3749. |
2016 |
Prot M, Cloete TJ, Saletti D, Laporte S. The behavior of cancellous bone from quasi-static to dynamic strain rates with emphasis on the intermediate regime. J Biomech. May 3, 2016;49(7):1050-1057. |
2018 |
Enns-Bray WS, Ferguson SJ, Helgason B. Strain rate dependency of bovine trabecular bone under impact loading at sideways fall velocity. J Biomech. June 2018;75:46-52. |
2023 |
Albert DL, Katzenberger MJ, Hunter RL, Agnew AM, Kemper AR. Effects of loading rate, age, and morphology on the material properties of human rib trabecular bone. J Biomech. July 2023;156:111670. |
2023 |
Pais A, Alves JL, Belinha J. Predicting trabecular arrangement in the proximal femur: an artificial neural network approach for varied geometries and load cases. J Biomech. December 2023;161:111860. |
1982 |
Williams JL, Lewis JL. Properties and an anisotropic model of cancellous bone from the proximal tibial epiphysis. J Biomech Eng. February 1982;104(1):50-56. |
1984 |
Hart RT, Davy DT, Heiple KG. A computational method for stress analysis of adaptive elastic materials with a view toward applications in strain-induced bone remodeling. J Biomech Eng. November 1984;106(4):342-350. |
1985 |
Beaupre GS, Hayes WC. Finite element analysis of a three-dimensional open-celled model for trabecular bone. J Biomech Eng. August 1985;107(3):249-256. |
1986 |
Cowin SC. Wolff’s law of trabecular architecture at remodeling equilibrium. J Biomech Eng. February 1986;108(1):83-88. |
1986 |
Little RB, Wevers HW, Siu D, Cooke TDV. A three-dimensional finite element analysis of the upper tibia. J Biomech Eng. May 1986;108(2):111-119. |
1987 |
Ueno K, Liu YK. A three-dimenstional nonlinear finite element model of lumbar intervertebral joint in torsion. J Biomech Eng. August 1987;109(3):200-209. |
1989 |
Turner CH. Yield behavior of bovine cancellous bone [published correction appears in J Biomech Eng. 1989;111(4):335]. J Biomech Eng. August 1989;111(3):256-260. |
1993 |
Keaveny TM, Hayes WC. A 20-year perspective on the mechanical properties of trabecular bone. J Biomech Eng. November 1993;115(4B):534-542. |
1996 |
Merz B, Niederer P, Müller R, Rüegsegger P. Automated finite element analysis of excised human femora based on precision-QCT. J Biomech Eng. August 1996;118(3):387-390. |
2001 |
Morgan EF, Yeh OC, Chang WC, Keaveny TM. Nonlinear behavior of trabecular bone at small strains. J Biomech Eng. February 2001;123(1):1-9. |
2001 |
Arthur Moore TL, Gibson LJ. Modeling modulus reduction in bovine trabecular bone damaged in compressio. J Biomech Eng. December 2001;123(6):613-622. |
2002 |
Arthur Moore TL, Gibson LJ. Microdamage accumulation in bovine trabecular bone in uniaxial compression. J Biomech Eng. February 2002;124(1):63-71. |
2002 |
Niebur GL, Feldstein MJ, Keaveny TM. Biaxial failure behavior of bovine tibial trabecular bone. J Biomech Eng. December 2002;124(6):699-705. |
2003 |
Crawford RP, Rosenberg WS, Keaveny TM. Quantitative computed tomography-based finite element models of the human lumbar vertebral body: effect of element size on stiffness, damage, and fracture strength predictions. J Biomech Eng. August 2003;125(4):434-438. |
2003 |
Moore TLA, Gibson LJ. Fatigue microdamage in bovine trabecular bone. J Biomech Eng. December 2003;125(6):769-776. |
2007 |
Yosibash Z, Padan R, Joskowicz L, Milgrom C. A CT-based high-order finite element analysis of the human proximal femur compared to in-vitro experiments. J Biomech Eng. June 2007;129(3):297-309. |
2010 |
Pilcher A, Wang X, Kaltz Z, Garrison JG, Niebur GL, Mason J. High strain rate testing of bovine trabecular bone. J Biomech Eng. August 2010;132(8):081012. |
2011 |
Trabelsi N, Yosibash Z. Patient-specific finite-element analyses of the proximal femur with orthotropic material properties validated by experiments. J Biomech Eng. June 2011;133(6):061001. |
1990 |
Keyak JH, Meagher JM, Skinner HB, Mote CD Jr. Automated three-dimensional finite element modelling of bone: a new method. J Biomed Eng. 1990;12(5):389-397. |
1992 |
Keyak JH, Skinner HB. Three-dimensional finite element modelling of bone: effects of element size. J Biomed Eng. 1992;14(6):483-489. |
1993 |
Keyak JH, Fourkas MG, Meagher JM, Skinner HB. Validation of an automated method of three-dimensional finite element modelling of bone. J Biomed Eng. November 1993;15(6):505-509. |
1993 |
Skedros JG, Bloebaum RD, Bachus KN, Boyce TM. The meaning of graylevels in backscattered electron images of bone. J Biomed Mater Res. January 1993;7(1):47-56. |
1993 |
Skedros JG, Bloebaum RD, Bachus KN, Boyce TM, Constantz B. Influence of mineral content and composition on graylevels in backscattered electron images of bone. J Biomed Mater Res. January 1993;27(1):57-64. |
1996 |
Keyak JH, Lee IY, Nath DS, Skinner HB. Postfailure compressive behavior of tibial trabecular bone in three anatomic directions. J Biomed Mater Res. July 1996;31(3):373-378. |
1994 |
Keyak JH, Lee IY, Skinner HB. Correlations between orthogonal mechanical properties and density of trabecular bone: use of different densitometric measures. J Biomed Mater Res. November 1994;A28(11):1329-1336. |
2003 |
Fan Z, Rho J-Y. Effects of viscoelasticity and time-dependent plasticity on nanoindentation measurements of human cortical bone. J Biomed Mater Res. October 1, 2003;A67(1):208-214. |
2008 |
Lewis G, Nyman JS. The use of nanoindentation for characterizing the properties of mineralized hard tissues: state-of-the art review. J Biomed Mater Res. October 2008;B87(1):286-301. |
1985 |
McBroom RJ, Hayes WC, Edwards WT, Goldberg RP, White AA III. Prediction of vertebral body compressive fracture using quantitative computed tomography. J Bone Joint Surg. 1985;67A(8):1206-1214. |
1992 |
Anderson MJ, Keyak JH, Skinner HB. Compressive mechanical properties of human cancellous bone after gamma irradiation. J Bone Joint Surg. June 1992;74A(5):747-752. |
1997 |
Ding M, Dalstra M, Danielsen CC, Kabel J, Hvid I, Linde F. Age variations in the properties of human tibial trabecular bone. J Bone Joint Surg. November 1997;79B(6):995-1002. |
2000 |
Nafei A, Danielsen CC, Linde F, Hvid I. Properties of growing trabecular ovine bone, I: mechanical and physical properties. J Bone Joint Surg. August 2000;82B(6):910-920. |
1999 |
Ota T, Yamamoto I, Morita R. Fracture simulation of the femoral bone using the finite-element method: how a fracture initiates and proceeds. J Bone Min Metab. May 1999;17(2):108-112. |
1989 |
Esses SI, Lotz JC, Hayes WC. Biomechanical properties of the proximal femur determined in vitro by single‐energy quantitative computed tomography. J Bone Miner Res. October 1989;4(5):715-722. |
1992 |
Carter DR, Bouxsein ML, Marcus R. New approaches for interpreting projected bone densitometry data. J Bone Miner Res. February 1992;7(2):137-145. |
1997 |
Burr DB, Forwood MR, Fyhrie DP, Martin RB, Schaffler MB, Turner CH. Bone microdamage and skeletal fragility in osteoporotic and stress fractures. J Bone Miner Res. January 1997;12(1):6-15. |
1997 |
Li B, Aspden RM. Composition and mechanical properties of cancellous bone from the femoral head of patients with osteoporosis or osteoarthritis. J Bone Miner Res. 1997;12(4):641-651. |
1999 |
Ebbesen EN, Thomsen JS, Beck‐Nielsen H, Nepper‐Rasmussen HJ, Mosekilde L. Age‐ and gender‐related differences in vertebral bone mass, density, and strength. J Bone Miner Res. August 1999;14(8):1394-1403. |
2000 |
Faulkner KG. Bone matters: are density increases necessary to reduce fracture risk? J Bone Miner Res. February 2000;15(2):183-187. |
2000 |
McCreadie BR, Goldstein SA. Biomechanics of fracture: is bone mineral density sufficient to assess risk? J Bone Miner Res. December 2000;15(12):2305-2308. |
2001 |
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Nagaraja S. Microstructural Stresses and Strains Associated With Trabecular Bone Microdamage [PhD thesis]. Atlanta, GA: Georgia Institute of Technology; December 2006. |
2019 |
Bakr M. Parathyroid Hormone Effect on Facilitating Stress Fracture Repair [PhD thesis]. Brisbane, Australia: Griffith University; July 2019. |
1993 |
Guo X-DE. Fatigue of Trabecular Bone [PhD thesis]. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University; 1993. |
1997 |
Bowman SM. Creep of Trabecular Bone [PhD thesis]. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University; May 1997. |
2012 |
Hamed E. Multiscale Modeling of Elastic Moduli and Strength of Bone [PhD thesis]. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; 2012. |
2009 |
Carriero A. Modelling Gait Abnormalities and Bone Deformities in Children With Cerebral Palsy [PhD thesis]. Imperial College London; May 2009. |
2013 |
Newell N. Foot and Ankle Blast Injury and Its Mitigation [PhD thesis]. Imperial College London; June 2013. |
2016 |
Grigoriadis G. Heel Biomechanics Under Blast Conditions [PhD thesis]. Imperial College London; June 2016. |
2002 |
Follet H. Caractérisation Biomécanique Et Modélisation 3D Par Imagerie X Et IRM Haute Résolution De L’os Spongieux Humain: Evaluation Du Risque Fracturaire [PhD thesis]. Institut national des sciences appliquées de Lyon (INSA Lyon); 2002. |
1999 |
Egi N. Functional Morphology of the Limb Bones in Recent Carnivores and Its Application to North American Hyaenodontid Creodonta [PhD thesis]. Johns Hopkins University; 1999. |
1997 |
Heinonen A. Exercise as an Osteogenic Stimulus [PhD thesis]. University of Jyväskylä; 1997. |
2003 |
Bona M. A Contact Algorithm for Density-Based Load Estimation [PhD thesis]. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas; 2003. |
2019 |
Frazer LL. Subchondral Bone Cysts Filling the Void [PhD thesis]. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas; 2019. |
2013 |
Li S. Cutting of Cortical Bone Tissue: Analysis of Deformation and Fracture Process [PhD thesis]. Loughborough University; June 2013. |
2014 |
Holub O. Biomechanics of Spinal Metastases [PhD thesis]. University of Leeds; April 2014. |
2018 |
Davis C. Biomechanical Stability of Intraarticular Fractures of the Distal Femur Fixed by Intramedullary Nailing [Master's thesis]. Lehigh University; August 2018. |
2018 |
Ren T. Mechanoregulation Modeling of Bone Healing in Realistic Fracture Geometries [Master's thesis]. Lehigh University; December 2018. |
2021 |
Schwarzenberg PM. Development and Validation of Virtual Mechanical Testing of Bone Fracture Healing [PhD thesis]. Lehigh University; August 2021. |
2023 |
Ren T. Mechanoregulation of Bone Fracture Healing in the Tibia from the Perspective of Computational Models and Image Analysis [PhD thesis]. Lehigh University; January 2023. |
1997 |
Greeves J. The Effect of Reproductive Hormones on Muscle Function in Young and Middle-Aged Females [PhD thesis]. Liverpool John Moores University; May 1997. |
2021 |
Scott MC. Exercise and Bone: Older Adults, Type II Diabetes, and Ketogenic Diets [PhD thesis]. Louisiana State University; May 2021. |
2016 |
Grassi L. Femoral Strength Prediction Using Finite Element Models: Validation of Models Based on CT and Reconstructed DXA Images Against Full-Field Strain Measurements [PhD thesis]. Lund, Sweden: Lund University; 2016. |
2014 |
Jameson JR. Characterization of Bone Material Properties and Microstructure in Osteogenesis Imperfecta/brittle Bone Disease [PhD thesis]. Marquette University; December 2014. |
2013 |
Vijayakumar V. Quantifying the Regional Variations in the Mechanical Properties of Cancellous Bone of the Tibia Using Indentation Testing and CT Imaging [Master's thesis]. Hamilton, ON: McMaster University; September 2013. |
2015 |
Smolen C. Evaluation of the Load Path Through the Foot/ankle Complex in Various Postures Through Cadaveric and Finite Element Model Testing [Master's thesis]. Hamilton, ON: McMaster University; September 2015. |
2021 |
Fraschetti A. The Effects of Exposure to Trace Elements on the Skeletal Health of American Mink [Master's thesis]. Hamilton, ON: McMaster University; December 2021. |
2017 |
Wang Y-F. Enhancement of Nutrient Transport and Energy Production of the Intervertebral Disc by the Implantation of Polyurethane Mass [PhD thesis]. University of Miami; August 2017. |
1986 |
Cheal EJ. Trabecular Bone Remodeling Around Implants [PhD thesis]. Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology; June 1986. |
1988 |
Lotz JC. Hip Fracture Risk Predictions by X-Ray Computed Tomography [PhD thesis]. Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology; August 1988. |
1994 |
Simmons CA. Optimal Surface Coating Distribution on a Femoral Endoprosthesis [Master's thesis]. Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology; February 1994. |
1999 |
Schaffner G. Assessment of Hip Fracture Risk in Astronauts Exposed to Long-Term Weightlessness [PhD thesis]. Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology; August 1999. |
2001 |
Arthur Moore TL. Microdamage Accumulation in Bovine Trabecular Bone [PhD thesis]. Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology; June 2001. |
2010 |
Johnson TPM. On the Rate-Dependent Constitutive Response of Cortical and Trabecular Bone [PhD thesis]. Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology; September 2010. |
2020 |
Isa MI. Experimental Investigations of Blunt Force Trauma in the Human Skeleton [PhD thesis]. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University; 2020. |
2017 |
McCormick CM. Altered Trabecular Microarchitecture Near the Glenohumeral Joint of a Rat Model With Neonatal Brachial Plexus Injury [Master's thesis]. North Carolina State University; 2017. |
2021 |
Fawcett EB. Effect of Brachial Plexus Birth Injury on Postnatal Glenohumeral Bone and Muscle [PhD thesis]. North Carolina State University; 2021. |
2019 |
Nobakhti S. Multiscale Characteristics of Bone Toughness [PhD thesis]. Northeastern University; July 2019. |
2004 |
Pilcher WA. High Strain Rate Testing of Bovine Trabecular Bone [Master's thesis]. University of Notre Dame; April 2004. |
2004 |
Tovar A. Bone Remodeling as a Hybrid Cellular Automaton Optimization Process [PhD thesis]. University of Notre Dame; December 2004. |
2004 |
Wang X. Measurement and Analysis of Microdamage in Bone [PhD thesis]. University of Notre Dame; December 2004. |
2009 |
Dai Y. Subject-Specific Computational Modeling of Spinal Constructs [PhD thesis]. University of Notre Dame; April 2009. |
2010 |
Shi X. Effects of Architecture on Microdamage Susceptibility in Trabecular Bone [PhD thesis]. University of Notre Dame; April 2010. |
2011 |
Garrison JG. The Relative Importance of Stress State, Microarchitecture, and Damage Burden in the Failure Behavior of Trabecular Bone [PhD thesis]. University of Notre Dame; April 2011. |
2011 |
Wu Z. Measures of Bone Quality and Their Relationship to Bone Mechanical Properties [PhD thesis]. University of Notre Dame; December 2011. |
2015 |
Gargac J. Evaluation of Bone Healing, Damage, and Adaptation Using Computational Modeling and Image Processing Techniques [PhD thesis]. University of Notre Dame; July 2015. |
2017 |
Kreipke TC. Structural, Mechanical, and Biological Relationships of Trabecular Bone in Osteoporosis [PhD thesis]. University of Notre Dame; April 2017. |
1998 |
D'Andrea SE. Lower Limb Response to Impact in Simulated Microgravity and 1G [PhD thesis]. The Ohio State University; 1998. |
2010 |
Garo A. Modélisation du corps vertébral en chargement dynamique: Intégration de l'effet de l'âge [Vertebral Body Modeling in Dynamic Loading: Integration of Age Effects] [PhD thesis]. École polytechnique de Montréal; December 2010. |
2011 |
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2018 |
Zimmermann Y. Développement d'une modélisation par éléments finis pour caractérisation non destructive de la biomécanique osseuse à partir d'images MICRO-CT [Master's thesis]. École polytechnique de Montréal; December 2018. |
2012 |
Tozzi G. In Vitro Studies of Bone-Cement Interface and Related Work on Cemented Acetabular Replacement [PhD thesis]. Portsmouth, England: University of Portsmouth; May 29, 2012. |
2010 |
Herwig KJ. High Rate Properties of Porcine Skull Bone Tissue [Master's thesis]. Purdue University; August 2010. |
2011 |
Ahmed F. Multiscale Quantitative Imaging of Human Femoral Heads Using X-Ray Microtomography [PhD thesis]. Queen Mary University of London; 2011. |
1991 |
Ploeg H-L. An Evaluation of a Joint Replacement for the Great Toe: A Three-Dimensional Finite Element Study [Master's thesis]. Queen's University; September 1991. |
1995 |
DeVries S. A Three-Dimensional Finite Element Stress Analysis of the Glenoid With and Without a Total Shoulder Arthroplasty Component [Master's thesis]. Queen's University; July 1995. |
2002 |
Wang X. Simulation for Bone Adaptive Remodeling: A Stochastic Approach With Application on Spine Fusion [PhD thesis]. Queen's University; May 2002. |
2005 |
Buie HR. Use of Finite Element Method Modelling and Rapid Prototyping to Study the Effect of Trabecular Bone Architecture on Apparent Mechanical Properties [Master's thesis]. Queen's University; November 2005. |
2008 |
Crookshank MCM. Optimizing Fracture Management: Correlating the Physical and Mechanical Properties of Bone to Computed Tomography to Generate an Estimate of Bone Quality [Master's thesis]. Queen's University; January 2008. |
2009 |
Lievers WB. Effects of Geometric and Material Property Changes on the Apparent Elastic Properties of Cancellous Bone [PhD thesis]. Queen's University; April 2009. |
2010 |
Boyle CH. Computational Study of Wolff's Law Utilizing Design Space Topology Optimization: A New Method for Hip Prosthesis Design [Master's thesis]. Queen's University; August 2010. |
2010 |
Engbretson AC. Determining the Modulus of Intact Bovine Vertebral Cancellous Bone Tissue: Development and Validation of a Protocol [Master's thesis]. Queen's University; August 25, 2010. |
2013 |
Morton JJ. An Investigation of Rat Vertebra Failure Behaviour Under Uniaxial Compression Through Time-Lapsed Micro-CT Imaging [Master's thesis]. Queen's University; 2013. |
2022 |
Beloglowka K. Ex Vivo Mechanical Testing and FEA Modelling of Bovine Trabecular Bone [Master's thesis]. Queen's University; September 2022. |
2024 |
Cameron E. Knee Joint Loading and Fracture Risk Analyses of Patients With Benign Bone Tumours: A Finite Element Analysis [Master's thesis]. Queen's University; August 15, 2024. |
2023 |
Branni MG. Constitutive Models of Bone: The Human Femur [PhD thesis]. Queensland University of Technology; 2023. |
2009 |
Janssen DW. Macro- and Micromechanics of Cemented Total Hip Arthroplasty [PhD thesis]. Radboud University; 2009. |
2006 |
Whitty M. Development of a Physiological Three Dimensional Finite Element Model of a Human Tibia [Master's thesis]. Kingston, ON: Royal Military College of Canada; May 2006. |
1983 |
Rouhana SW. Fluid Flow and Mechanical Damping in Bovine Cortical Bone [PhD thesis]. Troy, NY: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; February 1983. |
2000 |
Kotha SP. A Micromechanical Model to Explain the Mechanical Properties of Bovine Cortical Bone in Tension: In Vitro Fluoride Ion Effects [PhD thesis]. Rutgers University; January 2000. |
2009 |
Mahboob Z. A Validated Finite Element Study of Stress Shielding in a Novel Hybrid Knee Implant [Master's thesis]. Ryerson University; 2009. |
2012 |
Emerson NJ. Development of Patient-Specific CT-FE Modelling of Bone Through Validation Using Porcine Femora [PhD thesis]. University of Sheffield; September 2012. |
2011 |
Yao H. Microstructure-Based Characterization and Modeling of Trabecular Bone Deformation and Failure [PhD thesis]. Southern Methodist University; August 3, 2011. |
1986 |
Fyhrie DP. Stress Analysis and Design of Proximal Femoral Prostheses [PhD thesis]. Stanford University; January 1986. |
1988 |
Whalen RT. The Influence of the Daily Stress History on the Regulation of Bone Density [PhD thesis]. Stanford University; February 1988. |
1990 |
Fyhrie PB. Finite Element Analyses of Fracture Healing in Long Bones [PhD thesis]. Stanford University; August 10, 1990. |
1990 |
Orr TE. The Role of Mechanical Stresses in Bone Remodeling [PhD thesis]. Stanford University; September 1990. |
1990 |
Wong M. The Role of Mechanical Loading Histories in Skeletal Morphogenesis [PhD thesis]. Stanford University; June 1990. |
1992 |
Bouxsein ML. Physical Activity and Bone Density [PhD thesis]. Stanford University; August 1992. |
1994 |
Fischer KJ. Correspondence Between Bone Density Distributions and Mechanical Loading [PhD thesis]. Stanford University; December 1994. |
1994 |
Jacobs CR. Numerical Simulation of Bone Adaptation to Mechanical Loading [PhD thesis]. Stanford University; June 1994. |
1994 |
Levenston ME. Simulation of Functional Adaptation in Trabecular and Cortical Bone [PhD thesis]. Stanford University; September 1994. |
1998 |
Giddings VL. Computer Simulations of Calcaneal Loading and Bone Adaptation [PhD thesis]. Stanford University; June 1998. |
2006 |
Carpenter RD. Mechanobiology of Bone Cross-Sectional Development, Adaptation, and Strength [PhD thesis]. Stanford University; June 2006. |
2009 |
Alwood JS. Radiation and Mechanical Unloading Effects on Mouse Vertebral Bone: Ground-Based Models of the Spaceflight Environment [PhD thesis]. Stanford University; September 2009. |
2011 |
Kourtis LC. Computed Tomography Based Estimation of Bone Rigidity and Strength Under Combined Bending and Torsion [PhD thesis]. Stanford University; September 2011. |
2009 |
Ferreri SL. Anti-Catabolic Role of Ultrasonic Mechanical Perturbation in Prevention of Bone Loss and Turnover in OVX Rat Model: A Combined Empirical, Nanomechanical and Micro-Numerical Simulation Approach [PhD thesis]. Stony Brook, NY: Stony Brook University; August 2009. |
2004 |
Prommin D. Compressive Behavior of Trabecular Bone in the Proximal Tibia Using a Cellular Solid Model [PhD thesis]. Texas A&M University; August 2004. |
2000 |
O’Brien FJ. Microcracks and the Fatigue Behaviour of Compact Bone [PhD thesis]. Trinity College Dublin; October 2000. |
2007 |
Scannell PT. Mechanoregulation Algorithms Predicting Peri-Prosthetic Bone Adaptations [PhD thesis]. Trinity College Dublin; 2007. |
2008 |
Mulvihill BMC. Computational Investigation Into the Mechanoregulation of Osteoporosis [PhD thesis]. Trinity College Dublin; December 2008. |
2005 |
Ruimerman R. Modeling and Remodeling in Bone Tissue [PhD thesis]. Eindhoven University of Technology; 2005. |
2006 |
Verhulp E. Analyses of Trabecular Bone Failure [PhD thesis]. Eindhoven, The Netherlands: Eindhoven University of Technology; 2006. |
2007 |
Isaksson HE. Mechanical and Mechanobiological Influences on Bone Fracture Repair: Identifying Important Cellular Characteristics [PhD thesis]. Eindhoven, The Netherlands: Eindhoven University of Technology; 2007. |
1987 |
Turner CH. On the Relationship Between the Elastic Properties of Cancellous Bone and Its Structure [PhD thesis]. New Orleans, LA: Tulane University; 1987. |
1994 |
Fritton SP. Computational Simulation of Trabecular Bone Adaptation [PhD thesis]. Tulane University; January 1994. |
1994 |
Oden ZM. Computational Prediction of Functional Adaptation in Canine Radii [PhD thesis]. Tulane University; 1994. |
2009 |
Varga P. Prediction of Distal Radius Fracture Load Using HR-PQCT-Based Finite Element Analysis [PhD thesis]. Vienna University of Technology; December 2009. |
2022 |
Davis RA. Investigating the Effects of Aging and Prolonged Opioid Use on Bone Histomorphometry, Quality, and Biomechanics [PhD thesis]. University of Akron; August 2022. |
2010 |
Johnston JD. Development of a Non-Invasive Imaging Technique for Characterizing Subchondral Bone Density and Stiffness [PhD thesis]. Vancouver, BC: University of British Columbia; December 2010. |
2014 |
Ariza OR. A Novel Approach to Finite Element Analysis of Hip Fractures Due to Sideways Falls [Master's thesis]. Vancouver, BC: University of British Columbia; April 2014. |
2014 |
Gilchrist SM. Comparison of Proximal Femur Deformations, Failures and Fractures in Quasi-Static and Inertially-Driven Simulations of a Sideways Fall from Standing: An Experimental Study Utilizing Novel Fall Simulation, Digital Image Correlation, and Development of Digital Volume Correlation Techniques [PhD thesis]. Vancouver, BC: University of British Columbia; January 2014. |
2016 |
Gustafson HM. Quantifying the Response of Vertebral Bodies to Compressive Loading Using Digital Image Correlation [PhD thesis]. Vancouver, BC: University of British Columbia; October 2016. |
2001 |
Boyd SK. Microstructural Bone Adaptation in an Experimental Model of Osteoarthritis [PhD thesis]. Calgary, AB: University of Calgary; January 2001. |
2002 |
Wohl GR. Bone Mechanics in Transplanted Osteochondral Grafts [PhD thesis]. Calgary, AB: University of Calgary; September 2002. |
2006 |
Powers MJ. The Mechanics of Bone Drilling: Experiment and Finite Element Predictions [PhD thesis]. Calgary, AB: University of Calgary; January 2006. |
2006 |
Rouhi G. Theoretical Aspects of Bone Remodeling and Resorption Processes [PhD thesis]. Calgary, AB: University of Calgary; March 2006. |
2013 |
Enns-Bray WS. Mapping Anisotropy of the Proximal Femur for Improved Image-Based Finite Element Analysis [Master's thesis]. Calgary, AB: University of Calgary; August 2013. |
2017 |
Fung A. Experimental Validation of Finite Element Predicted Bone Strain in the Human Metatarsal [Master's thesis]. Calgary, AB: University of Calgary; April 2017. |
2020 |
Michalski AS. A Quantitative Computed Tomography Approach Towards Opportunistic Osteoporosis Screening [PhD thesis]. Calgary, AB: University of Calgary; March 2020. |
1990 |
Faulkner KG. Quantitative Computed Tomography and Finite Element Modeling to Predict Vertebral Fractures [PhD thesis]. Berkeley, CA: Berkeley, University of California; June 1990. |
1996 |
Keyak JH. Prediction of Femoral Strength Using Automated Finite Element Modeling [PhD thesis]. Berkeley, CA: Berkeley, University of California; 1996. |
1998 |
Kopperdahl DL. Structural Consequences of Damage on the Mechanical Behavior of the Human Vertebral Body [PhD thesis]. Berkeley, CA: Berkeley, University of California; 1998. |
1999 |
Whyne CM. Development of Guidelines for the Prophylactic Treatment of Metastatically Involved Vertebral Bodies [PhD thesis]. Berkeley, CA: Berkeley, University of California; 1999. |
2000 |
Nauman EA. The Analytical Design of a Hybrid Bone Substitute [PhD thesis]. Berkeley, CA: Berkeley, University of California; Spring 2000. |
2002 |
Morgan EF-i. The Dependence on Anatomic Site of Trabecular Bone Structure-Function Relationships [PhD thesis]. Berkeley, CA: Berkeley, University of California; 2002. |
2008 |
Bevill GR. Micromechanical Modeling of Failure in Trabecular Bone [PhD thesis]. Berkeley, CA: Berkeley, University of California; 2008. |
2010 |
Fields AJ. Trabecular Microarchitecture, Endplate Failure, and the Biomechanics of Human Vertebral Fractures [PhD thesis]. Berkeley, CA: Berkeley, University of California; 2010. |
1987 |
Stover SM. Dorsal Metacarpal Disease in Thoroughbred Horses: Relationship to the Development of the Third Metacarpal Bone [PhD thesis]. Davis, University of California; 1987. |
2000 |
Gibson VA. Fatigue Behavior of Equine Third Metacarpal Bone Tissue [PhD thesis]. Davis, University of California; 2000. |
2012 |
Hardisty MR. Not Tough Enough: Why Bone Turns Pale When it Feels Stressed [PhD thesis]. Davis, CA: Davis, University of California; 2012. |
2012 |
Evdokimenko E. Investigation Into Mechanical Properties of Bone and Its Main Constituents [PhD thesis]. San Diego (UCSD), University of California; 2012. |
1996 |
Rossi SA. The Prediction of Human Cortical Bone Strength Using the Finite-Element Method: A Study of the Flexural and Torsional Behavior of Femoral Shafts With Simulated Metastatic Lesions [PhD thesis]. San Francisco, University of California; 1996. |
2018 |
Hilton K. The Effect of Boundary Conditions and Architecture on the Response of Cancellous Bone [Master's thesis]. Cape Town, South Africa: University of Cape Town; October 18, 2018. |
2012 |
Altman AR. Does a More Natural Strike Pattern Help to Protect Barefoot Runners from Injury? [PhD thesis]. University of Delaware; Summer 2012. |
1988 |
Kim YE. An Analytical Investigation of Ligamentous Lumbar Spine Mechanics University of Iowa; May 1988. |
1989 |
Anderson DD. Finite Element Analyses of the Impulsively Loaded Extension-Splinted Rabbit Knee [PhD thesis]. University of Iowa; December 1989. |
1994 |
Rudert MJ. Bone Grafting for Femoral Head Osteonecrosis: Automated Creation of Patient-Specific Finite Element Models [PhD thesis]. University of Iowa; December 1994. |
1996 |
Adams DJ. Mechanical Factors Initiating Appositional Bone Formation [PhD thesis]. University of Iowa; May 1996. |
2002 |
Beardsley CL. Development of Quantitative Measures for Bone Comminution Severity [PhD thesis]. University of Iowa; May 2002. |
2020 |
Amromanoh OA. An Experimental Study of the Effect of Bone Inorganic-Organic Composition on the Mechanical Properties [Master's thesis]. Winnipeg, MB: University of Manitoba; April 2020. |
1991 |
Choi K. The Micro Mechanical Properties of Bone Tissue [PhD thesis]. University of Michigan; 1991. |
1991 |
Hollister SJ. Homogenization Analysis of Trabecular Bone and Prediction Ofbone Ingrowth Using Topology Optimization [PhD thesis]. University of Michigan; 1991. |
1993 |
Goulet RW. The Quantification of the Structure and Mechanical Properties of Trabecular Bone [PhD thesis]. University of Michigan; 1993. |
1993 |
McCubbrey DA. The Macroscopic Architectural Properties of Vertebral Trabecular Bone and Their Relation to Whole Vertebral Failure Loads [PhD thesis]. University of Michigan; 1993. |
1994 |
Ciarelli MJ. Characterization of Growth Plate Cartilage Compressive Properties [PhD thesis]. University of Michigan; 1994. |
1994 |
Jepsen KJ. Characterization of the Hierarchical Composite Properties of Cortical Bone: A Transgenic Approach [PhD thesis]. University of Michigan; 1994. |
1995 |
Guldberg RE. Mechanical Adaptation of Trabecular Bone Formation in Vivo [PhD thesis]. University of Michigan; 1995. |
1995 |
Waanders NA. A Distraction Osteogenesis Model to Investigate the Influence of the Mechanical Environment on Bone Formation [PhD thesis]. University of Michigan; 1995. |
1996 |
Rouleau JP. The Influence of Cyclic Strain Amplitude and Timing of Mechanical Stimulation on Secondary Fracture Healing [PhD thesis]. University of Michigan; 1996. |
2006 |
Seong W-J. Relationships Between the Physical Properties of Human Jawbone and the Initial Stability of Dental Implant, and Their Dependency on Anatomical Regions of Jawbone [PhD thesis]. University of Minnesota; April 2006. |
2019 |
Martig S. Compressive Fatigue Life and Micromorphology of Equine Metacarpal Subchondral Bone [PhD thesis]. University of Melbourne; June 2019. |
1981 |
Ruff CB. Structural Changes in the Lower Limb Bones With Aging At Pecos Pueblo [PhD thesis]. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania; 1981. |
1995 |
Grimm MJ. Ultrasound Propagation Through the Calcaneus: Dependence on “Bone Quality” and Prediction by Biot's Theory [PhD thesis]. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania; 1995. |
1999 |
Livingston TL. Bioactive Scaffold for Bone Tissue Engineering: An in Vivo Study [PhD thesis]. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania; 1999. |
2010 |
Wald MJ. Mapping Trabecular Bone Fabric Tensor by in Vivo Magnetic Resonance Imaging [PhD thesis]. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania; 2010. |
2016 |
McDonald MP. Predicting Distal Radius Failure Load During a Fall Using Mechanical Testing and Peripheral Quantitative Computed Tomography [Master's thesis]. University of Saskatchewan; December 2016. |
2018 |
Burnett WD. Relationships Between Image-Based and Mechanical Bone Properties With Pain in Knee Osteoarthritis [PhD thesis]. University of Saskatchewan; July 2018. |
2018 |
Hosseini Kalajahi SM. Addressing Partial Volume Artifacts With Quantitative Computed Tomography-Based Finite Element Modeling of the Human Proximal Tibia [Master's thesis]. University of Saskatchewan; April 2018. |
2020 |
Zaluski D. Validation of Subject Specific Computed Tomography-Based Finite Element Models of the Human Proximal Tibia Using Full-Field Experimental Displacement Measurements from Digital Volume Correlation [Master's thesis]. University of Saskatchewan; December 2020. |
2023 |
Yazdanpanah Z. 3D Printed Polycaprolactone/nano-Hydroxyapatite Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering in-Vitro [PhD thesis]. University of Saskatchewan; June 2023. |
1998 |
Vajda EG. Age-Related Changes in the Microstructure and Mineralization of the Female Proximal Femur [PhD thesis]. University of Utah; March 1998. |
2007 |
Anderson AE. Computational Modeling of Hip Joint Mechanics [PhD thesis]. University of Utah; April 2007. |
2013 |
Eleazer CD. The Interaction of Mechanical Loading and Metabolic Stress on Human Cortical Bone: Testing Anthropological Assumptions Using Cross-Sectional Geometry and Histomorphology [PhD thesis]. Knoxville, University of Tennessee; August 2013. |
2017 |
Gooding AF. Variation in Cortical Bone Distribution in the Aging Adult Appendicular Skeleton [PhD thesis]. Knoxville, University of Tennessee; December 2017. |
2011 |
Herblum R. Evaluation of the Micro Level Structural Integrity of the Spine Through Micro Finite Element Modeling and Histological Analysis [Master's thesis]. University of Toronto; 2011. |
2013 |
Gaspar AE. Beyond Bone Mineral Density: Detecting Changes in Fracture Risk in the Absence of Mineral Loss With the Mechanical Response Tissue Analyzer [Master's thesis]. University of Toronto; 2013. |
2013 |
Liu CC. Effects of a New Conjugate Drug in a Rat Model of Postmenopausal Osteoporosis [Master's thesis]. University of Toronto; 2013. |
2014 |
Pakdel Sefidgar AR. The Craniomaxillofacial Skeleton: New Approaches in Computational Biomechanics and Fracture Stabilization [PhD thesis]. University of Toronto; 2014. |
2009 |
Nakade R. Influence of Interfacial Properties and Inhomogeneity on Formation of Microdamage in Bone [Master's thesis]. San Antionio, TX: University of Texas at San Antonio; December 2009. |
2011 |
Islam A. Mechanistic Model of Nanoscratch Test to Determine the in Situ Toughness of Bone [Master's thesis]. San Antionio, TX: University of Texas at San Antonio; May 2011. |
2012 |
Samuel J. Effect of Hydrogen Bonding Ability, Dipole-Dipole Interactions and Viscosity of Extracellular Matrix Fluid on the Bone Mechanical Behavior [Master's thesis]. San Antionio, TX: University of Texas at San Antonio; May 2012. |
2015 |
Xu H. The Coupling Effect of Water and GAGs on the in Situ Toughness of Bone Are Age-Dependent [Master's thesis]. San Antionio, TX: University of Texas at San Antonio; December 2015. |
1999 |
Pellettiere JA. A Dynamic Material Model for Bone [PhD thesis]. Charlottesville, VA: University of Virginia; January 1999. |
2000 |
Duma SM. Injury Criteria for the Small Female Upper Extremity [PhD thesis]. Charlottesville, VA: University of Virginia; August 2000. |
2000 |
Funk JR. The Effect of Active Muscle Tension on the Axial Impact Tolerance of the Human Foot/ankle Complex [PhD thesis]. Charlottesville, VA: University of Virginia; August 2000. |
2006 |
Ali T. The Aging Human Thorax: Structural and Material Characterization [Master's thesis]. Charlottesville, VA: University of Virginia; January 2006. |
2008 |
Kerrigan JR. A Computationally Efficient Mathematical Model of the Pedestrian Lower Extremity [PhD thesis]. Charlottesville, VA: University of Virginia; January 2008. |
2016 |
Bailey AM. Injury Assessment for the Human Leg Exposed to Axial Impact Loading [PhD thesis]. Charlottesville, VA: University of Virginia; September 2016. |
2016 |
Boruah S. A Viscoelastic Model for High Strain Rate Loading of the Human Calvarium [PhD thesis]. Charlottesville, VA: University of Virginia; May 2016. |
2006 |
Panzer MB. Numerical Modelling of the Human Cervical Spine in Frontal Impact [Master's thesis]. University of Waterloo; 2006. |
2018 |
Khor F. Computational Modeling of Hard Tissue Response and Fracture in the Lower Cervical Spine Under Compression Including Age Effects [Master's thesis]. University of Waterloo; 2018. |
2022 |
Martel DR. Contributors to Proximal Femur Fracture Force: Multiscale Considerations of Rate, Toughness, and Bone Composition [PhD thesis]. University of Waterloo; 2022. |
2011 |
Burkhart TA. Biomechanics of the Upper Extremity in Response to Dynamic Impact Loading Indicative of a Forward Fall: An Experimental and Numerical Investigation [PhD thesis]. University of Windsor; 2011. |
2003 |
Cormier JM. Microstructural and Mechanical Properties of Human Ribs [Master's thesis]. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; April 22, 2003. |
2005 |
Anderson DE. An Investigation of the Mechanical Implications of Sacroplasty Using Finite Element Models Based on Tomographic Image Data [Master's thesis]. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; April 25, 2005. |
2010 |
Anderson DE. An Examination of Age-Related Differences in Lower Extremity Joint Torques and Strains in the Proximal Femur During Gait [PhD thesis]. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; March 26, 2010. |
2020 |
Ceritano DW. Sex-Based Differences in Calcaneal Injury Tolerances Under High-Rate Loading [Master's thesis]. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; May 22, 2020. |
1985 |
Yang KH. An Experimental and Analytical Study of the Mechanism of Facet Load Transmission [PhD thesis]. Detroit, MI: Wayne State University; May 1985. |
1995 |
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2023 |
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