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2001 |
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2001 |
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2001 |
Keaveny TM. Strength of trabecular bone. In: Cowin SC, ed. Bone Mechanics Handbook. 2nd ed. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press; 2001:16-1–16-42. |
2021 |
Peña Fernández M, Kao AP, Bonithon R, Howells D, link="bodey-andrew-j"Bodey AJ, Wanelik K, Witte F, Johnston R, Arora H, Tozzi G. Time-resolved in situ synchrotron-microct: 4D deformation of bone and bone analogues using digital volume correlation. Acta Biomater. September 1, 2021;131:424. |
2004 |
Hung CT, Mauck RL, Wang CC-B, Lima EG, Ateshian GA. A paradigm for functional tissue engineering of articular cartilage via applied physiologic deformational loading. Ann Biomed Eng. January 2004;32(1):35-49. |
2001 |
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2008 |
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2010 |
Harrison NM, McHugh PE. Comparison of trabecular bone behavior in core and whole bone samples using high-resolution modeling of a vertebral body. Biomech Model Mechanobiol. 2010;9(4):469-480. |
1997 |
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1998 |
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2000 |
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2006 |
Nazarian A, Stauber M, Zurakowski D, Snyder BD, Müller R. The interaction of microstructure and volume fraction in predicting failure in cancellous bone. Bone. December 2006;39(6):1196-1202. |
2007 |
Perilli E, Baleani M, Öhman C, Baruffaldi F, Viceconti M. Structural parameters and mechanical strength of cancellous bone in the femoral head in osteoarthritis do not depend on age. Bone. November 2007;41(5):760-768. |
2018 |
Zhao S, Arnold M, Ma S, Abel RL, Cobb JP, Hansen U, Boughton O. Standardizing compression testing for measuring the stiffness of human bone. Bone Joint Res. August 2018;7(8):524-538. |
2008 |
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2008 |
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2009 |
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1993 |
Keaveny TM, Borchers RE, Gibson LJ, Hayes WC. Theoretical analysis of the experimental artifact in trabecular bone compressive modulus [published correction appears in J Biomech. 1993;26(9):1143]. J Biomech. April–May 1993;26(4-5):599-607. |
1994 |
Keaveny TM, Guo XE, Wachtel EF, McMahon TA, Hayes WC. Trabecular bone exhibits fully linear elastic behavior and yields at low strains. J Biomech. 1994;27(9):1127-1136. |
1994 |
Keaveny TM, Wachtel EF, Ford CM, Hayes WC. Differences between the tensile and compressive strengths of bovine tibial trabecular bone depend on modulus. J Biomech. 1994;27(9):1137-1146. |
1994 |
Keaveny TM, Wachtel EF, Guo XE, Hayes WC. Mechanical behavior of damaged trabecular bone. J Biomech. November 1994;27(11):1309-1318. |
1998 |
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1999 |
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2004 |
Nazarian A, Müller R. Time-lapsed microstructural imaging of bone failure behavior. J Biomech. 2004;37(1):55-65. |
2006 |
Guedes RM, Simões JA, Morais JL. Viscoelastic behaviour and failure of bovine cancellous bone under constant strain rate. J Biomech. 2006;39(1):49-60. |
2007 |
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2007 |
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2008 |
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2008 |
Harrison NM, McDonnell PF, O’Mahoney DC, Kennedy OD, O’Brien FJ, McHugh PE. Heterogeneous linear elastic trabecular bone modelling using micro-CT attenuation data and experimentally measured heterogeneous tissue properties. J Biomech. August 7, 2008;41(11):2589-2596. |
1993 |
Keaveny TM, Hayes WC. A 20-year perspective on the mechanical properties of trabecular bone. J Biomech Eng. November 1993;115(4B):534-542. |
1998 |
Bowman SM, Guo XE, Cheng DW, Keaveny TM, Gibson LJ, Hayes WC, McMahon TA. Creep contributes to the fatigue behavior of bovine trabecular bone. J Biomech Eng. October 1998;120(5):647-654. |
2001 |
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1994 |
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2005 |
Nazarian A, Stauber M, Müller R. Design and implementation of a novel mechanical testing system for cellular solids. J Biomed Mater Res. 2005;B73(2):400-411. |
2002 |
Rubin C, Turner AS, Müller R, Mittra E, McLeod K, Lin W, Qin Y. Quantity and quality of trabecular bone in the femur are enhanced by a strongly anabolic, noninvasive mechanical intervention. J Bone Miner Res. February 2002;17(2):349-357. |
2006 |
Stauber M, Rapillard L, van Lenthe GH, Zysset P, Müller R. Importance of individual rods and plates in the assessment of bone quality and their contribution to bone stiffness. J Bone Miner Res. April 2006;21(4):586-595. |
1998 |
Swartz SM, Parker A, Huo C. Theoretical and empirical scaling patterns and topological homology in bone trabeculae. J Exp Biol. February 1998;201(4):573-590. |
2011 |
Chen P-Y, McKittrick J. Compressive mechanical properties of demineralized and deproteinized cancellous bone. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater. October 2011;4(7):961-973. |
2012 |
Kelly N, McGarry JP. Experimental and numerical characterisation of the elasto-plastic properties of bovine trabecular bone and a trabecular bone analogue. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater. May 2012;9:184-197. |
2020 |
Acciaioli A, Falco L, Balean M. Measurement of apparent mechanical properties of trabecular bone tissue: accuracy and limitation of digital image correlation technique. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater. March 2020;103:103542. |
2020 |
Koria L, Mengoni M, Brockett C. Estimating tissue-level properties of porcine talar subchondral bone. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater. October 2020;110:103931. |
2007 |
Beaupied H, Lespessailles E, Benhamou C-L. Evaluation of macrostructural bone biomechanics. Joint Bone Spine. May 2007;74(3):233-239. |
1994 |
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1997 |
Keaveny TM, Pinilla TP, Crawford RP, Kopperdahl DL, Lou A. Systematic and random errors in compression testing of trabecular bone [published correction appears in J Orthop Res. 1995;17(1):151]. J Orthop Res. 1997;15(1):101-110. |
1998 |
Ladd AJC, Kinney JH, Haupt DL, Goldstein SA. Finite‐element modeling of trabecular bone: comparison with mechanical testing and determination of tissue modulus. J Orthop Res. September 1998;16(5):622-628. |
2009 |
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2005 |
Cook RB. Non-Invasively Assessed Skeletal Bone Status and Its Relationship to the Biomechanical Properties and Condition of Cancellous Bone [PhD thesis]. Cranfield, UK: Cranfield University; December 18, 2005. |
2019 |
Bin Rosli AH. Characterisation of Trabecular Bone Behaviour Under Impact [PhD thesis]. Edinburgh, Scotland: University of Edinburgh; 2019. |
1994 |
Zysset P. A Constitutive Law for Trabecular Bone [PhD thesis]. Lausanne, Switzerland: École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne; 1994. |
2005 |
Stauber M. Volumetric Spatial Decomposition of Porous Microstructures: A Framework for Element Based Analysis of Trabecular Bone [PhD thesis]. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zürich; 2005. |
2008 |
Nazarian A. Relative Interaction of Material and Structure in Normal and Pathologic Bone [PhD thesis]. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zürich; 2008. |
2023 |
Moshage SG. Non-Invasive Determinants of Juvenile Equine Bone Strength for Assessing Exercise Interventions [PhD thesis]. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; 2023. |
2001 |
Arthur Moore TL. Microdamage Accumulation in Bovine Trabecular Bone [PhD thesis]. Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology; June 2001. |
2015 |
Gargac J. Evaluation of Bone Healing, Damage, and Adaptation Using Computational Modeling and Image Processing Techniques [PhD thesis]. University of Notre Dame; July 2015. |
2012 |
Kelly N. An Experimental and Computational Investigation of the Inelastic Behaviour of Trabecular Bone [PhD thesis]. Galway, Ireland: National University of Ireland Galway; September 2012. |
2020 |
O’Sullivan LM. Time-Sequence of Biomechanical Adaption in Trabecular Tissue During Estrogen Deficiency [PhD thesis]. National University of Ireland Galway; March 2020. |
2012 |
Tozzi G. In Vitro Studies of Bone-Cement Interface and Related Work on Cemented Acetabular Replacement [PhD thesis]. Portsmouth, England: University of Portsmouth; May 29, 2012. |
2018 |
Peña Fernández M. X-Ray Biomechanical Imaging and Digital Volume Correlation of Bone: From Regeneration to Structure [PhD thesis]. Portsmouth, England: University of Portsmouth; December 2018. |
2005 |
Buie HR. Use of Finite Element Method Modelling and Rapid Prototyping to Study the Effect of Trabecular Bone Architecture on Apparent Mechanical Properties [Master's thesis]. Queen's University; November 2005. |
2013 |
Morton JJ. An Investigation of Rat Vertebra Failure Behaviour Under Uniaxial Compression Through Time-Lapsed Micro-CT Imaging [Master's thesis]. Queen's University; 2013. |
2022 |
Kunath BA. Design and Validation of an Open-Source 3D Printable Bioreactor System for Ex Vivo Bone Culture [Master's thesis]. Queen's University; June 2022. |
2011 |
Yao H. Microstructure-Based Characterization and Modeling of Trabecular Bone Deformation and Failure [PhD thesis]. Southern Methodist University; August 3, 2011. |
2004 |
McNamara LM. Biomechanical Origins of Osteoporosis [PhD thesis]. Trinity College Dublin; March 2004. |
2006 |
Gleeson JP. Composition and Mechanical Properties of Osteoarthritic Subchondral Trabecular Tibial Bone [PhD thesis]. Trinity College Dublin; November 2006. |
2001 |
Boyd SK. Microstructural Bone Adaptation in an Experimental Model of Osteoarthritis [PhD thesis]. Calgary, AB: University of Calgary; January 2001. |
2002 |
Wohl GR. Bone Mechanics in Transplanted Osteochondral Grafts [PhD thesis]. Calgary, AB: University of Calgary; September 2002. |
2003 |
Pardy CK. The Effects of Doxycycline on the Mechanical and Morphometric Properties of Early and Established Osteoarthritic Bone in a Canine Model Following Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury [Master's thesis]. Calgary, AB: University of Calgary; October 2003. |
2006 |
Powers MJ. The Mechanics of Bone Drilling: Experiment and Finite Element Predictions [PhD thesis]. Calgary, AB: University of Calgary; January 2006. |
2007 |
MacNeil JAM. Clinical Assessment of Bone Quality [PhD thesis]. Calgary, AB: University of Calgary; June 2007. |
2013 |
Enns-Bray WS. Mapping Anisotropy of the Proximal Femur for Improved Image-Based Finite Element Analysis [Master's thesis]. Calgary, AB: University of Calgary; August 2013. |
2004 |
Kazakia GJ. Development, Analysis, and Imaging of a Tissue Engineered Trabecular Bone Substitute [PhD thesis]. Berkeley, CA: Berkeley, University of California; 2004. |
2016 |
Chen C. Mechanical and Micro-Structural Modeling of Trabecular Bone by in Vivo Imaging [PhD thesis]. University of Iowa; December 2016. |
2012 |
Wilkerson LT. Finite Element Analysis of Cancellous Bone [Master's thesis]. University of Kentucky; 2012. |
2020 |
Amromanoh OA. An Experimental Study of the Effect of Bone Inorganic-Organic Composition on the Mechanical Properties [Master's thesis]. Winnipeg, MB: University of Manitoba; April 2020. |
1993 |
Goulet RW. The Quantification of the Structure and Mechanical Properties of Trabecular Bone [PhD thesis]. University of Michigan; 1993. |
2019 |
Martig S. Compressive Fatigue Life and Micromorphology of Equine Metacarpal Subchondral Bone [PhD thesis]. University of Melbourne; June 2019. |
2024 |
Benais R. Computational Modeling of Trabecular Bone Indentation and Development of a New Test Method to Perform Unconstrained Load-Induced Subsidence of an Intervertebral Body Fusion Device [Master's thesis]. University of Waterloo; 2024. |
2009 |
García-Rodríguez S. Mechanical Behavior of Trabecular Bone [PhD thesis]. University of Wisconsin – Madison; 2009. |