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2011 |
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2011 |
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2014 |
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2015 |
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2021 |
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2022 |
Ghasem-Zadeh A, Bui M, Seeman E, Boyd SK, Iuliano S, Jaipurwala R, Mount PF, Toussaint ND, Chiang C. Bone microarchitecture and estimated failure load are deteriorated whether patients with chronic kidney disease have normal bone mineral density, osteopenia or osteoporosis. Bone. January 2022;154:116260. |
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2022 |
Bruce OL, Baggaley M, Khassetarash A, Haider IT, Edwards WB. Tibial-fibular geometry and density variations associated with elevated bone strain and sex disparities in young active adults. Bone. August 2022;161:116443. |
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2022 |
Haider IT, Sawatsky A, Zhu Y, Page R, Kostenuik PJ, Boyd SK, Edwards WB. Denosumab treatment is associated with decreased cortical porosity and increased bone density and strength at the proximal humerus of ovariectomized cynomolgus monkeys. Bone. November 2022;164:116517. |
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2022 |
Zhao M, Tse JJ, Kuczynski MT, Brunet SC, Yan R, Engelke K, Peters M, van den Bergh JP, van Rietbergen B, Stok KS, Barnabe C, Pauchard Y, Manske SL. Open-source image analysis tool for the identification and quantification of cortical interruptions and bone erosions in high-resolution peripheral quantitative computed tomography images of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Bone. December 2022;165:116571. |
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2023 |
Bruce OL, Edwards WB. Sex disparities in tibia-fibula geometry and density are associated with elevated bone strain in females: a cross-validation study. Bone. August 2023;173:116803. |
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2024 |
Schadow JE, Maxey D, Smith TO, Finnilä MA, Manske SL, Segal NA, Wong AKO, Davey RA, Turmezei T, Stok KS. Systematic review of computed tomography parameters used for the assessment of subchondral bone in osteoarthritis. Bone. January 2024;178:116948. |
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2020 |
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2013 |
McCrory P, Meeuwisse WH, Aubry M, Cantu B, Dvořák J, Echemendia RJ, Engebretsen L, Johnston K, Kutcher JS, Raftery M, Sills A, Benson BW, Davis GA, Ellenbogen RG, Guskiewicz K, Herring SA, Iverson GL, Jordan BD, Kissick J, McCrea M, McIntosh AS, Maddocks D, Makdissi M, Purcell L, Putukian M, Schneider K, Tator CH, Turner M. Consensus statement on concussion in sport: the 4th International Conference on Concussion in Sport held in Zurich, November 2012. Br J Sports Med. April 2013;47(5):250-258. |
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2018 |
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2021 |
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2023 |
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2015 |
Khan AA, Morrison A, Hanley DA, Felsenberg D, McCauley LK, O'Ryan F, Reid IR, Ruggiero SL, Taguchi A, Tetradis S, Watts NB, Brandi ML, Peters E, Guise T, Eastell R, Cheung AM, Morin SN, Masri B, Cooper C, Morgan SL, Obermayer-Pietsch B, Langdahl BL, Al Dabagh R, Davison KS, Kendler DL, Sándor GK, Josse RG, Bhandari M, El Rabbany M, Pierroz DD, Sulimani R, Saunders DP, Brown JP, Compston J; International Task Force on Osteonecrosis of the Jaw. Diagnosis and management of osteonecrosis of the jaw: a systematic review and international consensus. J Bone Miner Res. January 2015;30(1):3-23. |
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2016 |
Burt LA, Liang Z, Sajobi TT, Hanley DA, Boyd SK. Sex‐ and site‐specific normative data curves for HR‐pQCT. J Bone Miner Res. November 2016;31(11):2041-2047. |
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2017 |
Manske SL, Davison EM, Burt LA, Raymond DA, Boyd SK. The estimation of second-generation HR-pQCT from first-generation -pQCT using in vivo cross-calibration. J Bone Miner Res. July 2017;32(7):1514-1524. |
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2018 |
Samelson EJ, Demissie S, Cupples LA, Zhang X, Xu H, Liu C-T, Boyd SK, McLean RR, Broe KE, Kiel DP, Bouxsein ML. Diabetes and deficits in cortical bone density, microarchitecture, and bone size: Framingham HR-pQCT study. J Bone Miner Res. January 2018;33(1):54-62. |
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2020 |
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2020 |
Tran T, Bliuc D, Pham HM, van Geel T, Adachi JD, Berger C, van den Bergh J, Eisman JA, Geusens P, Goltzman D, Hanley DA, Josse RG, Kaiser SM, Kovacs CS, Langsetmo L, Prior JC, Nguyen TV, Center JR; CaMoS Research Group. A risk assessment tool for predicting fragility fractures and mortality in the elderly. J Bone Miner Res. October 2020;35(10):1923-1934. |
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2020 |
Whittier DE, Burt LA, Hanley DA, Boyd SK. Sex‐ and site‐specific reference data for bone microarchitecture in adults measured using second‐generation HR‐pQCT. J Bone Miner Res. November 2020;35(11):2151-2158. |
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2020 |
Burt LA, Billington EO, Rose MS, Kremer R, Hanley DA, Boyd SK. Adverse effects of high‐dose vitamin D supplementation on volumetric bone density are greater in females than males. J Bone Miner Res. December 2020;35(12):2404-2414. |
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2021 |
Burt LA, Billington EO, Rose MS, Kremer R, Hanley DA, Boyd SK. Reply to effects of high‐dose vitaminD supplementation on bone fragility. J Bone Miner Res. March 2021;36(3):622-622. |
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2021 |
Burt LA, Billington EO, Rose MS, Kremer R, Hanley DA, Boyd SK. Reply to vitamin D supplements: is bone loss by HR-pQCT really negative? J Bone Miner Res. June 2021;36(6):1206-1207. |
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2021 |
Ma J, Siminoski K, Wang P, Jaremko JL, Koujok K, Matzinger MA, Shenouda N, Lentle B, Alos N, Cummings EA, Ho J, Houghton K, Miettunen PM, Scuccimarri R, Rauch F, Ward LM; Canadian STOPP Consortium. The accuracy of incident vertebral fracture detection in children using targeted case-finding approaches. J Bone Miner Res. July 2021;36(7):1255-1268. |
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2021 |
Edwards WB, Haider IT, Simonian N, Barroso J, Schnitzer TJ. Durability and delayed treatment effects of zoledronic acid on bone loss after spinal cord injury: a randomized, controlled trial. J Bone Miner Res. November 2021;36(11):2127-2138. |
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2022 |
Edwards WB, Haider IT, Simonian N, Barroso J, Schnitzer TJ. Reply to letter to the editor regarding “Durability and delayed treatment effects of zoledronic acid on bone loss after spinal cord injury: a randomized, controlled trial”. J Bone Miner Res. January 2022;37(1):169-170. |
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2022 |
Poole KES, Treece GM, Pearson RA, Gee AH, Bolognese MA, Brown JP, Goemaere S, Grauer A, Hanley DA, Mautalen C, Recknor C, Yang Y-C, Rojeski M, Libanati C, Whitmarsh T. Romosozumab enhances vertebral bone structure in women with low bone density. J Bone Miner Res. February 2022;37(2):256-264. |
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2022 |
Whittier DE, Samelson EJ, Hannan MT, Burt LA, Hanley DA, Biver E, Szulc P, Sornay-Rendu E, Merle B, Chapurlat R, Lespessailles E, Wong AKO, Goltzman D, Khosla S, Ferrari S, Bouxsein ML, Kiel DP, Boyd SK. Bone microarchitecture phenotypes identified in older adults are associated with different levels of osteoporotic fracture risk. J Bone Miner Res. March 2022;37(3):428-439. |
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2022 |
Tseng W-J, Lee W, Zhao H, Liu Y, Wang W, de Bakker CMJ, Li Y, Osuna C, Tong W, Wang L, Ma X, Qin L, Liu XS. Short cyclic regimen with parathyroid hormone (PTH) results in prolonged anabolic effect relative to continuous treatment followed by discontinuation in ovariectomized rats. J Bone Miner Res. April 2022;37(4):616-628. |
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2022 |
Bliuc D, Tran T, Adachi JD, Atkins GJ, Berger C, van den Bergh J, Cappai R, Eisman JA, van Geel T, Geusens P, Goltzman D, Hanley DA, Josse R, Kaiser S, Kovacs CS, Langsetmo L, Prior JC, Nguyen TV, Solomon LB, Stapledon C, Center JR; CaMos Research Group. Reply to: the association between cognitive decline and bone loss and fracture risk is not affected by medication with anticholinergic effect. J Bone Miner Res. May 2022;37(5):1075-1076. |
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2022 |
Bobillier A, Wagner P, Whittier DE, Ecochard R, Boyd SK, Chapurlat R, Szulc P. Association of vitamin D and parathyroid hormone status with the aging-related decline of bone microarchitecture in older men: the Prospective Structure of Aging Men's Bones (STRAMBO) study. J Bone Miner Res. October 2022;37(10):1903-1914. |
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2022 |
Whittier DE, Manske SL, Billington E, Walker RE, Schneider PS, Burt LA, Hanley DA, Boyd SK. Hip fractures in older adults are associated with the low density bone phenotype and heterogeneous deterioration of bone microarchitecture. J Bone Miner Res. October 2022;37(10):1963-1972. |
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2022 |
Khan AA, Bilezikian JP, Brandi ML, Clarke BL, Gittoes NJ, Pasieka JL, Rejnmark L, Shoback DM, Potts JT, Guyatt GH, Mannstadt M. Evaluation and management of hypoparathyroidism summary statement and guidelines from the second international workshop. J Bone Miner Res. December 2022;37(12):2568-2585. |
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2022 |
Pasieka JL, Wentworth K, Yeo CT, Cremers S, Dempster D, Fukumoto S, Goswami R, Houillier P, Levine MA, Pasternak JD, Perrier ND, Sitges-Serra A, Shoback DM. Etiology and pathophysiology of hypoparathyroidism: a narrative review. J Bone Miner Res. December 2022;37(12):2586-2601. |
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2023 |
Haider IT, Loundagin LL, Sawatsky A, Kostenuik PJ, Boyd SK, Edwards WB. Twelve months of denosumab and/or alendronate is associated with improved bone fatigue life, microarchitecture, and density in ovariectomized cynomolgus monkeys. J Bone Miner Res. March 2023;38(3):403-413. |
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2023 |
Murdoch R, Mellar A, Horne AM, Billington E, Chan PL, Gamble GD, Reid IR. Effect of a three-day course of dexamethasone on acute phase response following treatment with zoledronate: a randomized controlled trial. J Bone Miner Res. May 2023;38(5):631-638. |
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2023 |
Gunsing E, Wagner PP, Whittier DE, Boyd SK, Chapurlat R, Szulc P. Rapid cortical bone loss at the distal radius is associated with higher risk of fracture in older men: the STRAMBO study. J Bone Miner Res. June 2023;38(6):841-850. |
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2023 |
Edwards WB, Haider IT, Simonian N, Barroso J, Schnitzer TJ. Correction to “ durability and delayed treatment effects of zoledronic acid on bone loss after spinal cord injury a randomized, controlled trial ”[published correction appears in J Bone Miner Res. November 2021;36(11):2127-2138]. J Bone Miner Res. July 2023;38(7):1043. |
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2023 |
Halton JM, Ma J, Babyn P, Matzinger MA, Kaste SC, Scharke M, Fernandez CV, Miettunen P, Ho J, Alos N, Abish S, Barr R, Cairney E, Dix DB, Grant RM, Israels S, Lewis V, Wilson B, Atkinson S, Cabral D, Cummings E, Rodd C, Stein R, Sbrocchi AM, Jaremko JL, Koujok K, Shenouda N, Rauch F, Siminoski K, Ward LM; Canadian STOPP Consortium. Reductions in bone mineral density are apparent early in children with prevalent osteonecrosis lesions following leukemia therapy. J Bone Miner Res. August 2023;38(8):1104-1115. |
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2023 |
Whittier DE, Samelson EJ, Hannan MT, Burt LA, Hanley DA, Biver E, Szulc P, Sornay-Rendu E, Merle B, Chapurlat R, Lespessailles E, Wong AKO, Goltzman D, Khosla S, Ferrari S, Bouxsein ML, Kiel DP, Boyd SK. A fracture risk assessment tool for high resolution peripheral quantitative computed tomography. J Bone Miner Res. September 2023;38(9):1234-1244. |
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2023 |
Burt LA, Kaufmann M, Rose MS, Jones G, Billington EO, Boyd SK, Hanley DA. Measurements of the vitamin d metabolome in the Calgary vitamin D study: relationship of vitamin D metabolites to bone loss. J Bone Miner Res. September 2023;38(9):1312-1321. |
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