1997 |
Reinschmidt C, van den Bogert AJ, Murphy N, Lundberg A, Nigg BM. Tibiocalcaneal motion during running, measured with external and bone markers. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). January 1997;12(1):8-16. |
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2000 |
Stacoff A, Reinschmidt C, Nigg BM, van den Bogert AJ, Lundberg A, Denoth J, Stüssi E. Effects of foot orthoses on skeletal motion during running. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). January 2000;15(1):54-64. |
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2000 |
Stacoff A, Nigg BM, Reinschmidt C, van den Bogert AJ, Lundberg A, Stüssi E, Denoth J. Movement coupling at the ankle during the stance phase of running. Foot Ankle Int. 2000;21(3):232-239. |
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1997 |
Reinschmidt C, van den Bogert AJ, Lundberg A, Nigg BM, Murphy N, Stacoff A, Stano A. Tibiofemoral and tibiocalcaneal motion during walking: external vs. skeletal markers. Gait Post. October 1997;6(2):98-109. |
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1997 |
Reinschmidt C, van den Bogert A, Nigg B, Lundberg A, Murphy N. Effect of skin movement on the analysis of skeletal knee joint motion during running. J Biomech. July 1997;30(7):729-732. |
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2000 |
Stacoff A, Nigg BM, Reinschmidt C, van den Bogert AJ, Lundberg A. Tibiocalcaneal kinematics of barefoot versus shod running. J Biomech. 2000;33(11):1387-1395. |
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1996 |
Stacoff A, Steger J, Stüssi E, Reinschmidt C. Lateral stability in sideward cutting movements. Med Sci Sports Exer. 1996;28(3):350-358. |
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2001 |
Stacoff A, Reinschmidt C, Nigg BM, Van Den Bogert AJ, Lundberg A, Denoth J, Stüssi E. Effects of shoe sole construction on skeletal motion during running. Med Sci Sports Exer. February 2001;33(2):311-319. |
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