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1 | Albert, Devon L. Variations in user implementation of the CORA rating metric |
1 |
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1 | Albert, Devon L. Variations in user implementation of the CORA rating metric |
1 |
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227 | Parent, Daniel; Craig, Matthew; Moorhouse, Kevin Biofidelity evaluation of the THOR and Hybrid III 50th percentile male frontal impact anthropomorphic test devices |
27 |
175 | Butz, Kent; Spurlock, Chad; Roy, Rajarshi; Bell, Cameron; Barrett, Paul; Ward, Aaron; Xiao, Xudong; Shirley, Allen; Welch, Colin; Liste, Kevin Development of the CAVEMAN human body model: validation of lower extremity sub-injurious response to vertical accelerative loading |
2 |
101 | Kitagawa, Yuichi; Hayashi, Shigeki; Yamada, Katsunori; Gotoh, Mitsuaki Occupant kinematics in simulated autonomous driving vehicle collisions: influence of seating position, direction and angle |
20 |
67 | Hu, Jingwen; Reed, Matthew P.; Rupp, Jonathan D.; Fischer, Kurt; Lange, Paul; Adler, Angelo Optimizing seat belt and airbag designs for rear seat occupant protection in frontal crashes |
12 |
27 | Lebarbé, Matthieu; Vezin, Philippe; Rongiéras, Frédéric; Lafont, Denis Human shoulder response to high velocity lateral impact |
2 |
1 | Arun, Mike W. J.; Hadagali, Prasannaah; Driesslein, Klaus; Curry, William; Yoganandan, Narayan; Pintar, Frank A. Biomechanics of lumbar motion-segments in dynamic compression |
5 |
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473 | Hwang, Eunjoo; Hu, Jingwen; Chen, Cong; Klein, Katelyn F.; Miller, Carl S.; Reed, Matthew P.; Rupp, Jonathan D.; Hallman, Jason J. Development, evaluation, and sensitivity analysis of parametric finite element whole-body human models in side impacts |
21 |
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497 | Strandroth, Johan; Sternlund, Simon; Tingvall, Claes; Johansson, Roger; Rizzi, Matteo; Kullgren, Anders A new method to evaluate future impact of vehicle safety technology in Sweden |
1 |
423 | Wood, Lauren K.; Miller, Carl S.; Madura, Nathaniel H.; Reed, Matthew P.; Schneider, Lawrence W.; Klinich, Kathleen D.; Rupp, Jonathan D. Response and tolerance of female and/or elderly PMHS to lateral impact |
7 |
385 | Poulard, David; Subit, Damien; Donlon, John-Paul; Lessley, David J.; Kim, Taewung; Park, Gwansik; Kent, Richard W. The contribution of pre-impact spine posture on human body model response in whole-body side impact |
4 |
361 | Vavalle, Nicholas A.; Schoell, Samantha L.; Weaver, Ashley A.; Stitzel, Joel D.; Gayzik, F. Scott Application of radial basis function methods in the development of a 95th percentile male seated FEA model |
15 |
317 | Zhang, Qi; Lessley, David J.; Riley, Patrick; Toczyski, Jacek; Lockerby, Jack; Foltz, Patrick; Overby, Brian; Seppi, Jeremy; Crandall, Jeff R.; Kerrigan, Jason R. Occupant kinematics in laboratory rollover tests: ATD response and biofidelity |
6 |
251 | Lessley, David J.; Riley, Patrick; Zhang, Qi; Foltz, Patrick; Overby, Brian; Heltzel, Sara; Sochor, Mark; Crandall, Jeff; Kerrigan, Jason R. Occupant kinematics in laboratory rollover tests: PMHS response |
6 |
233 | Matsui, Yasuhiro; Oikawa, Shoko; Aoki, Yoshio; Sekine, Michiaki; Mitobe, Kazutaka Features of the vision of elderly pedestrians when crossing a road |
0 |
197 | Petit, Philippe; Trosseille, Xavier; Dufaure, Nicolas; Dubois, Denis; Potier, Pascal; Vallancien, Guy The effect of upper body mass and initial knee flexion on the injury outcome of post mortem human subject pedestrian isolated legs |
0 |
175 | Prasad, Priya; Dalmotas, Dainius; German, Alan The field relevance of NHTSA’s oblique research moving deformable barrier tests |
6 |
145 | Mueller, Becky C.; Brethwaite, Andrew S.; Zuby, David S.; Nolan, Joseph M. Structural design strategies for improved small overlap crashworthiness performance |
4 |
123 | Yoganandan, Narayan; Moore, Jason; Arun, Mike W. J.; Pintar, Frank A. Dynamic responses of intact post mortem human surrogates from inferior-to-superior loading at the pelvis |
9 |
103 | Baudrit, Pascal; Petitjean, Audrey; Potier, Pascal; Trosseille, Xavier; Vallencien, Guy Comparison of the thorax dynamic responses of small female and midsize male post mortem human subjects in side and forward oblique impact tests |
10 |
63 | Alvarez, Victor S.; Halldin, Peter; Kleiven, Svein The influence of neck muscle tonus and posture on brain tissue strain in pedestrian head impacts |
7 |
29 | Giordano, Chiara; Kleiven, Svein Evaluation of axonal strain as a predictor for mild traumatic brain injuries using finite element modeling |
32 |
1 | Bartsch, Adam; Samorezov, Sergey; Benzel, Edward; Miele, Vincent; Brett, Daniel Validation of an “intelligent mouthguard” single event head impact dosimeter |
15 |
vii | Newman, James A. The road to understanding head protection: detours, potholes and speed bumps along the way |
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407 | El-Jawahri, Raed E.; Laituri, Tony R.; Ruan, Jesse S.; Rouhana, Stephen W.; Barbat, Saeed D. Development and validation of age-dependent FE human models of a mid-sized male thorax |
25 |
381 | Rouhana, Stephen W.; El-Jawahri, Raed E.; Laituri, Tony R. Biomechanical considerations for abdominal loading by seat belt pretensioners |
7 |
337 | Kindig, Matthew W.; Lau, Anthony G.; Forman, Jason L.; Kent, Richard W. Structural response of cadaveric ribcages under a localized loading: stiffness and kinematic trends |
25 |
289 | Lessley, David; Shaw, Greg; Parent, Daniel; Arregui-Dalmases, Carlos; Kindig, Matthew; Riley, Patrick; Purtsezov, Sergey; Sochor, Mark; Gochenour, Thomas; Bolton, James; Subit, Damien; Crandall, Jeff; Takayama, Shinichi; Ono, Koshiro; Kamiji, Koichi; Yasuki, Tsuyoshi Whole-body response to pure lateral impact |
30 |
259 | Trosseille, Xavier; Petitjean, Audrey Sensitivity of the WorldSID 50th and ES-2re thoraces to loading configuration |
4 |
227 | Hallman, Jason J.; Yoganandan, Narayan; Pintar, Frank A. Biomechanical and injury response to posterolateral loading from torso side airbags |
14 |
211 | Zhu, Feng; Mao, Haojie; Leonardi, Alessandra Dal Cengio; Wagner, Christina; Chou, Clifford; Jin, Xin; Bir, Cynthia; VandeVord, Pamela; Yang, King H.; King, Albert I. Development of an FE model of the rat head subjected to air shock loading |
13 |
197 | Matsui, Yasuhiro; Nishimoto, Tetsuya Nerve level traumatic brain injury in in vivo/in vitro experiments |
1 |
167 | Loyd, Andre M.; Nightingale, Roger; Bass, Cameron R. Dale; Mertz, Harold J.; Frush, Donald; Daniel, Clark; Lee, Calvin; Marcus, Jeffrey R.; Mukundan, Srinivasan; Myers, Barry S. Pediatric head contours and inertial properties for ATD design |
7 |
133 | Pintar, Frank A.; Yoganandan, Narayan; Maiman, Dennis J. Lower cervical spine loading in frontal sled tests using inverse dynamics: potential applications for lower neck injury criteria |
17 |
119 | Brumbelow, Matthew L.; Blanar, Laura Evaluation of US rear underride guard regulation for large trucks using real-world crashes |
4 |
93 | Helmer, Thomas; Ebner, Adrian; Samaha, Randa Radwan; Scullion, Paul; Kates, Ronald Injury risk to specific body regions of pedestrians in frontal vehicle crashes modeled by empirical, in-depth accident data |
3 |
73 | Klinich, Kathleen D.; Flannagan, Carol A. C.; Nicholson, Kristen; Schneider, Lawrence W.; Rupp, Jonathan D. Factors associated with abdominal injury in frontal, farside, and nearside crashes |
16 |
49 | Prasad, Priya; Mertz, Harold J.; Dalmotas, Dainius J.; Augenstein, Jeffrey S.; Digges, Kennerly Evaluation of the field relevance of several injury risk functions |
7 |
37 | Rousseau, Philippe; Hoshizaki, T. Blaine; Gilchrist, Michael D.; Post, Andrew Estimating the influence of neckform compliance on brain tissue strain during a helmeted impact |
10 |
19 | Irwin, Annette L.; Mertz, Harold J. Rationale for and dimensions of impact surfaces for biofidelity tests of different sizes of frontal and side impact dummies |
3 |
1 | Nusholtz, Guy S.; Hsu, Timothy P.; Luna, Manuel Alejandro Gracian; DiDomenico, Laura; Kochekseraii, Sadegh Babaii The consequences of average curve generation: implications for biomechanics data |
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443 | Petitjean, Audrey; Trosseille, Xavier; Petit, Philippe; Irwin, Annette; Hassan, Joe; Praxl, Norbert Injury risk curves for the worldSID 50th male dummy |
16 |
421 | Philippens, M.; Wismans, J.; Forbes, P. A.; Yoganandan, N.; Pintar, F. A.; Soltis, S. J. ES2 neck injury assessment reference values for lateral loading in side facing seats |
7 |
403 | Trosseille, Xavier; Baudrit, Pascal; Leport, Tiphaine; Petitjean, Audrey; Potier, Pascal; Vallancien, Guy The effect of angle on the chest injury outcome in side loading |
14 |
373 | Kent, Richard; Salzar, Robert; Kerrigan, Jason; Parent, Daniel; Lessley, David; Sochor, Mark; Luck, Jason F.; Loyd, Andre; Song, Yin; Nightingale, Roger; Bass, Cameron R. Dale; Maltese, Matthew R. Pediatric thoracoabdominal biomechanics |
25 |
329 | Arbogast, Kristy B.; Balasubramanian, Sriram; Seacrist, Thomas; Maltese, Matthew R.; García-España, J. Felipe; Hopely, Terrence; Constans, Eric; Lopez-Valdes, Francisco J.; Kent, Richard W.; Tanji, Hiromasa; Higuchi, Kazuo Comparison of kinematic responses of the head and spine for children and adults in low-speed frontal sled tests |
70 |
291 | Chang, Chia-Yuan; Rupp, Jonathan D.; Reed, Matthew P.; Hughes, Richard E.; Schneider, Lawrence W. Predicting the effects of musce activation on knee, thigh, and hip injuries in frontal crashes using a finite-element model with muscle forces from subject testing and musculoskeletal modeling |
17 |
251 | Ivarsson, B. Johan; Genovese, Daniel; Crandall, Jeff R.; Bolton, James R.; Untaroiu, Costin D.; Bose, Dipan The tolerance of the femoral shaft in combined axial compression and bending loading |
13 |
229 | McKay, Brian J.; Bir, Cynthia A. Lower extremity injury criteria for evaluating military vehicle occupant injury in underbelly blast events |
42 |
215 | Zhang, Jiangyue; Pintar, Frank A.; Yoganandan, Narayan; Gennarelli, Thomas A.; Son, Steven F. Experimental study of blast-induced traumatic brain injury using a physical head model |
4 |
193 | Fijalkowski, Ronald J.; Yoganandan, Narayan; Zhang, Jiangyue; Pintar, Frank A. A finite element model of region-specific response for mild diffuse brain injury |
14 |
155 | Song, Eric ; Trosseille, Xavier; Baudrit, Pascal Evaluation of thoracic deflection as an injury criterion for side impact using a finite elements thorax model |
23 |
127 | Beillas, Philippe; Lafon, Yoann; Smith, Francis W. The effects of posture and subject-to-subject variations on the position, shape and volume of abdominal and thoracic organs |
26 |
93 | Vezin, P.; Berthet, F. Structural characterization of human rib cage behavior under dynamic loading |
18 |
75 | Sahraei, Elham; Soudbakhsh, Damoon; Digges, Kennerly Protection of rear seat occupants in frontal crashes, controlling for occupant and crash characteristics |
8 |
49 | Forman, Jason; Lopez-Valdes, Francisco; Lessley, David; Kindig, Matthew; Kent, Richard; Ridella, Stephen; Bostrom, Ola Rear seat occupant safety: an investigation of a progressive force-limiting, pretensioning 3-point belt system using adult PMHS in frontal sled tests |
42 |
1 | Shaw, Greg; Parent, Dan; Purtsezov, Sergey; Lessley, David; Crandall, Jeff; Kent, Richard; Guillemot, Herve; Ridella, Stephen A.; Takhounts, Erik; Martin, Peter Impact response of restrained PMHS in frontal sled tests: skeletal deformation patterns under seat belt loading |
104 |
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527 | Kerrigan, Jason R.; Crandall, Jeff R.; Deng, Bing A comparative analysis of the pedestrian injury risk predicted by mechanical impactors and post mortem human surrogates |
22 |
505 | Ruan, Jesse S.; El-Jawahri, Raed; Barbat, Saeed; Rouhana, Stephen W.; Prasad, Priya Impact response and biomechanical analysis of the knee-thigh-hip complex in frontal impacts with a full human body finite element model |
9 |
475 | Chang, Chia-Yuan; Rupp, Jonathan D.; Kikuchi, Noboru; Schneider, Lawrence W. Development of a finite element model to study the effects of muscle forces on knee-thigh-hip injuries in frontal crashes |
20 |
421 | Rupp, Jonathan D.; Miller, Carl S.; Reed, Matthew P.; Madura, Nathaniel H.; Klinich, Kathleen D.; Schneider, Lawrence W. Characterization of knee-thigh-hip response in frontal impacts using biomechanical testing and computational simulations |
22 |
379 | Kemper, Andrew R.; McNally, Craig; Kennedy, Eric A.; Manoogian, Sarah J.; Duma, Stefan M. The influence of arm position on thoracic response in side impacts |
37 |
363 | Hayashi, Shigeki; Yasuki, Tsuyoshi; Kitagawa, Yuichi Occupant kinematics and estimated effectiveness of side airbags in pole side impacts using a human FE model with internal organs |
16 |
349 | Otte, Dietmar; Haasper, Carl; Eis, Volker; Schaefer, Roland Characteristics of pole impacts to side of passenger cars in European traffic accidents and assessment of injury mechanisms: analysis of German and UK in-depth data |
0 |
327 | Newland, Craig; Belcher, Thomas; Bostrom, Ola; Gabler, Hampton C.; Cha, Joon-Geun; Wong, Hee Loong; Tylko, Suzanne; Dal Nevo, Ross Occupant-to-occupant interaction and impact injury risk in side impact crashes |
12 |
295 | Michaelson, Jarett; Forman, Jason; Kent, Richard; Kuppa, Shashi Rear seat occupant safety: kinematics and injury of PMHS restrained by a standard 3-point belt in frontal crashes |
32 |
267 | Lamielle, Sophie; Vezin, Philippe; Verriest, Jean-Pierre; Petit, Philippe; Trosseille, Xavier; Vallancien, Guy 3D deformation and dynamics of the human cadaver abdomen under seatbelt loading |
19 |
233 | Hardy, Warren N.; Shah, Chirag S.; Mason, Matthew J.; Kopacz, James M.; Yang, King H.; King, Albert I.; Van Ee, Chris A.; Bishop, Jennifer L.; Banglmaier, Richard F.; Bey, Michael J.; Morgan, Richard M.; Digges, Kennerly H. Mechanisms of traumatic rupture of the aorta and associated peri-isthmic motion and deformation |
21 |
205 | Trosseille, Xavier; Baudrit, Pascal; Leport, Tiphaine; Vallancien, Guy Rib cage strain pattern as a function of chest loading configuration |
52 |
187 | Prasad, Priya; Schneider, Lawrence W.; Hardy, Warren N. Interactions of out-of-position small-female surrogates with a depowered driver airbag |
4 |
167 | Manoogian, Sarah J.; McNally, Craig; Stitzel, Joel D.; Duma, Stefan M. Dynamic biaxial tissue properties of pregnant porcine uterine tissue |
5 |
135 | Kent, Richard; Stacey, Stephen; Kindig, Matthew; Woods, William; Evans, Jay; Rouhana, Stephen W.; Higuchi, Kazuo; Tanji, Hiromasa; St. Lawrence, Schuyler; Arbogast, Kristy B. Biomechanical response of the pediatric abdomen, II: injuries and their correlation with engineering parameters |
24 |
107 | Luck, Jason F.; Nightingale, Roger W.; Loyd, Andre M.; Prange, Michael T.; Dibb, Alan T.; Song, Yin; Fronheiser, Lucy; Myers, Barry S. Tensile mechanical properties of the perinatal and pediatric PMHS osteoligamentous cervical spine |
24 |
83 | Maltese, Matthew R.; Castner, Thomas; Niles, Dana; Nishisaki, Akira; Balasubramanian, Sriram; Nysaether, Jon; Sutton, Robert; Nadkarni, Vinay; Arbogast, Kristy B. Methods for determining pediatric thoracic force-deflection characteristics from cardiopulmonary resuscitation |
22 |
59 | Danelson, Kerry A.; Geer, Carol P.; Stitzel, Joel D.; Slice, Dennis E.; Takhounts, Erik G. Age and gender based biomechanical shape and size analysis of the pediatric brain |
16 |
33 | Hubbard, Raymond D.; Quinn, Kyle P.; Martinez, Joan J.; Winkelstein, Beth A. The role of graded nerve root compression on axonal damage, neuropeptide changes, and pain-related behaviors |
9 |
1 | Takhounts, Erik G.; Ridella, Stephen A.; Hasija, Vikas; Tannous, Rabih E.; Campbell, J. Quinn; Malone, Dan; Danelson, Kerry; Stitzel, Joel; Rowson, Steve; Duma, Stefan Investigation of traumatic brain injuries using the next generation of Simulated Injury Monitor (SIMon) finite element head model |
114 |
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467 | Leport, Tiphaine; Baudrit, Pascal; Trosseille, Xavier; Petit, Philippe; Palisson, Anna; Vallancien, Guy Assessment of the pubic force as a pelvic injury criterion in side impact |
6 |
433 | Untaroiu, Costin ; Kerrigan, Jason; Kam, Check; Crandall, Jeff; Yamazaki, Kunio; Fukuyama, Keisuke; Kamiji, Koichi; Yasuki, Tsuyoshi; Funk, James Correlation of strain and loads measured in the long bones with observed kinematics of the lower limb during vehicle-pedestrian impacts |
20 |
401 | Sparks, Jessica L.; Bolte, IV, John H.; Dupaix, Rebecca B.; Jones, Kenneth H.; Steinberg, Steven M.; Herriott, Rodney G.; Stammen, Jason A.; Donnelly, Bruce R. Using pressure to predict liver injury risk from blunt impact |
23 |
381 | Kennedy, Eric A.; Inzana, Jason A.; McNally, Craig; Duma, Stefan M.; Depinet, Paul J.; Sullenberge, Kristopher H.; Morgan, Craig R.; Brozosk, Frederick T. Development and validation of a synthetic eye and orbit for estimating the potential for globe rupture due to specific impact conditions |
7 |
361 | Mertz, Harold J.; Dalmotas, Dainius J. Effects of shoulder belt limit forces on adult thoracic protection in frontal collisions |
15 |
313 | Pintar, Frank A.; Yoganandan, Narayan; Stemper, Brian D.; Bostrom, Ola; Rouhana, Stephen W.; Digges, Kennerly H.; Fildes, Brian N. Comparison of PMHS, WorldSID, and THOR-NT responses in simulated far side impact |
36 |
299 | Maltese, Matthew R.; Locey, Caitlin M.; Jermakian, Jessica S.; Nance, Michael L.; Arbogast, Kristy B. Injury causation scenarios in belt-restrained nearside child occupants |
11 |
275 | Bilston, Lynne E.; Sagar, Nipun Geometry of rear seats and child restraints compared to child anthropometry |
15 |
235 | Kemper, Andrew R.; McNally, Craig; Pullins, Clayton A.; Freeman, Laura J.; Duma, Stefan M.; Rouhana, Stephen W. The biomechanics of human ribs: material and structural properties from dynamic tension and bending tests |
93 |
211 | Lee, Sang-Hyun; Kent, Richard Blood flow and fluid-structure interactions in the human aorta during traumatic rupture conditions |
7 |
189 | Gayzik, F. Scott; Hoth, J. Jason; Daly, Melissa; Meredith, J. Wayne; Stitzel, Joel D. A finite element-based injury metric for pulmonary contusion: investigation of candidate metrics through correlation with computed tomography |
23 |
169 | Quinn, Kyle P.; Lee, Kathryn E.; Ahaghotu, Chukwunyere C.; Winkelstein, Beth A. Structural changes in the cervical facet capsular ligament: potential contributions to pain following subfailure loading |
19 |
155 | Fredriksson, Rikard; Zhang, Liying; Boström, Ola; Yang, King Influence of impact speed on head and brain injury outcome in vulnerable road user impacts to the car hood |
2 |
139 | Tamura, Atsutaka; Nagayama, Kazuaki; Matsumoto, Takeo; Hayashi, Sadayuki Variation in nerve fiber strain in brain tissue subjected to uniaxial stretch |
5 |
127 | Elkin, Benjamin S.; Morrison, Barclay Region-specific tolerance criteria for the living brain |
48 |
115 | Jin, Xin; Ma, Chunsheng; Zhang, Liying; Yang, King H.; King, Albert I.; Dong, Guang; Zhang, Jinhuan Biomechanical response of the bovine pia-arachnoid complex to normal traction loading at varying strain rates |
5 |
81 | Kleiven, Svein Predictors for traumatic brain injuries evaluated through accident reconstructions |
169 |
17 | Hardy, Warren N.; Mason, Matthew J.; Foster, Craig D.; Shah, Chirag S.; Kopacz, James M.; Yang, King H.; King, Albert I.; Bishop, Jennifer; Bey, Michael; Anderst, William; Tashman, Scott A study of the response of the human cadaver head to impact |
95 |
1 | Coats, Brittany; Margulies, Susan S.; Ji, Songbai Parametric study of head impact in the infant |
16 |
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651 | Kennedy, Eric A.; Ng, Tracy P.; McNally, Craig; Stitzel, Joel D.; Duma, Stefan M. Risk functions for human and porcine eye rupture based on projectile characteristics of blunt objects |
12 |
637 | Jin, Xin; Lee, Jong B.; Leung, Lai Yee; Zhang, Liying; Yang, King H.; King, Albert I. Biomechanical response of the bovine pia-arachnoid complex to tensile loading at varying strain rates |
19 |
625 | Delye, Hans; Goffin, Jan; Verschueren, Peter; Vander Sloten, Jos; Van der Perre, Georges; Alaerts, Herwig; Verpoest, Ignaas; Berckmans, Daniel Biomechanical properties of the superior sagittal sinus-bridging vein complex |
10 |
601 | Singh, Anita; Lu, Ying; Chen, Chaoyang; Kallakuri, Srinivasu; Cavanaugh, John M. A new model of traumatic axonal injury to determine the effects of strain and displacement rates |
27 |
583 | Mao, Haojie; Zhang, Liying; Yang, King H.; King, Albert I. Application of a finite element model of the brain to study traumatic brain injury mechanisms in the rat |
38 |
567 | Dibb, Alan T.; Nightingale, Roger W.; Chancey, V. Carol; Fronheiser, Lucy E.; Tran, Laura; Ottaviano, Danielle; Myers, Barry S. Comparative structural neck responses of the THOR-NT, Hybrid III, and human in combined tension-bending and pure bending |
12 |
545 | Kitagawa, Yuichi; Yasuki, Tsuyoshi; Hasegawa, Junji A study of cervical spine kinematics and joint capsule strain in rear impacts using a human FE model |
11 |
509 | Kimpara, Hideyuki; Nakahira, Yuko; Iwamoto, Masami; Miki, Kazuo; Ichihara, Kazuhiko; Kawano, Shun-ichi; Taguchi, Toshihiko Investigation of anteroposterior head-neck responses during severe frontal impacts using a brain-spinal cord complex FE model |
35 |
491 | Ruan, Jesse S.; El-Jawahri, Raed; Rouhana, Stephen W.; Barbat, Saeed; Prasad, Priya Analysis and evaluation of the biofidelity of the human body finite element model in lateral impact simulations according to ISO-TR9790 procedures |
21 |
429 | Yang, King H.; Hu, Jingwen; White, Nicholas A.; King, Albert I.; Chou, Clifford C.; Prasad, Priya Development of numerical models for injury biomechanics research: a review of 50 years of publications in the Stapp Car Crash Conference |
63 |
415 | Melvin, John W.; Begeman, Paul C.; Faller, Ronald K.; Sicking, Dean L.; McClellan, Scott B.; Maynard, Edwin; Donegan, Michael W.; Mallott, Annette M.; Gideon, Thomas W. Crash protection of stock car racing drivers: application of biomechanical analysis of Indy car crash research |
0 |
389 | Tylko, Suzanne; Charlebois, Dominique; Bussières, Alain; Dalmotas, Dainius The effect of breast anthropometry on the Hybrid III 5th female chest response |
2 |
337 | Reed, Matthew P.; Ebert-Hamilton, Sheila M.; Manary, Miriam A.; Klinich, Kathleen D.; Schneider, Lawrence W. Improved positioning procedures for 6YO and 10YO ATDs based on child occupant postures |
16 |
299 | Forman, Jason; Lessley, David; Kent, Richard; Bostrom, Ola; Pipkorn, Bengt Whole-body kinematic and dynamic response of restrained PMHS in frontal sled tests |
34 |
267 | Rouhana, Stephen W.; Kankanala, Sundeep V.; Prasad, Priya; Rupp, Jonathan D.; Jeffreys, Thomas A.; Schneider, Lawrence W. Biomechanics of 4-point seat belt systems in farside impacts |
12 |
247 | Hardy, Warren N.; Shah, Chirag S.; Kopacz, James M.; Yang, King H.; Van Ee, Chris A.; Morgan, Richard; Digges, Kennerly Study of potential mechanisms of traumatic rupture of the aorta using |
19 |
217 | Shah, Chirag S.; Hardy, Warren N.; Mason, Matthew J.; Yang, King H.; Van Ee, Chris; Morgan, Richard; Digges, Kennerly Dynamic biaxial tissue properties of the human cadaver aorta |
24 |
191 | Forman, Jason; Lessley, David; Shaw, C. Greg; Evans, Jay; Kent, Richard; Rouhana, Stephen W.; Prasad, Priya Thoracic response of belted PMHS, the Hybrid III, and the THOR-NT mid-sized male surrogates in low-speed, frontal crashes |
41 |
169 | Murakami, Daisuke; Kobayashi, Seiichi; Torigaki, Toshikazu; Kent, Richard Finite element analysis of hard and soft tissue contributions to thoracic response: sensitivity analysis of fluctuations in boundary conditions |
24 |
147 | Shaw, Joshua M.; Herriott, Rodney G.; McFadden, Joseph D.; Donnelly, Bruce R.; Bolte, IV, John H. Oblique and lateral impact response of the PMHS thorax |
71 |
131 | Arbogast, Kristy B.; Maltese, Matthew R.; Nadkarni, Vinay M.; Steen, Petter Andreas; Nysaether, Jon B. Anterior-posterior thoracic force-deflection characteristics measured during cardiopulmonary resuscitation: comparison to post-mortem human subject data |
18 |
117 | Kitagawa, Yuichi; Hasegawa, Junji; Yasuki, Tsuyoshi; Iwamoto, Masami; Miki, Kazuo A study of knee joint kinematics and mechanics using a human FE model |
2 |
97 | Laituri, Tony R.; Henry, Scott; Sullivan, Kaye; Prasad, Priya Derivation and theoretical assessment of a set of biomechanics-based, AIS2+ risk equations for the knee-thigh-hip complex |
10 |
75 | Song, Eric; Trosseille, Xavier; Guillemot, Hervé Side impact: influence of impact conditions and bone mechanical properties on pelvic response using a fracturable pelvis model |
6 |
53 | Uriot, Jérôme; Baudrit, Pascal; Potier, Pascal; Trosseille, Xavier; Petit, Philippe; Guillemot, Hervé; Guérin, Laurent; Vallancien, Guy Investigations on the belt-to-pelvis interaction in case of submarining |
16 |
27 | Foster, Craig D.; Hardy, Warren N; Yang, King H.; King, Albert I.; Hashimoto, Syuzo High-speed seatbelt pretensioner loading of the abdomen |
29 |
1 | Kent, Richard; Stacey, Stephen; Kindig, Matthew; Forman, Jason; Woods, William; Rouhana, Stephen W.; Higuchi, Kazuo; Tanji, Hiromasa; St. Lawrence, Schuyler ; Arbogast, Kristy B. Biomechanical response of the pediatric abdomen, I: development of an experimental model and quantification of structural response to dynamic belt loading |
28 |
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509 | Banglmaier, Richard F.; Pecoraro, Katie M.; Feustel, Jim R.; Scherer, Risa D.; Rouhana, Stephen W. Development and evaluation of a proposed neck shield for the 5th percentile Hybrid III female dummy |
4 |
481 | Sutterfield, Aleta; Pecoraro, Katie; Rouhana, Stephen W.; Xu, Lan; Abramczyk, Joe; Berliner, Jeff; Irwin, Annette; Jensen, Jack; Mertz, Harold J.; Nusholtz, Guy; Pietsch, Hollie; Scherer, Risa; Tylko, Suzanne Evaluation of the ES-2re dummy in biofidelity, component, and full vehicle crash tests |
4 |
457 | de Lange, Ronald; van Rooij, Lex; Mooi, Herman; Wismans, Jac Objective biofidelity rating of a numerical human occupant model in frontal to lateral impact |
21 |
423 | Irwin, Annette L.; Sutterfield, Aleta; Hsu, Timothy P.; Kim, Agnes; Mertz, Harold J.; Rouhana, Stephen W.; Scherer, Risa Side impact response corridors for the rigid flat-wall and offset-wall side impact tests of NHTSA using the ISO method of corridor development |
22 |
381 | Reed, Matthew P.; Ebert-Hamilton, Sheila M.; Schneider, Lawrence W. Development of ATD installation procedures based on rear-seat occupant postures |
15 |
367 | Sundararajan, Srini; Prasad, Priya; Rouhana, Stephen W.; Demetropoulos, Constantine K.; Yang, King H.; King, Albert I.; Nolte, Lutz-P. Characteristics of PMHS lumbar motion segments in lateral shear |
1 |
343 | Ruan, Jesse S.; El-Jawahri, Raed; Barbat, Saeed; Prasad, Priya Biomechanical analysis of human abdominal impact responses and injuries through finite element simulations of a full human body model |
34 |
323 | Lebarbé, Matthieu; Potier, Pascal; Baudrit, Pascal; Petit, Philippe; Trosseille, Xavier; Vallancien, Guy Thoracic injury investigation using PMHS in frontal airbag out-of-position situations |
20 |
291 | Koh, Sung-Woo; Cavanaugh, John M.; Mason, Matthew J.; Petersen, Steve A.; Marth, Debora R.; Rouhana, Stephen W.; Bolte, IV, John H. Shoulder injury and response due to lateral glenohumeral joint impact: an analysis of combined data |
19 |
271 | Stitzel, Joel D.; Gayzik, F. Scott; Hoth, J. Jason; Mercier, Jennifer; Gage, H. Donald; Morton, Kathryn A.; Duma, Stefan M.; Payne, R. Mark Development of a finite element-based injury metric for pulmonary contusion, I: model development and validation |
22 |
251 | Kimpara, Hideyuki; Lee, Jong B.; Yang, King H.; King, Albert I.; Iwamoto, Masami; Watanabe, Isao; Miki, Kazuo Development of a three-dimensional finite element chest model for the 5th percentile female |
49 |
231 | Kent, Richard; Lee, Sang-Hyun; Darvish, Kurosh; Wang, Stewart; Poster, Craig S.; Lange, Aaron W.; Brede, Chris; Lange, David; Matsuoka, Fumio Structural and material changes in the aging thorax and their role in crash protection for older occupants |
131 |
199 | Kemper, Andrew R.; McNally, Craig; Kennedy, Eric A.; Manoogian, Sarah J.; Rath, Amber L.; Ng, Tracy P.; Stitzel, Joel D.; Smith, Eric P.; Duma, Stefan M.; Matsuoka, Fumio Material properties of human rib cortical bone from dynamic tension coupon testing |
95 |
183 | Charpail, Estelle; Trosseille, Xavier; Petit, Philippe; Laporte, Sébastien; Lavaste, François; Vallancien, Guy Characterization of PMHS ribs: a new test methodology |
67 |
157 | Untaroiu, Costin; Darvish, Kurosh; Crandall, Jeff; Deng, Bing; Wang, Jenne-Tai A finite element model of the lower limb for simulating pedestrian impacts |
53 |
133 | Iwamoto, Masami; Miki, Kazuo; Tanaka, Eiichi Ankle skeletal injury predictions using anisotropic inelastic constitutive model of cortical bone taking into account damage evolution |
20 |
85 | Kim, Yong Sun; Choi, Hyeong Ho; Cho, Young Nam; Park, Yong Jae; Lee, Jong B.; Yang, King H.; King, Albert I. Numerical investigations of interactions between the knee-thigh-hip complex with vehicle interior structures |
17 |
67 | White, Nicholas A.; Yang, King H.; Begeman, Paul; Deng, Bing; Sundararajan, Srinivasan; Levine, Robert; King, Albert I. Motion analysis of the mandible during low-speed, rear-end impacts using high-speed x-rays |
0 |
49 | Lu, Ying; Chen, Chaoyang; Kallakuri, Srinivasu; Patwardhan, Ajit; Cavanaugh, John M. Neural response of cervical facet joint capsule to stretch: a study of whiplash pain mechanism |
27 |
33 | Pintar, Frank A.; Yoganandan, Narayan; Baisden, Jamie Characterizing occipital condyle loads under high-speed head rotation |
23 |
1 | Franklyn, Melanie; Fildes, Brian; Zhang, Liying; Yang, King; Sparke, Laurie Analysis of finite element models for head injury investigation: reconstruction of four real-world impacts |
30 |
Page | Paper | Times Cited |
495 | Kent, Richard; Lessley, David; Sherwood, Chris Thoracic response to dynamic, non-impact loading from a hub, distributed belt, diagonal belt, and double diagonal belts |
95 |
479 | Arbogast, Kristy B.; Chen, Irene; Nance, Michael L.; Durbin, Dennis R.; Winston, Flaura K. Predictors of pediatric abdominal injury risk |
20 |
455 | Laituri, Tony R.; Sullivan, Donald; Sullivan, Kaye; Prasad, Priya A theoretical math model for projecting AIS3+ thoracic injury for belted occupants in frontal impacts |
4 |
431 | Been, Bernard; Philippens, Mat; de Lange, Ronald; van Ratingen, Michiel WorldSID dummy head-neck biofidelity response |
4 |
419 | Siegmund, Gunter P.; Sanderson, David J.; Inglis, J. Timothy Gradation of neck muscle responses and head/neck kinematics to acceleration and speed change in rear-end collisions |
9 |
397 | Oi, Nelson; Pandy, Marcus G.; Myers, Barry S.; Nightingale, Roger W.; Chancey, Valeta Carol Variation of neck muscle strength along the human cervical spine |
20 |
373 | Lee, Kathryn E.; Davis, Martin B.; Mejilla, Roanne M.; Winkelstein, Beth A. In vivo cervical facet capsule distraction: mechanical implications for whiplash and neck pain |
22 |
331 | Sundararajan, Srini; Prasad, Priya; Demetropoulos, Constantine K.; Tashman, Scott; Begeman, Paul C.; Yang, King H.; King, Albert I. Effect of head-neck position on cervical facet stretch of post mortem human subjects during low speed rear end impacts |
32 |
301 | Klinich, Kathleen DeSantis ; Ebert, Sheila M.; Van Ee, Chris A.; Flannagan, Carol A. C.; Prasad, Monica; Reed, Matthew P.; Schneider, Lawrence W. Cervical spine geometry in the automotive seated posture: variations with age, stature, and gender |
27 |
279 | Prange, Michael T.; Luck, Jason F.; Dibb, Alan; Van Ee, Chris A.; Nightingale, Roger W.; Myers, Barry S. Mechanical properties and anthropometry of the human infant head |
29 |
259 | Parnaik, Yednesh; Beillas, Philippe; Demetropoulos, Constantine K.; Hardy, Warren N.; Yang, King H.; King, Albert I. The influence of surrogate blood vessels on the impact response of a physical model of the brain |
2 |
239 | Nicolle, Stéphane; Lounis, Mourad; Willinger, Rémy Shear properties of brain tissue over a frequency range relevant for automotive impact situations: new experimental results |
37 |
227 | Ji, Songbai; Zhu, Qiliang; Dougherty, Lawrence; Margulies, Susan S. In vivo measurements of human brain displacement |
12 |
207 | Cheng, Zhiqing; Pellettiere, Joseph A. A novel approach for predicting human response from ATD tests |
2 |
177 | Meyer, F.; Bourdet, N.; Deck, C.; Willinger, R.; Raul, J. S. Human neck finite element model development and validation against original experimental data |
24 |
155 | Duma, Stefan M.; Hansen, Gail A.; Kennedy, Eric A.; Rath, Amber L.; McNally, Craig; Kemper, Andrew R.; Smith, Eric P.; Brolison, P. Gunnar; Stitzel, Joel D.; Davis, Martin B.; Bass, Cameron R.; Brozoski, Frederic T.; McEntire, B. Joseph; Alem, Nabih M.; Crowley, John S. Upper extremity interaction with a helicopter side airbag: injury criteria for dynamic hyperextension of the female elbow joint |
6 |
125 | Koh, Sung-Woo; Cavanaugh, John M.; Leach, James P.; Rouhana, Stephen W. Mechanical properties of the shoulder ligaments under dynamic loading |
7 |
89 | Compigne, Sabine; Caire, Yves; Quesnel, Thierry; Verries, Jean-Pierre Non-injurious and injurious impact response of the human shoulder three-dimensional analysis of kinematics and determination of injury threshold |
29 |
71 | Balasubramanian, Sriram; Beillas, Philippe; Belwadi, Aditya; Hardy, Warren N.; Yang, King H.; King, Albert I.; Masuda, Mitsutoshi Below knee impact responses using cadaveric specimens |
16 |
53 | Meyer, Eric G.; Sinnott, Michael T.; Haut, Roger C.; Jayaraman, Gopal S.; Smith, Walter E. The effect of axial load in the tibia on the response of the 90° flexed knee to blunt impacts with a deformable interface |
4 |
27 | Kennedy, Eric A.; Hurst, William J.; Stitzel, Joel D.; Cormier, Joseph M.; Hansen, Gail A.; Smith, Eric P.; Duma, Stefan M. Lateral and posterior dynamic bending of the mid-shaft femur: fracture risk curves for the adult population |
28 |
1 | Rudd, Rodney; Crandall, Jeff; Millington, Steven; Hurwitz, Shepard; Höglund, Niklas Injury tolerance and response of the ankle joint in dynamic dorsiflexion |
32 |
Page | Paper | Times Cited |
477 | Rhule, Heather H.; Maltese, Matthew R.; Donnelly, Bruce R.; Eppinger, Rolf H.; Brunner, Jill K.; Bolte, IV, John H. Development of a new biofidelity ranking system for anthropomorphic test devices |
64 |
461 | Philippens, M.; Cappon, H.; Van Ratingen, M.; Wismans, J.; Svensson, M.; Sirey, F.; Ono, K.; Nishimoto, N.; Matsuoka, F. Comparison of the rear impact biofidelity of BioRID II and RID2 |
24 |
441 | Carter, Jarrod W.; Ku, Grace S.; Nuckley, David J.; Ching, Randal P. Tolerance of the cervical spine to eccentric axial compression |
15 |
431 | Nuckley, David J.; Hertsted, Suzanne M.; Ku, Grace S.; Eck, Michael P.; Ching, Randal P. Compressive tolerance of the maturing cervical spine |
13 |
417 | Hilker, Christopher E.; Yoganandan, Narayan; Pintar, Frank A. Experimental determination of adult and pediatric neck scale factors |
22 |
397 | Arbelaez, Raul A.; Nolan, Joseph M.; Dakin, Gregory J.; Lund, Adrian K. Comparison of EuroSID-2 and SID-IIs in vehicle side impact tests with the IIHS barrier |
3 |
353 | Byrnes, Katie; Abramczyk, Joseph; Berliner, Jeff; Irwin, Annette; Jensen, Jack; Kowsika, Murthy; Mertz, Harold J.; Rouhana, Stephen W.; Scherer, Risa; Shi, Yibing; Sutterfield, Aleta; Xu, Lan; Tylko, Suzanne; Dalmotas, Dainius ES-2 dummy biomechanical responses |
13 |
321 | Maltese, Matthew R.; Eppinger, Rolf H.; Rhule, Heather H.; Donnelly, Bruce R.; Pintar, Frank A.; Yoganandan, Narayan Response corridors of human surrogates in lateral impacts |
101 |
297 | Irwin, Annette L.; Mertz, Harold J.; Elhagediab, Ali M.; Moss, Steve Guidelines for assessing the biofidelity of side impact dummies of various sizes and ages |
51 |
285 | Arbogast, Kristy B.; Mari-Gowda, Shresta; Kallan, Michael J.; Durbin, Dennis R.; Winston, Flaura K. Pediatric pelvic fractures in side impact collisions |
5 |
267 | Shams, Tariq; Beach, David; Huang, Tsai-Jeon; Rangarajan, N.; Haffner, Mark Development of THOR-FLx: a biofidelic lower extremity for use with 5th percentile female crash test dummies |
10 |
245 | Funk, James R.; Srinivasan, Sreebala C. M.; Crandall, Jeff R.; Khaewpong, Nopporn; Eppinger, Rolf H.; Jaffredo, Anna S.; Potier, Pascal; Petit, Philippe Y. The effects of axial preload and dorsiflexion on the tolerance of the ankle/subtalar joint to dynamic inversion and eversion |
44 |
229 | Dhaliwal, Trilok S.; Beillas, Philippe; Chou, Clifford C.; Prasad, Priya; Yang, King H.; King, Albert I. Structural response of lower leg muscles in compression: a low impact energy study employing volunteers, cadavers and the Hybrid III |
10 |
211 | Rupp, Jonathan D.; Reed, Matthew P.; Van Ee, Chris A.; Kuppa, Shashi; Wang, Stewart C.; Goulet, James A.; Schneider, Lawrence W. The tolerance of the human hip to dynamic knee loading |
50 |
195 | Duma, Stefan M.; Boggess, Brian M.; Crandall, Jeff R.; Mac Mahon, Conor B. Fracture tolerance of the small female elbow joint in compression: the effect of load angle relative to the long axis of the forearm |
9 |
165 | Klinich, Kathleen Desantis; Hulbert, Gregory M.; Schneider, Lawrence W. Estimating infant head injury criteria and impact response using crash reconstruction and finite element modeling |
31 |
145 | Zhang, Liying; Bae, Jinho; Hardy, Warren N.; Monson, Kenneth L.; Manley, Geoffrey T.; Goldsmith, Werner; Yang, King H.; King, Albert I. Computational study of the contribution of the vasculature on the dynamic response of the brain |
20 |
123 | Kleiven, Svein; Hardy, Warren N. Correlation of an FE model of the human head with local brain motion: consequences for injury prediction |
86 |
103 | Brands, Dave W. A.; Bovendeerd, Peter H. M.; Wismans, Jac S. H. M. On the potential importance of non-linear viscoelastic material modelling for numerical prediction of brain tissue response: test and application |
20 |
81 | Stitzel, Joel D.; Duma, Stefan M.; Cormier, Joseph M.; Herring, Ian P. A nonlinear finite element model of the eye with experimental validation for the prediction of globe rupture |
27 |
71 | Trosseille, Xavier; Le-Coz, Jean-Yves; Potier, Pascal; Lassau, Jean-Pierre Abdominal response to high-speed seatbelt loading |
13 |
55 | Tamura, Atsutaka; Omori, Kiyoshi; Miki, Kazuo; Lee, Jong B.; Yang, King H.; King, Albert I. Mechanical characterization of porcine abdominal organs |
31 |
27 | Petitjean, Audrey; Lebarbe, Matthieu; Potier, Pascal; Trosseille, Xavier; Lassau, Jean-Pierre Laboratory reconstructions of real world frontal crash configurations using the Hybrid III and THOR dummies and PMHS |
41 |
1 | Vezin, Philippe; Bruyere-Garnier, Karine; Bermond, François; Verriest, Jean Pierre Comparison of Hybrid III, Thor-α and PMHS response in frontal sled tests |
23 |
Page | Paper | Times Cited |
511 | Hardy, Warren N.; Schneider, Lawrence W.; Rouhana, Stephen W. Prediction of airbag-induced forearm fractures and airbag aggressivity |
10 |
495 | Matsui, Yasuhiro Biofidelity of TRL legform impactor and injury tolerance of the human leg in lateral impact |
9 |
469 | Beillas, Philippe; Begeman, Paul C.; Yang, King H.; King, Albert I.; Arnoux, Pierre-Jean; Kang, Ho-Sung; Kayvantash, Kambiz; Brunet, Christian; Cavallero, Claude; Prasad, Priya Lower limb: advanced FE model and new experimental data |
34 |
449 | Jayaraman, Vijay M.; Sevensma, Eric T.; Kitagawa, Masaya; Haut, Roger C. Effects of anterior-posterior constraint on injury patterns in the human knee during tibial-femoral joint loading from axial forces through the tibia |
4 |
437 | Yoganandan, Narayan; Pintar, Frank A.; Gennarelli, Thomas A.; Maltese, Matthew R.; Eppinger, Rolf H. Mechanisms and factors involved in hip injuries during frontal crashes |
17 |
415 | Melvin, John W.; Bock, Henry; Anderson, Kathryn; Gideon, Thomas Development and field performance of indy race car head impact padding |
4 |
395 | Ruan, Jesse; Prasad, Priya The effects of skull thickness variations on human head dynamic impact responses |
15 |
369 | Zhang, Liying; Yang, King H.; Dwarampudi, Ramesh; Omori, Kiyoshi; Li, Tieliang; Chang, Kun; Hardy, Warren N.; Khalil, Tom B.; King, Albert I. Recent advances in brain injury research: a new human head model development and validation |
116 |
337 | Hardy, Warren N.; Foster, Craig D.; Mason, Matthew J.; Yang, King H.; King, Albert I.; Tashman, Scott Investigation of head injury mechanisms using neutral density technology and high-speed biplanar x-ray |
166 |
329 | Ching, Randal P.; Nuckley, David J.; Hertsted, Suzanne M.; Eck, Michael P.; Mann, Frederick A.; Sun, Emily A. Tensile mechanics of the developing cervical spine |
29 |
319 | Mertz, H. J.; Jarrett, K.; Moss, S.; Salloum, M.; Zhao, Y. The Hybrid III 10-year-old dummy |
46 |
285 | Cesari, Dominique; Compigne, Sabine; Scherer, Risa; Xu, Lan; Takahashi, Nobuhiko; Page, Martin; Asakawa, Kazuhito; Kostyniuk, Greg; Hautmann, Edmund; Bortenschlager, Klaus; Sakurai, Minoru; Harigae, Takeshi WorldSID prototype dummy biomechanical responses |
16 |
257 | Kim, A.; Anderson, K. F.; Berliner, J.; Bryzik, C.; Hassan, J.; Jensen, J.; Kendall, M.; Mertz, H. J.; Morrow, T.; Rao, A.; Wozniak, J. A. A comparison of the Hybrid III and BioRID II dummies in low-severity, rear-impact sled tests |
12 |
239 | Siegmund, Gunter P.; Heinrichs, Bradley E.; Lawrence, Jonathan M.; Philippens, Mat M. G. M. Kinetic and kinematic responses of the RID2a, Hybrid III and human volunteers in low-speed rear-end collisions |
35 |
225 | Cappon, H.; Philippens, M.; Van Ratingen, M.; Wismans, J. Development and evaluation of a new rear-impact crash dummy: the RID2 |
22 |
205 | Foret-Bruno, J-Y.; Trosseille, X.; Page, Y.; Huère, J-F; Le Coz, J-Y.; Bendjellal, F.; Diboine, A.; Phalempin, T.; Villeforceix, D.; Baudrit, P.; Guillemot, H.; Coltat, J-C Comparison of thoracic injury risk in frontal car crashes for occupant restrained without belt load limiters and those restrained with 6 kN and 4 kN belt load limiters |
42 |
183 | Kent, Richard W.; Crandall, Jeff R.; Bolton, James; Prasad, Priya; Nusholtz, Guy; Mertz, Harold The influence of superficial soft tissues and restraint condition on thoracic skeletal injury prediction |
75 |
161 | Shah, Chirag S.; Yang, King H.; Hardy, Warren; Wang, H. Kevin; King, Albert I. Development of a computer model to predict aortic rupture due to impact loading |
57 |
143 | Bass, C. R.; Darvish, K.; Bush, B.; Crandall, J. R.; Srinivasan, S. C. M.; Tribble, C.; Fiser, S.; Tourret, L.; Evans, J. C.; Patrie, J.; Wang, C. Material properties for modeling traumatic aortic rupture |
25 |
101 | Koh, Sung-Woo; Cavanaugh, John M.; Zhu, Joshua Injury and response of the shoulder in lateral sled tests |
19 |
79 | Lee, Jong B.; Yang, King H. Development of a finite element model of the human abdomen |
38 |
61 | Rupp, Jonathan D.; Klinich, Kathleen DeSantis; Moss, Steve; Zhou, Jennifer; Pearlman, Mark D.; Schneider, Lawrence W. Development and testing of a prototype pregnant abdomen for the small-female Hybrid III ATD |
19 |
33 | Rouhana, Stephen W.; Elhagediab, Ali M.; Walbridge, Anthony; Hardy, Warren N.; Schneider, Lawrence W. Development of a reusable, rate-sensitive abdomen for the Hybrid III family of dummies |
33 |
1 | Hardy, Warren N.; Schneider, Lawrence W.; Rouhana, Stephen W. Abdominal impact response to rigid-bar, seatbelt, and airbag loading |
79 |