1975 |
Hartemann F, Tarriere C, Mackay GM, Gloyns PF, Hayes HRM, Cesari D, Ramet M. How to further improve the protection of occupants wearing seat belts. In: 19th Annual Proceedings, Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine (AAAM). November 20, 1975; San Diego, CA.36-48. |
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1979 |
Rattenbury SJ, Gloyns PF, Hayes HRM, Griffiths DK. The biomechanical limits of seat belt protection. In: 23rd Annual Proceedings, Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine (AAAM). October 4-6, 1979; Louisville, KY.162-176. |
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1996 |
Vroman R, Roberts J, Gloyns P, Rattenbury S. The european secondary safety rating system for cars. In: Proceedings of the 15th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV). May 13-16, 1996; Melbourne, Australia.2071-2076. |
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2001 |
Rattenbury SJ, Gloyns PF, Nolan JM. Vehicle deformation in real-world side impact crashes and regulatory crash tests. In: Proceedings of the 17th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV). June 4-7, 2001; Amsterdam, The Netherlands. |
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2009 |
van Ratingen M, Ellway J, Avery M, Gloyns P, Sandner V, Versmissen T; Euro NCAP Whiplash Group. The Euro NCAP whiplash test. In: Proceedings of the 21st International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV). June 15-18, 2009; Stuttgart, Germany. |
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1980 |
Mackay GM, Gloyns PF, Hayes HRM, Rattenbury SJ, Smith CA, Whale TZ, Rivlin AZ, Hanstead JK. Some aspects of facial injuries in present day cars. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Technical Conference on Experimental Safety Vehicles (ESV). October 21-24, 1980; Wolfsburg, Germany.438-451. |
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1987 |
Lowne RW, Gloyns PF, Roy P. Fatal injuries to restrained children aged 0-4 years, in Great Britian 1972-86. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Technical Conference on Experimental Safety Vehicles (ESV). May 12-15, 1987; Washington, DC.227-237. |
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1989 |
Gloyns PF, Rattenbury SJ, Jones IS. Characteristics of fatal frontal impacts and future countermeasures in Great Britain. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Technical Conference on Experimental Safety Vehicles (ESV). May 29–June 1, 1989; Göteborg, Sweden.529-536. |
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1991 |
Lestina DC, Gloyns PF, Rattenbury SJ. Fatally injured occupants in side impact crashes. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Technical Conference on Experimental Safety Vehicles (ESV). November 4-7, 1991; Paris, France.701-707. |
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1973 |
Ashton SJ, Mackay GM, Gloyns PF, Hardy JLG. Eye injury in road traffic accidents. In: Proceedings of the 1973 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impact. June 26-27, 1973; Amsterdam, The Netherlands.441-449. |
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1973 |
Gloyns PF, Mackay GM, Hardy JLG, Ashton SJ. Field investigations of the injury protection offered by some “energy absorbing” steering systems. In: Proceedings of the 1973 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impact. June 26-27, 1973; Amsterdam, The Netherlands.399-409. |
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1973 |
Hardy JLG, Mackay GM, Ashton SJ, Gloyns PF. Field accident damage as a basis for crash tests. In: Proceedings of the 1973 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impact. June 26-27, 1973; Amsterdam, The Netherlands.213-223. |
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1974 |
Ashton SJ, Mackay GM, Gloyns PF. Trauma to children as car occupants. In: Proceedings of the International Meeting on the Biomechanics of Trauma in Children. September 17-19, 1974; Lyon, France.83-100. |
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1975 |
Hartemann F, Mackay GM, Tarriere C, Gloyns PF, Hayes H, Cesari D, Ramet M. Comment ameliorer encore la protection des occupants ceintures. In: Proceedings of the 1975 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impact. September 9-11, 1975; Birmingham, UK.72-82. |
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1975 |
Mackay GM, Gloyns PF, Hayes HRM, Griffiths DK, Rattenbury SJ. Serious trauma to car occupants wearing seat belts. In: Proceedings of the 1975 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impact. September 9-11, 1975; Birmingham, UK.20-29. |
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1979 |
Gloyns PF, Hayes HRM, Rattenbury SJ, Thomas PD, Mills HC, Griffiths DK. Lower limb injuries to car occupants in frontal impacts. In: Proceedings of the 1979 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impact. September 5-7, 1979; Goeteborg, Sweden.105-121. |
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1979 |
Gloyns PF, Hayes HRM, Griffiths DK, Rattenbury SJ, Thomas PD, Mills HC. An analysis of the field performance of some steering systems complying with current safety legislation. In: Proceedings of the 1979 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impact. September 5-7, 1979; Goeteborg, Sweden.275-291. |
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1980 |
Roy AP, Mackay GM, Gloyns PF. Some observations on the modelling of children in car collisions based on field accident investigations. In: Proceedings of the 1980 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impact. September 9-11, 1980; Birmingham, England.286-304. |
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1981 |
Gloyns PF, Rattenbury SJ, Rivlin AZ, Hayes HRM, Hanstead JK, Proctor S. Steering wheel induced head and facial injuries amongst drivers restrained by seat belts. In: Proceedings of the 1981 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impact. September 8-10, 1981; Salon de Provence, France.30-48. |
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1991 |
Gloyns PF, Rattenbury SJ, Kullgren A, Lie A, Tingvall C, Edwards J, Hill R. The correlation between the Consumers' Association secondary safety rating system and the Folksam car safety ratings. In: Proceedings of the 1991 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impact. September 11-13, 1991; Berlin, Germany.49-58. |
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1994 |
Gloyns PF, Rattenbury SJ, Weller RO, Lestina DC. Mechanisms and patterns of head injuries in fatal frontal and side impact crashes. In: Proceedings of the 1994 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impact. September 21-23, 1994; Lyon, France.139-150. |
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1974 |
Gloyns PF, Mackay GM. Impact performance of some designs of steering assembly in real accidents and under test conditions. In: Proceedings of the 18th Stapp Car Crash Conference. December 4-5, 1974; Ann Arbor, MI. Warrendale, PA: Society of Automotive Engineers:1-27. SAE 741176. |
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1976 |
Griffiths DK, Hayes HRM, Gloyns PF, Rattenbury SJ, Mackay GM. Car occupant fatalities and the effects of future safety legislation. In: Proceedings of the 20th Stapp Car Crash Conference. October 18-20, 1976; Dearborn, MI. Warrendale, PA: Society of Automotive Engineers:337-388. SAE 760811. |
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