This report documents a research and development effort to design and test a new thorax assembly that will improve performance with regard to restraint-system interaction and injury-sensing capability for the chest and abdomen. The new features include a ribcage with more humanlike geometry, an articulated thoracic spine, shoulders with load-bearing clavicles connected to the sternum and enhanced frontback range of motion, a biofidelic frangible abdomen, and a chest deflection measurement system capable of monitoring three-dimensional displacements of the ribcage at the sternum and at the left and right regions of the lower ribcage.
Volume 1 of this report describes the development, design, and performance of the prototype assembly and its components. Volume 2 documents an exploratory effort to develop an alternative approach to damped steel ribs for achieving the desired biofidelity in the chest and abdomen regions. Volume 3 describes the chest deflection instrumentation system developed in the project and provides a user's guide for a subprogram DEFLECT that computes three-dimensional displacements at four regions of the thorax.