Winter, David A.
Biomechanics and Motor Control of Human Movement (4th ed.)
John Wiley & Sons, Inc; Hoboken, NJ; 2009
University of Waterloo
, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
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Tibial Compression During Activities of Daily Living in Young and Older Adults
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Neuromotor Mechanisms Involved in the Recovery from Local Muscular Fatigue
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Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation of the Wrist Flexors
[Master's thesis]. Brock University; August 2014.
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An Investigation on the Influence of Stumbling Loads on Femoral Fracture Risk, Using a Novel Gradient Enhanced Quasibrittle Finite Element Model
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Muscle Responses of Car Occupants: Numerical Modeling and Volunteer Experiments Under Pre-Crash Braking Conditions
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Modular Cable-Driven Leg Exoskeleton Designs for Movement Adaptation With Visual Feedback
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Segmental Movement Compensations in Patients With Transtibial Amputation Identified Using Angular Momentum Separation
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Gait Entrainment in Coupled Oscillator Systems: Clarifying the Role of Energy Optimization in Human Walking
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Influencing Motor Behavior Through Constraint of Lower Limb Movement
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Effect of Using Hand-Weights on Performance in the Standing Long Jump
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Exploration of the Validity of the Two-Dimensional Sagittal Plane Standing Long Jump Model
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Comparing Methods for Full Body Inverse Dynamics Analysis of a Standing Long Jump
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Effect of Arm Motion on Standing Lateral Jump Performance
[Master's thesis]. Allendale, MI: Grand Valley State University; December 2017.
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Methods of Estimating Foot and Ankle Power in Takeoff Phase of Standing Vertical Jump
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In Vitro Simulation of Torque-Induced Rotator Cuff Damage
[Master's thesis]. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; 2018.
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Effect of Rotator Cuff Muscle Fatigue on Shoulder Muscle Activation and Posture During Driving
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Injury and Protection of the Foot and Ankle in Under-Body Blast
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The Effects of Body Armor on Lower Back and Knee Biomechanics During Basic and Military Inspired Tasks
[PhD thesis]. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas; 2014.
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Biomechanical Markers as Indicators of Postural Instability Progression in Parkinson's Disease
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Cosimulation of Linear Feedback Postural Sway Model to Explore the Effects of Parkinson's Disease
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Comparison of Innovated Thermoplastic Polyurethane and Commercial Helmet Lining Technology in Mitigating Concussions as Measured by Linear Accelerations and Risk of Head Injury During Simulated Horizontal Impacts to the Head
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Do Portable Anti-Fatigue Mats Affect the Mechanics or Discomfort of Walking
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The Dynamic Model of the Foot and Ankle System
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Low Back Biomechanics During Walking of Individuals With a Lower-Limb Amputation
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Modeling Low Back Biomechanics in People With a Transtibial Amputation
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Development of a Multiscale Model of the Lumbar Spin: Application for Persons With a Lower-Limb Amputation
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Running Biomechanics for People With a Unilateral Transtibial Amputation Using Running-Specific and Daily-Use Prostheses
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Skeletal Adaptation to Reduced Mechanical Loading
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Investigation of Spine Loading to Understand Vertebral Fractures
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Thumb Joint Biomechanics of the Healthy and Arthritic While Performing Complex Motions
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The Associations Between Motor Corticospinal Excitability and Neuromechanics of the Paretic Soleus and Tibialis Anterior in People Post-Stroke
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Energetic Contributions to Performance and Upper Extremity Joint Kinetics in Baseball Pitching
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Interaction Musicien/instrument: Le Cas De La Harpe De Concert
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In Vivo Cervical Spine Kinematics, Arthrokinematics and Disc Loading in Asymptomatic Control Subjects and Anterior Fusion Patients
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Biomechanical Modeling and Characterization of the Postural Parameters in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis
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Biomechanical Response of Trunk Under Perturbations and in Challenged Seated Balance
[PhD thesis]. École polytechnique de Montréal; November 2015.
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Three-Dimensional Decomposition of Ground-Reaction Forces Under Both Feet During Gait Using Parametric Curve Modeling
[Master's thesis]. École polytechnique de Montréal; August 2016.
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Subject-Specific Computational Musculoskeletal Modeling of Human Trunk in Lifting: Role of Age, Sex, Body Weight and Body Height
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Analysis and Design of Bearing Systems in Controlled Passive Energy Management (CPEM) Prosthetic Feet
[Master's thesis]. Queen's University; September 2014.
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Arch-Rivals? The Roles of the Windlass and Arch-Spring Mechanisms in Running
[PhD thesis]. Queen's University; September 2020.
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Lower Extremity Intersegmental Coordination Changes Across Countermovement Jump Heights
[Master's thesis]. Queen's University; September 2021.
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Standing Balance of Legged Robots: Leveraging Reduced Order Models to Improve Balancing Performance
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Compliant Flooring for Fall Injury Prevention in Long-Term Care
[PhD thesis]. Simon Fraser University; 2017.
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Prediction of the Risk of Vertebral Fracture in Patients With Metastatic Bone Lesions as a Tool for More Effective Patients’ Management
[PhD thesis]. University of Sheffield; November 2018.
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Computer Modeling of Human Lower Limb Muscles to Study How Muscle Fiber Lengths and Velocities Affect Muscle Force Generation During Walking and Running
[PhD thesis]. Stanford University; July 2012.
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Simulation and Statistical Tools for Clinical Biomechanics
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Proprioception in the Upper Limb of Non-Disabled and Stroke-Impaired Populations
[PhD thesis]. Stanford University; August 2019.
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Open-Source Tools for Measuring, Understanding, and Improving Walking
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Bipedal Walking Analysis, Control, and Applications Towards Human-Like Behavior
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Ergonomic Risk Assessment in Construction Manufacturing Facilities
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Development of Novel Wearable Sensor Technology for Walking Training Toward Functional Restoration of Stroke Patients
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An Evaluation of the Use of Vibrotactile Cues in Bilateral Upper-Limb Motion Training With Healthy Adults and Hemiparetic Individuals
[Master's thesis]. Vancouver, BC: University of British Columbia; August 2015.
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Prescription of Specialized Footwear for Individuals With Knee Osteoarthritis
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Shoe Bending Stiffness and Muscle-Tendon Unit Function in Running
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Experimental Measurement and Applied Modelling of Patellar Tendon Strain
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Development and Evaluation of an IMU-Based Wearable Device for ACL Injury Research
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Wearable Assistive Hand Exoskeleton for Activities of Daily Living
[Master's thesis]. Davis, University of California; 2022.
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Changes in Knee Joint Biomechanics in People With Transtibial Amputations Using Osseointegrated Prostheses
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The Development and Application of a Framework for Exploring the Energetics of Gait Strategy Adaptations
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Shank Kinematics and Kinetics in Prosthetic Gait: Implications for Improved Design of Prosthetic Systems
[Master's thesis]. University of Delaware; 2018.
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The First Step to a Framework for Gait-Training With a Bilateral Approach
[Master's thesis]. University of Delaware; 2018.
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Movement Intent and Its Construction
[PhD thesis]. University of Illinois at Chicago; 2016.
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Combined Effects of Physical and Psychological Factors on Physical Activity in Adults With Osteoarthritis
[PhD thesis]. University of Illinois at Chicago; 2021.
Malizia B.
Design of Passive Exotendon Spring Elements to Replace Muscle Torque During Gait
[Master's thesis]. University of Illinois at Chicago; 2021.
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Biomechanical Adaptations to Lower Limb Amputation During Functional Mobility Tasks
[PhD thesis]. University of Michigan; 2022.
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The Role of Compliance in Humans and Humanoid Robots Locomotion
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Impact of Virtual Reality Use on Motor Cortex and Neuromuscular Outcomes in Stroke
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Examination of Dual-Task Training Protocols to Alter Performance on a Concurrent Auditory Stroop and Obstacle Crossing Dual-Task Test
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Modelling Dynamic Postural Stability Margins During Fixed-Support Balance Recovery
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In Vitro Investigation of Carpal Tunnel Volume and Morphology Changes With Non-Neutral Wrist Postures
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Improving Footwear for Underground Coal Miners
[PhD thesis]. University of Wollongong.
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Energy Management Mechanisms Employed At the Human-Material Interface of Traditional and Minimalist Shod Running
[PhD thesis]. Hattiesburg, MS: University of Southern Mississippi; May 2016.
Gupta D.
Optimization of Dynamic Simulations to Identify Movement Patterns That Simultaneously Reduce the Risk of Injury and Enhance Human Performance
[PhD thesis]. Knoxville, University of Tennessee; May 2021.
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Knee Tissue Strains and Effectiveness of a Novel Functional ACL Knee Brace During Dynamic in-Vitro Loading
[Master's thesis]. University of Toronto; 2017.
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The Effect of a Three Set Tennis Match on Knee Kinematics and Leg Muscle Activation During the Tennis Serve
[Master's thesis]. University of Texas at Tyler; December 2012.
Kerron James.
A Characterization of the Knee Moment Using the Niagara Foot™
[Master's thesis]. University of Texas at Tyler; July 2013.
Jones Y.
Comparison of Ballet and Modern Dance in Terms of Kinetics, Kinematics and Muscle Activation During Landing for College Dancers
[Master's thesis]. University of Texas at Tyler; 2015.
Ikeda DM.
Quantification of Spine Stability: Assessing the Role of Muscles and Their Links to Eigenvalues and Stability
[Master's thesis]. University of Waterloo; 2011.
Glinka M.
The Effect of Aging on Movement Characteristics and Postural Control During Stooping and Crouching Tasks
[Master's thesis]. University of Waterloo; 2013.
Sidorkewicz N.
Lumbar Spine and Hip Kinematics and Muscle Activation Patterns During Coitus: A Comparison of Common Coital Positions
[Master's thesis]. University of Waterloo; 2013.
Bakker R.
The Effect of Sagittal Plane Mechanics on Anterior Cruciate Ligament Strain During Jump Landing
[Master's thesis]. University of Waterloo; 2014.
Lee B.
Trainability of Core Stiffness: Studies of Core Training Methods on Naive and Savvy Populations
[Master's thesis]. University of Waterloo; 2013.
De Carvalho DE.
Spine Biomechanics of Prolonged Sitting: Exploring the Effect Chair Features, Walking Breaks and Spine Manipulation Have on Posture and Perceived Pain in Men and Women
[PhD thesis]. University of Waterloo; 2015.
Viggiani D.
The Effects of Hip Abductor Fatigue on Low Back Pain Development During Prolonged Standing
[Master's thesis]. University of Waterloo; 2015.
Kianifar R.
Automated Pose Estimation for the Assessment of Dynamic Knee Valgus and Risk of Knee Injury During the Single Leg Squat
[Master's thesis]. University of Waterloo; 2017.
Levine IC.
The Effects of Body Composition and Body Configuration on Impact Dynamics During Lateral Falls: Insights from in-Vivo, in-Vitro, and in-Silico Approaches
[PhD thesis]. University of Waterloo; 2017.
Weaver TB.
New Insights Into the Landing Phase of Reactive Stepping: Predictors of Control, Muscle Recruitment, Movement Restraints and Two-Step Responses
[PhD thesis]. University of Waterloo; 2017.
Park J.
Assessing Pre-Existing Movement and Muscular Recruitment Differences in Prolonged Standing, Transient Low Back Pain Developers Compared to Non-Pain Developers
[Master's thesis]. University of Waterloo; 2018.
Kingston DC.
Development of a Full Flexion 3D Musculoskeletal Model of the Knee Considering Intersegmental Contact and Deep Muscle Activity During High Knee Flexion
[PhD thesis]. University of Waterloo; 2019.
Al-Rasheed M.
Combined Multibody Musculoskeletal Dynamic Modeling and Finite Element Modeling of the Human Tibia in Countermovement Jumps
[Master's thesis]. University of Waterloo; 2021.
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Compensatory Movement Simulation of Subacromial Impingement Syndrome Kinematics Using an Asymptomatic Group for Rehabilitative Shoulder Exercises
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Understanding Feedforward – Feedback Controller Components in Human Movement Through Optimization-Based Approaches
[PhD thesis]. University of Waterloo; 2023.
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An Investigation of Drummers’ Trunk and Upper Limb Muscle Activation Profiles During High-Velocity Cymbal Crashes
[Master's thesis]. University of Windsor; 2022.
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Ankle and Foot Biomechanics During Human Walking: Powerful Insights on Multiarticular Muscles, Soft Tissues, and Toe Joint Dynamics
[PhD thesis]. Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University; May 10, 2019.
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Recovery of Balance and Lower Extremity Joint Contributions in Total Ankle Arthroplasty Patients
[Master's thesis]. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; April 14, 2017.
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Energy Harvesting from the Human Body for Wearable and Mobile Devices
[PhD thesis]. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; May 13, 2020.
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The Effects of Ice Hockey Goaltender Leg Pads on Safety and Performance
[PhD thesis]. University of Western Ontario; 2016.
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Investigation of Bone Loading in FES-Assisted Rowing and Its Effect on Preventing Bone Loss in People With Spinal Cord Injury
[PhD thesis]. Worcester, MA: Worcester Polytechnic Institute; August 2018.
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Effects of Exoskeleton Walking Therapy in the Distal Femur and Proximal Tibia in Individuals With Chronic Spinal Cord Injury
[Master's thesis]. Worcester, MA: Worcester Polytechnic Institute; May 2021.
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Subject-Specific Musculoskeletal Modeling of Hip Dysplasia Biomechanics
[PhD thesis]. St. Louis, MO: Washington University in St. Louis; May 2021.