This thesis describes the results of a study of motorcycle accidents in and around Birmingham, England.
A retrospective examination of existing hospital and police records found that the characteristics of motorcycle accident casualties not included in official statistics (based on police reports) are different from the characteristics of the police reported motorcycle accident population. This problem is shown to limit the usefulness of national statistics in resource planning and the assessment of legislative change.
In-depth studies of serious and fatal motorcycle accidents were used to examine the potential for injury control and to determine the factors which limit helmet performance. Particular emphasis is given to the modes of failure observed in over one-third of all fatal accidents. Changes in helmet standards which have been introduced as a result of this work are discussed.
The potential for injury prevention in fatal motorcycle accidents is poor. Fatal motorcycle accidents are characterised by multiple fatal injuries often sustained in circumstances beyond the protective capabilities of available injury control systems, notably helmets.
The serious accident study highlighted a major area of concern namely the high proportion of severe and disabling leg injuries. Current designs of leg guards are ineffective in reducing leg injuries but the potential for alternative leg protective systems is shown. Neck injuries are not a feature of helmeted survivors.