i |
Yoganandan, Narayan1 International research contributions on the biomechanics of injury: honoring the past and looking towards the future |
0 |
0 |
xii |
Simms, Ciaran K.1 The need for accident investigation: Murray Mackay’s work presented at Conferences of the International Research Council on Biomechanics of Injury from 1973 to 2013 |
0 |
0 |
xxii |
Wang, Stewart C.1 Treat the patient, not just their disease |
1 |
0 |
1 |
Lindman, Magdalena1; Isaksson‐Hellman, Irene2; Strandroth, Johan3 Basic numbers needed to understand the traffic safety effect of automated cars |
1 |
1 |
13 |
Jorlöv, Sofia1,2; Bohman, Katarina2; Larsson, Annika2 Seating positions and activities in highly automated cars: a qualitative study of future automated driving scenarios |
34 |
30 |
23 |
Cutcliffe, Hattie C.1; Ólafsdόttir, Jόna M.2; Ӧsth, Jonas2; Davidsson, Johan2; Brolin, Karin2 Gender differences in occupant posture during driving and riding |
0 |
0 |
34 |
Dziewoński, Tomasz1; Golon, Karol1; Jastrzebski, Dominik1; Kopyt, Antoni1; Mirosław, Marcin1; Matyjewski, Marek1; Papis, Mateusz1 From aDRIVE project to INTEGRATED safety |
1 |
1 |
45 |
Tatem, W. M.1; Gabler, H. C.1 Preliminary analysis of serious‐to‐fatal injury in rear impact crashes in the United States |
5 |
3 |
54 |
Piantini, Simone1; Mangini, Marco2; Baldanzini, Niccolò1; Pierini, Marco1; Franci, Andrea2; Peris, Adriano2 Prediction of motorcyclist serious injury in powered two‐wheeler to other vehicle urban crash |
1 |
1 |
63 |
Wisch, M.1; Lerner, M.1; Vukovic, E.2; Hynd, D.3; Fiorentino, A.4; Fornells, A.5 Injury patterns of older car occupants, older pedestrians or cyclists in road traffic crashes with passenger cars in Europe: results from SENIORS |
10 |
8 |
79 |
Elrud, R.1; Stigson, H.1,2,3; Ohlin, M.4; Alexanderson, K.1; Kjeldgård, L.1; Friberg, E.1 Sickness absence among passenger car occupants following a crash |
0 |
0 |
91 |
Kitagawa, Yuichi1; Hayashi, Shigeki2; Yasuki, Tsuyoshi2 Comparison of impact kinematics between non‐obese and obese occupants in frontal and lateral impacts |
3 |
3 |
113 |
Ramachandra, R.1; Kashikar, T.1; Bolte, IV, J. H.1 Injury patterns of elderly occupants involved in side crashes |
8 |
1 |
116 |
Woering, Michel H.1; Vander Sloten, Jos1; Depreitere, Bart2,3 The development of a new low cost accident database, with the addition of an online feature to allow information‐sharing by different institutes |
0 |
0 |
119 |
Fujimoto, Keiichiro1; Wada, Eiichi1; Inoue, Shunnosuke2; Sakai, Shinsuke2; Izumi, Satoshi2; Numajiri, Hiroyuki3; Tanabe, Jinichi3 Investigation of the crew injury biomechanics during water landing for human space flight |
0 |
0 |
121 |
Malczyk, Axel1; Bende, Jenö1 Crashes between heavy vehicles and bicyclists: characteristics, injury patterns and potentials for driver assistance systems |
1 |
0 |
133 |
Song, Eric1; Uriot, Jerome2; Potier, Pascal2; Dubois, Denis2; Petit, Philippe1; Trosseille, Xavier1; Douard, Richard3 Reference PMHS tests to assess whole‐body pedestrian impact using a simplified generic vehicle front‐end |
4 |
3 |
151 |
Han, Yong1; Li, Quan1; He, Wei1; Wan, Fang1; Wang, Bingyu1; Mizuno, Koji2 Analysis of vulnerable road user kinematics before/during/after vehicle collisions based on video records |
7 |
6 |
166 |
Shang, Shi1; Otte, Dietmar2; Simms, Ciaran K.3 Pedestrian‐ground contact injuries observed from German in‐depth accident data |
1 |
0 |
168 |
Singh, K.1; Chawla, A.1; Mukherjee, S.1 Finite element simulation estimation of wheel‐base reduction and deformation energy of a typical Indian motorcycle crash at known impact speed against sedan car |
0 |
0 |
171 |
Sun, Zhaonan1; Gepner, Bronislaw1; Spratley, E. Meade1; Toczyski, Jacek1; Kerrigan, Jason R.1 New approaches to pedestrian knee joint biomechanics |
1 |
1 |
173 |
Stigson, Helena1,2,3; Rizzi, Matteo1,2; Ydenius, Anders1; Engström, Emma1; Kullgren, Anders1,2 Consumer testing of bicycle helmets |
7 |
6 |
190 |
Deck, C.1; Bourdet, N.1; Halldin, P.2; DeBruyne, G.3; Willinger, R.1 Protection capability of bicycle helmets under oblique impact assessed with two separate brain FE models |
2 |
0 |
201 |
Koncan, David A.1; Zemek, Roger2,3; Gilchrist, Michael D.4; Hoshizaki, Thomas B.1 Helmet construction influences brain strain patterns for events causing concussion in youth ice hockey |
0 |
0 |
211 |
Schmitt, Kai‐Uwe1; Muser, Markus H.1; Thüler, Hansjürg2; Brügger, Othmar2 Ice hockey boards: how to assess the biomechanical loading of a player upon impact? |
0 |
0 |
213 |
Stuart, Cameron A.1; Cripton, Peter A.1 Design of a novel helmet impact testing apparatus representative of snow sports head injury |
0 |
0 |
215 |
Clark, James Michio1; Connor, Thomas A.1,2; Williams, Claire3; Gilchrist, Michael D.1 Damage to real world equestrian helmets sustained from impact against different surfaces |
1 |
1 |
218 |
Bońkowski, Tomasz1; Hynčík, Luděk2; Šoltés, Lukáš2 Motorcycle helmets: the population diversity influence on head injury criterion assessment |
1 |
1 |
220 |
Jermakian, Jessica S.1; Edwards, Marcy A.1 Kinematics comparison between the Hybrid III 6 year‐old with standard pelvis and modified pelvis with gel abdomen in booster sled tests |
1 |
0 |
234 |
Visvikis, Costandinos1; Carroll, Jolyon2; Klimitsch, Carina3 Sensitivity of the Q‐series abdominal pressure twin sensors to loading type and position in dynamic restraint system loading tests |
2 |
0 |
257 |
Ramachandra, R.1; Kang, Y‐S.1; Hagedorn, A.2; Stammen, J.3; Bolte, IV, J.1 Abdominal biofidelity assessment of 50th percentile male and 10‐year‐old ATD responses relative to a recently developed belt‐loading corridor |
1 |
1 |
270 |
Reed, Matthew P.1; Boyle, Kyle J.1 Development of a manikin representing a two‐year‐old child for belt‐fit measurement |
0 |
0 |
272 |
Lopez‐Valdes, Francisco J.1; Juste, Oscar1; Lorente, Ana I.1; Piqueras, Ana1; Maza, Mario1; Muehlbauer, Julia2; Schick, Sylvia2; Pipkorn, Bengt3; Mroz, Krystoffer3; Peldschus, Steffen2 Comparison of the kinematics and dynamics of the THOR‐50M dummy and elderly volunteers in low‐speed frontal decelerations |
0 |
0 |
284 |
Miyazaki, Y.1; Railkar, A.2; Awamori, S.2; Kokeguchi, A.3; Amamori, I.3; Katagiri, M.3; Yoshii, K.3 Intracranial brain motion measurement in frontal sled tests by using a new anthropometric test dummy head capable of direct brain motion evaluation and visualisation |
2 |
1 |
296 |
Suzuki, Daisuke1; Nakai, Kazuma1; Enami, Shota1; Palacin, Roberto2 A countermeasure to reduce secondary impact velocity and rib deflection criterion of longitudinal‐seat passengers in railway collisions |
0 |
0 |
298 |
Arun, Mike W. J.1; Umale, Sagar1; Halloway, Dale1; Pintar, Frank A.1; Yoganandan, Narayan1 Can 1–DOF sled tests reproduce real world far‐side crashes? a finite element study |
0 |
0 |
312 |
Perez‐Rapela, Daniel1; Markusic, Craig2; Forman, Jason L.1; Montesinos Acosta, Salvador1; Kim, Taewung1; Crandall, Jeff R.1 Comparison of WorldSID to PMHS kinematics in far‐side impact |
0 |
0 |
314 |
Perez‐Rapela, Daniel1; Markusic, Craig1; Forman, Jason L.1; Montesinos Acosta, Salvador1; Kim, Taewung1; Crandall, Jeff R.1 IRTRACC and RibEye performance comparison in far‐side test configurations |
0 |
0 |
317 |
Jones, Monica L. H.1; Ebert, Sheila M.1; Hu, Jingwen1; Reed, Matthew P.1 Effects of high levels of obesity on lap and shoulder belt paths |
5 |
4 |
327 |
Baker, Gretchen1; Stockman, Isabelle1,2; Bohman, Katarina3; Jakobsson, Lotta1,2; Svensson, Mats1; Osvalder, Anna‐Lisa1; Wimmerstedt, Maria2 Kinematics and shoulder belt engagement of children on belt‐positioning boosters during emergency braking events |
5 |
0 |
341 |
Osvalder, Anna‐Lisa1; Bohman, Katarina2; Hansson, Ida1 Adult’s and children’s attitudes towards extra seat belts in the rear seats |
0 |
0 |
353 |
Hitosugi, Masahito1; Koseki, Takeshi1; Takaso, Marin1; Motozawa, Yasuki1 Serious seatbelt injuries sustained by pregnant women sitting in rear seats: anthropometric analyses and confirmation in sled tests |
0 |
0 |
363 |
Gupta, A.1; Alvarez, F.1; Daniel, T.1; Larner, D.1 Investigating the use of adhesively‐coated external airbag to reduce post‐impact kinematics |
3 |
3 |
373 |
Edwards, Marcy A.1; Nash, Carl E.2 Inflatable shoulder belts and inboard upper anchor shoulder‐belt geometry in far‐side oblique impacts |
4 |
3 |
390 |
Östling, Martin1; Saito, Hiroyuki1; Vishwanatha, Abhiroop1; Ding, Chengkai1; Pipkorn, Bengt1; Sunnevång, Cecilia1 Potential benefit of a 3+2 criss cross seat belt system in frontal and oblique crashes |
4 |
2 |
410 |
Drake, Aaron M.1; Takhounts, Erik G.2; Hasija, Vikas1 Investigation of parameters affecting brain model validation and brain strains using the SIMon finite element head model |
0 |
0 |
432 |
Talebanpour, A.1; Smith, L.1 A comparison between simulated and measured human brain response under mild acceleration |
2 |
2 |
467 |
Lakshminarayana, Apoorva1; Shah, Chirag S.2 Development of the THOR‐5F advanced frontal small female dummy FE model |
0 |
0 |
469 |
Kunitomi, Shouhei1; Yamamoto, Yoshihiro1; Kato, Ryosuke1; Antona‐Makoshi, Jacobo1; Konosu, Atsuhiro1; Dokko, Yasuhiro2; Yasuki, Tsuyoshi2 The development of the lower extremity of a human FE model and the influence of anatomical detailed modelling in vehicle‐to‐pedestrian impacts |
3 |
3 |
494 |
Tang, Jisi1,2; Hu, Jingwen2; Nie, Bingbing1; Zhou, Qing1 An algorithm for rapid adjustment of lower extremity posture of a pedestrian model |
2 |
0 |
508 |
Klug, Corina1; Feist, Florian1; Raffler, Marco1; Sinz, Wolfgang1; Petit, Philippe2; Ellway, James3; van Ratingen, Michiel3 Development of a procedure to compare kinematics of human body models for pedestrian simulations |
17 |
11 |
531 |
Fuchs, T.1; Peldschus, S.1,2 Qualifying FE human body models for specific load cases: assessing uncertainties during the validation process |
0 |
0 |
533 |
Chhabra, Aditya1; Paruchuri, Sachiv1; Mishra, Kshitij1; Kaushik, Dhruv1; Chawla, Anoop1; Mukherjee, Sudipto1; Malhotra, Rajesh2 Spline‐based repositioning for the vertebral column of the GHBMC human body finite element model |
0 |
0 |
535 |
Chhabra, Aditya1; Paruchuri, Sachiv1; Mishra, Kshitij1; Kaushik, Dhruv1; Chawla, Anoop1; Mukherjee, Sudipto1; Malhotra, Rajesh2 Contour‐based repositioning of lower limbs of the GHBMC human body FE model |
1 |
1 |
537 |
Meynen, A.1; De Kegel, D.1; Famaey, N.1; van Lenthe, H.1; Vander Sloten, J.1 Analysing the validity of a skull fracture energy criterion through subject‐specific finite element modelling of skull impacts |
0 |
0 |
539 |
Kang, Yun‐Seok1; Agnew, Amanda M.1; Hong, Chang‐Bong2; Icke, Kyle1; Bolte, IV, John H.1 Elderly PMHS thoracic responses and injuries in frontal impacts |
3 |
0 |
558 |
Ejima, Susumu1; Holcombe, Sven A.1; Zhang, Peng1; Derstine, Brian A.1; Goulson, Rebecca L.1; Kohoyda‐Inglis, Carla1; MacWilliams, Joel1; Wang, Stewart C.1 The effect of rib fracture patterns in the obese |
1 |
0 |
567 |
Albert, Devon L.1,2; Kang, Yun‐Seok3; Agnew, Amanda M.3; Kemper, Andrew R.2 A comparison of rib structural and material properties from matched whole rib bending and tension coupon tests |
14 |
3 |
577 |
Donnelly, Bruce R.1; Rhule, Heather H.2; Moorhouse, Kevin M.2; Kang, Yun‐Seok3; Stammen, Jason A.2 An improved deflection energy method to normalise PMHS thoracic response data |
1 |
1 |
592 |
Hu, Mengxia1; Li, Yibing1 Same‐direction‐pattern of drivers’ avoidance behaviour in critical intersection situations: field accident data analysis and driving simulation study |
2 |
2 |
595 |
Jastrzębski, Dominik1; Kopyt, Antoni1; Golon, Karol1; Mirosław, Marcin1; Dziewoński, Tomasz1 Fuzzy logic as a model of an actor‐driver in simulator scenarios |
0 |
0 |
597 |
Izumiyama, Tomohiro1; Nishida, Norihiro2; Iwanaga, Hideyuki3; Chen, Xian4; Ohgi, Junji4; Sakuramoto, Itsuo5; Asahi, Ryusuke1; Sugimoto, Shigeru1; Ueno, Masaki1 The analysis of an individual difference using human skeletal morphology in automotive seated posture. |
1 |
0 |
600 |
Hasija, Vikas1; Takhounts, Erik2; Lee, Ellen2; Craig, Matthew2 On the importance of the forces and moments at the occipital condyles in predicting ligamentous cervical spine injuries |
0 |
0 |
613 |
Lechner, Rolf1; Hailer, Ingmar1; Horion, Stefan1; Steffan, Hermann2 Validation of the causality of influencing seat design parameters, identified by using multivariate analysis methods, on the BioRID‐II ATD kinematics in low‐speed rear‐end impacts |
0 |
0 |
642 |
Pilarczyk, Bartłomiej M.1; Simms, Ciaran2; Cronin, Duane S.1 Effect of different muscle fibre types on the neck kinematics for frontal impact |
1 |
1 |
648 |
Mang, D. W. H.1; Blouin, J‐S.1; Siegmund, G. P.2 A comparison of anti‐whiplash seats during low/moderate‐speed rear‐end collisions |
0 |
0 |
650 |
Whyte, Tom1,2; Melnyk, Angela D.1,2; Van Toen, Carolyn1,2; Street, John3; Oxland, Thomas R.1,2; Cripton, Peter A.1,2 The effect of translational constraint on cervical spine kinetics, kinematics and canal occlusions in impacts inducing lateral bending |
0 |
0 |
654 |
Shen, David1; Cronin, Duane S.1 Effect of active musculature parameters on neck response and potential for injury |
2 |
1 |
656 |
Hu, Jingwen1; Zhang, Kai1; Fanta, Abeselom1; Jones, Monica L. H.1; Reed, Matthew P.1; Neal, Mark2; Wang, Jenne-Tai2; Lin, Chin-Hsu2; Cao, Libo3 Stature and body shape effects on driver injury risks in frontal crashes: a parametric human modelling study |
5 |
4 |
668 |
Christou, Alexandros1; Grigoriadis, Grigoris2; Carpanen, Diagarajen2; Newell, Nicolas2; Masouros, Spyros D.2 Biomechanics of a lumbar functional unit using the finite element method |
1 |
1 |
670 |
Newell, Nicolas1; Carpanen, Diagarajen1; Christou, Alexandros1; Grigoriadis, Grigoris1; Little, J. Paige2; Masouros, Spyros D.1 Strain rate dependence of internal pressure and external bulge in human intervertebral discs during axial compression |
3 |
2 |
672 |
Byrne, G.1; Tiernan, S.1 An investigation of the effect of impact locations on strain within the brain |
0 |
0 |
674 |
Giudice, J. Sebastian1; Alshareef, Ahmed1; Forman, Jason1; Panzer, Matthew B.1 Measuring 3D brain deformation during dynamic head motion using sonomicrometry |
1 |
0 |
677 |
Kumar, D.1; Mukherjee, S.1; Chawla, A.1 Evaluation of load path for injury prediction in soft tissues |
0 |
0 |
679 |
Martynenko, Oleksandr1; Kleinbach, Christian2; Hammer, Maria1; Haeufle, Daniel F. B.3; Mayer, Christian4; Schmitt, Syn1 Advanced Hill-type muscle model as user defined material in LS-DYNA with routing capability for application in active human body models |
2 |
0 |
681 |
Fehr, Jörg1; Kempter, Fabian1; Kleinbach, Christian1; Schmitt, Syn1 Guiding strategy for an open source Hill-type muscle model in LS-Dyna and implementation in the upper extremity of a HBM |
1 |
0 |
683 |
Kleinbach, Christian1; Fehr, Jörg1 Comparison of muscle activated HBMs in a lane change manoeuvre |
0 |
0 |
685 |
Eckersley, Christopher P.1; Nightingale, Roger W.1,2; Luck, Jason F.1; Bass, Cameron R.1 Effect of neck musculature on head kinematic response following blunt impact |
2 |
2 |
699 |
Ghajari, M.1; Hellyer, P. J.2; Sharp, D. J.3 Predicting the location of chronic traumatic encephalopathy pathology |
0 |
0 |
701 |
Alshareef, Ahmed; Giudice, J. Sebastian; Forman, Jason; Panzer, Matthew B. Evaluating the biofidelity of human brain finite element models using sonomicrometry data |
2 |
1 |
703 |
Tierney, Gregory J.1; Simms, Ciaran K.1 The effect of intended primary contact location on tackler head impact risk |
1 |
0 |
707 |
Zouzias, Dimitris1; De Bruyne, G.2; Ivens, J.1 A proposed motion tracking technique to assess the kinematics of oblique impact |
0 |
0 |
709 |
Grigoriadis, Grigoris1; Carpanen, Diagarajen1; Webster, Claire1; Newell, Nic1; Masouros, Spyros D.1 The effect of the posture of the lower limb in anti‐vehicular explosions |
0 |
0 |
711 |
Hunter, R. L.1,2; Murach, M M.2; Briley, K. C.3; Agnew, A. M.2 Preliminary investigation into the co‐variation of cortical geometric properties and vBMD along the length of the tibia |
3 |
0 |
713 |
Roberts, Carolyn W.1; Kerrigan, Jason R.1; Forman, Jason L.1 Shod and unshod kinematic response of the female lower extremity under dorsiflexion loading |
1 |
0 |
715 |
Nie, B.1,2; Forman, J. L.3; Mait, A. R.3; Donlon, J‐P.3; Kent, R. W.3 Foot position shifts injury initiation among ankle ligaments during external rotation |
1 |
0 |
728 |
Agnew, A. M.; Murach, M. M.; Misicka, E.; Moorhouse, K.; Bolte, IV, J. H.; Kang, Y. S. The effect of body size on adult human rib structural properties |
7 |
2 |
737 |
Holcombe, S. A.1; Ejima, S.1; Wang, S. C.1 Calcification of costal cartilage in the adult rib cage |
4 |
1 |
745 |
Jastrzębski, D.1; Poulard, D.1; Panzer, M. B.1 Development of morphed ribcage finite element models for comparison with PMHS data |
1 |
1 |
749 |
Harden, A. L.1,2; Kang, Y. S.1,2; Moorhouse, K.3; Agnew, A. M.2 Variance in fracture location of human ribs subjected to dynamic antero‐posterior bending |
1 |
0 |
717 |
Boutillier, J.1; De Mezzo, S.2; Deck, C.1; Magnan, P.2; Naz, P.2; Willinger, R.1 Thoracic response of post‐mortem swine under blast loadings |
0 |
0 |
36 |
Rajaraman, Ravishankar1; Patel, Muddassar1; Padmanaban, Jeya1 Characteristics of passenger car crashes in India, and a preliminary assessment of euro NCAP frontal impact tests for passenger cars in India |
1 |
0 |
274 |
Maach, Samuel1; von Rosen, Bert1; McCauley, Lorne1; Levine, Jeffrey2; Dionne, Jean‐Philippe2 Comparison of Hybrid III head response to shock tube and explosive blast loading |
0 |
0 |
360 |
Larsen, P.1; Mousel, T.1 Radio‐frequency based detection of unattended children to reduce in‐vehicle heat stroke fatalities |
0 |
0 |
443 |
Östh, Jonas1; Mendoza‐Vazquez, Manuel1; Linder, Astrid1,2; Svensson, Mats Y.1; Brolin, Karin1 The VIVA OpenHBM finite element 50th percentile female occupant model: whole body model development and kinematic validation |
12 |
10 |
645 |
Khor, Fiona1; Cronin, Duane1; Van Toen, Carolyn2 Lower cervical spine hard tissue injury prediction in axial compression |
1 |
0 |
705 |
Siegkas, Petros1; Ghajari, Mazdak1 Computational modelling of oblique impacts on helmets with a new add‐on lining system |
0 |
0 |
182 |
Robinson, M.1; Soe, S.1; McShane, G.2; Celeghini, R.3; Burek, R.4; Alves, M.3; Hanna, B.1; Theobald, P.1 Developing elastomeric cellular structures for multiple head impacts |
1 |
1 |
652 |
John, Jobin D.1; Yoganandan, Narayan2; Arun, Mike W. J.2; Kumar, Gurunathan Saravana1 Sagittal curvature and vertebra axial geometry effects on cervical spine global and local responses |
0 |
0 |
747 |
Singh, Dilaver1; Cronin, Duane S.1; Slutsky, Arthur S.2 Micro‐model to evaluate alveolar wall mechanical properties from pressure‐volume response |
1 |
0 |