As the number of elderly drivers and occupants continues to increase, it is important that vehicle safety equipment and restraint systems are investigated to understand if current systems are protecting these occupants during frontal collisions. The objective of this study is to examine thoracic injury to post mortem human subjects over the age of 65 that were exposed to frontal impacts with changes in velocity of 46 km/h. Six frontal impact sled tests were conducted using elderly PMHS. Each PMHS was screened to ensure the specimens had similar bone mineral density within the osteopenic to osteoporotic range. Two different restraint systems were used: one used an adaptive seat belt with two load limiters, an airbag with an inner air distribution chamber and a knee airbag (n=3); the other was a typical configuration and utilized a seat belt with one load limiter and an airbag with no inner chamber (n=3). Maximum percent chest deflection for the adaptive restraint system was 21.4 ± 4.7%, while that for the typical restraint system was 24.1 ± 8.4%. Rib fractures, a sternum fracture, and a spleen laceration were among the resulting injuries identified.
Elderly PMHS, Frontal impact, Restraint system, Rib fractures, Thoracic injury