Recent efforts to understand frontal crashes have investigated the between‐rails crash. The research question investigated in this study is as follows: What was (1) the type of thoracic/abdominal trauma; (2) what were the contacts associated with the thorax/abdomen trauma; and (3) how did the age of the driver affect the injury severity? The method was to review NASS‐CDS cases where a driver suffered an AIS≥3 plus fatal torso injury in between‐rail crashes. This study examines crash data from the NASS‐CDS between the years 1997‐2009. The raw data count for between‐rail NASSCDS cases was 784, corresponding to 227,305 weighted, tow‐away crashes. A previous study suggested that, for betweenrail crashes, approximately 20% of the AIS≥3 injuries and fatalities were to the chest. Roughly 5% of the AIS≥3 injuries were to the abdomen. The distribution of AIS≥3 injuries are presented by anatomical structure and organ for the chest and abdomen. The source of AIS≥3 injuries are presented by the interior contact. To assess the mechanical particulars of the injury mechanism, frontal crashes were analyzed with an integrated vehicle‐occupant finite element model (FEM) of a small‐size car and the THUMS FEM human model.
abdominal injury, center pole crash, finite element model, frontal impact, thoracic injury