1983 |
Parfitt AM. Stereologic basis of bone histomorphometry: theory of quantitative micorscopy and reconstruction of the third dimension. In: Recker RR, ed. Bone Histomorphometry: Techniques and Interpretation. Boca Raton, FL: Inc., CRC Press; 1983:53-87. |
36 |
32 |
1983 |
Parfitt AM. The physiologic and clinical significance of bone histomorphometric data. In: Recker RR, ed. Bone Histomorphometry: Techniques and Interpretation. Boca Raton, FL: Inc., CRC Press; 1983:143-223. |
132 |
118 |
1988 |
Parfitt AM. Bone remodeling: relationship to the amount and structure of bone, and the pathogenesis and prevention of fractures. In: Riggs BL, Melton LJ III, eds. Osteoporosis: Etiology, Diagnosis, and Management. New York, NY: Raven Press; 1988:45-93. |
35 |
27 |
1990 |
Parfitt AM. Bone-forming cells in clinical conditions. In: Hall BK, ed. Bone. Volume 1: The Osteoblast and Osteocyte. Caldwell, NJ: Inc., The Telford Press; 1990:351-429. |
44 |
26 |
1987 |
Parfitt AM. Trabecular bone architecture in the pathogenesis and prevention of fracture. Am J Med. January 26, 1987;82(suppl 1B):68-72. |
74 |
71 |
1991 |
Parfitt AM, Foldes J. The ambiguity of interstitial bone thickness: a new approach to the mechanism of trabecular thinning. Bone. 1991;12(2):119-122. |
4 |
0 |
1992 |
Parfitt AM. Implications of architecture for the pathogenesis and prevention of vertebral fracture. Bone. 1992;13(suppl 2):S41-S47. |
49 |
48 |
1993 |
Parfitt AM. Morphometry of bone resorption: introduction and overview. Bone. ;14(3):435-441. |
7 |
3 |
2000 |
Glorieux FH, Travers R, Taylor A, Bowen JR, Rauch F, Norman M, Parfitt AM. Normative data for iliac bone histomorphometry in growing children. Bone. February 2000;26(2):103-109. |
25 |
15 |
2000 |
Rauch F, Travers R, Parfitt AM, Glorieux FH. Static and dynamic bone histomorphometry in children with osteogenesis imperfecta. Bone. June 2000;26(6):581-589. |
30 |
26 |
2000 |
Parfitt AM, Travers R, Rauch F, Glorieux FH. Structural and cellular changes during bone growth in healthy children. Bone. October 2000;27(4):487-494. |
30 |
25 |
2002 |
Parfitt AM. Targeted and nontargeted bone remodeling: relationship to basic multicellular unit origination and progression. Bone. January 2002;30(1):5-7. |
52 |
50 |
2002 |
Parfitt AM. Misconceptions (2): turnover is always higher in cancellous than in cortical bone. Bone. June 2002;30(6):807-809. |
40 |
40 |
2002 |
Qiu S, Rao DS, Palnitkar S, Parfitt AM. Age and distance from the surface but not menopause reduce osteocyte density in human cancellous bone. Bone. August 2002;31(2):313-318. |
25 |
23 |
2003 |
Ciarelli TE, Fyhrie DP, Parfitt AM. Effects of vertebral bone fragility and bone formation rate on the mineralization levels of cancellous bone from white females. Bone. March 2003;32(3):311-315. |
42 |
37 |
2005 |
Qiu S, Rao DS, Fyhrie DP, Palnitkar S, Parfitt AM. The morphological association between microcracks and osteocyte lacunae in human cortical bone. Bone. July 2005;37(1):10-15. |
35 |
34 |
2009 |
Ciarelli TE, Tjhia C, Rao S, Qiu S, Parfitt M, Fyhrie DP. Trabecular packet-level lamellar density patterns differ by fracture status and bone formation rate in white females. Bone. November 2009;45(5):903-908. |
14 |
11 |
1979 |
Parfitt AM. Quantum concept of bone remodeling and turnover: implications for the pathogenesis of osteoporosis. Calcif Tiss Int. 1979;28(1):1-5. |
45 |
39 |
1984 |
Parfitt AM. The cellular basis of bone remodeling: the quantum concept reexamined in light of recent advances in the cell biology of bone. Calcif Tiss Int. March 1984;36(suppl 1):S37-S45. |
74 |
67 |
1984 |
Parfitt AM. Age-related structural changes in trabecular and cortical bone: cellular mechanisms and biomechanical consequences. Calcif Tiss Int. 1984;36(suppl 1):S123-S128. |
115 |
109 |
1985 |
Kleerekoper M, Villanueva AR, Stanciu J, Rao DS, Parfitt AM. The role of three-dimensional trabecular microstructure in the pathogenesis of vertebral compression fractures. Calcif Tiss Int. 1985;37(6):594-597. |
162 |
153 |
1988 |
Parfitt AM. Bone histomorphometry: proposed system for standardization of nomenclature, symbols, and units. Calcif Tiss Int. May 1988;42(5):284-286. |
13 |
13 |
1993 |
Parfitt AM. Bone age, mineral density, and fatigue damage. Calcif Tiss Int. February 1993;53(suppl 1):S82-S86. |
41 |
38 |
1987 |
Parfitt AM. Bone remodeling and bone loss: understanding the pathophysiology of osteoporosis. Clin Obstet Gynecol. December 1987;30(4):789-811. |
26 |
26 |
1977 |
Parfitt AM. The cellular basis of bone turnover and bone loss: a rebuttal of the osteocytic resorption—bone flow theory. Clin Orthop Relat Res. September 1977;127:236-247. |
34 |
32 |
1987 |
Parfitt AM, Drezner MK, Glorieux FH, Kanis JA, Malluche H, Meunier PJ, Ott SM, Recker RR. Bone histomorphometry: standardization of nomenclature, symbols, and units: report of the ASBMR histomorphometry nomenclature committee. J Bone Miner Res. December 1987;2(6):595-610. |
369 |
335 |
1988 |
Recker RR, Kimmel DB, Parfitt MA, Davies MK, Keshawarz N, Hinders S. Static and tetracycline‐based bone histomorphometric data from 34 normal postmenopausal females. J Bone Miner Res. April 1988;3(2):133-344. |
35 |
27 |
1989 |
Feldkamp LA, Goldstein SA, Parfitt MA, Jesion G, Kleerekoper M. The direct examination of three‐dimensional bone architecture in vitro by computed tomography. J Bone Miner Res. 1989;4(1):3-11. |
238 |
214 |
1990 |
Foldes J, Shih M-S, Parfitt AM. Frequency distributions of tetracycline-based measurements: implications for the interpretation of bone formation indices in the absence of double-labeled surfaces. J Bone Miner Res. October 1990;5(10):1063-1067. |
18 |
15 |
1991 |
Foldes J, Parfitt AM, Shih MS, Rao DS, Kleerekoper M. Structural and geometric changes in iliac bone: relationship to normal aging and osteoporosis. J Bone Miner Res. July 1991;6(7):759-766. |
25 |
20 |
1991 |
Cohen‐Solal ME, Shih M, Lundy MW, Parfitt AM. A new method for measuring cancellous bone erosion depth: application to the cellular mechanisms of bone loss in postmenopausal osteoporosis. J Bone Miner Res. December 1991;6(12):1331-1338. |
16 |
11 |
1992 |
Balena R, Shih M-S, Parfitt AM. Bone resorption and formation on the periosteal envelope of the ilium: a histomorphometric study in healthy women. J Bone Miner Res. December 1992;7(12):1475-1482. |
21 |
16 |
1996 |
Parfitt AM, Mundy GR, Roodman GD, Hughes DE, Boyce BF. A new model for the regulation of bone resorption, with particular reference to the effects of bisphosphonates. J Bone Miner Res. February 1996;11(2):150-159. |
40 |
35 |
1996 |
Han Z, Palnitkar S, Rao DS, Nelson D, Parfitt AM. Effect of ethnicity and age or menopause on the structure and geometry of iliac bone. J Bone Miner Res. December 1996;11(12):1967-1975. |
23 |
16 |
1997 |
Han Z-H, Palnitkar S, Rao DS, Nelson D, Parfitt AM. Effects of ethnicity and age or menopause on the remodeling and turnover of iliac bone: implications for mechanisms of bone loss. J Bone Miner Res. April 1997;12(4):498-508. |
27 |
22 |
1998 |
Jilka RL, Weinstein RS, Bellido T, Parfitt AM, Manolagas SC. Osteoblast programmed cell death (apoptosis): modulation by growth factors and cytokines. J Bone Miner Res. May 1998;13(5):793-802. |
34 |
27 |
2002 |
Parfitt AM. High bone turnover is intrinsically harmful: two paths to a similar conclusion: the Parfitt view. J Bone Miner Res. August 2002;17(8):1558-1559. |
21 |
21 |
2003 |
Qiu S, Rao DS, Palnitkar S, Parfitt AM. Reduced iliac cancellous osteocyte density in patients with osteoporotic vertebral fracture. J Bone Miner Res. September 2003;18(9):1657-1663. |
23 |
23 |
2005 |
Riggs BL, Parfitt AM. Drugs used to treat osteoporosis: the critical need for a uniform nomenclature based on their action on bone remodeling. J Bone Miner Res. February 2005;20(2):177-184. |
33 |
30 |
2006 |
Aguirre JI, Plotkin LI, Stewart SA, Weinstein RS, Parfitt AM, Manolagas SC, Bellido T. Osteocyte apoptosis is induced by weightlessness in mice and precedes osteoclast recruitment and bone loss. J Bone Miner Res. April 2006;21(4):605-615. |
67 |
62 |
2013 |
Dempster DW, Compston JE, Drezner MK, Glorieux FH, Kanis JA, Malluche H, Meunier PJ, Ott SM, Recker RR, Parfitt AM. Standardized nomenclature, symbols, and units for bone histomorphometry: a 2012 update of the report of the ASBMR Histomorphometry Nomenclature Committee. J Bone Miner Res. January 2013;28(1):2-17. |
232 |
226 |
1994 |
Parfitt AM. Osteonal and hemi‐osteonal remodeling: the spatial and temporal framework for signal traffic in adult human bone. J Cell Biochem. July 1994;55(3):273-286. |
115 |
109 |
1983 |
Parfitt AM, Mathews CH, Villanueva AR, Kleerekoper M, Frame B, Rao DS. Relationships between surface, volume, and thickness of iliac trabecular bone in aging and in osteoporosis: implications for the microanatomic and cellular mechanisms of bone loss. J Clin Invest. October 1983;72(4):1396-1409. |
315 |
298 |
1998 |
Weinstein RS, Jilka RL, Parfitt AM, Manolagas SC. Inhibition of osteoblastogenesis and promotion of apoptosis of osteoblasts and osteocytes by glucocorticoids: potential mechanisms of their deleterious effects on bone. J Clin Invest. July 15, 1998;102(2):274-282. |
55 |
47 |
1999 |
Jilka RL, Weinstein RS, Bellido T, Roberson P, Parfitt AM, Manolagas SC. Increased bone formation by prevention of osteoblast apoptosis with parathyroid hormone. J Clin Invest. August 1999;104(4):439-446. |
62 |
52 |
1999 |
Plotkin LI, Weinstein RS, Parfitt AM, Roberson PK, Manolagas SC, Bellido T. Prevention of osteocyte and osteoblast apoptosis by bisphosphonates and calcitonin. J Clin Invest. November 1999;104(10):1363-1374. |
45 |
37 |
1976 |
Parfitt AM. The actions of parathyroid hormone on bone: relation to bone remodeling and turnover, calcium homeostasis, and metabolic bone disease: part I of IV parts: mechanisms of calcium transfer between blood and bone and their cellular basis: morphological and kinetic approaches to bone turnover. Metabolism. July 1976;25(7):809-844. |
27 |
17 |
1976 |
Parfitt AM. The actions of parathyroid hormone on bone: relation to bone remodeling and turnover, calcium homeostasis, and metabolic bone diseases: part II of IV parts: PTH and bone cells: bone turnover and plasma calcium regulation. Metabolism. August 1976;25(8):909-955. |
11 |
7 |
1976 |
Parfitt AM. The actions of parathyroid hormone on bone: relation to bone remodeling and turnover, calcium homeostasis, and metabolic bone disease: part III of IV parts: PTH and osteoblasts, the relationship between bone turnover and bone loss, and the state of the bones in primary hyperparathyroidism. Metabolism. September 1976;25(9):1033-1069. |
12 |
6 |
1976 |
Parfitt AM. The actions of parathyroid hormone on bone: relation to bone remodeling and turnover, calcium homeostasis, and metabolic bone disease: part IV of IV parts: the state of the bones in uremic hyperparathyroidism: the mechanisms of skeletal resistance to PTH in renal failure and pseudohypoparathyroidism and the role of pth in osteoporosis, osteopetrosis, and osteofluorosis. Metabolism. October 1976;25(10):1157-1188. |
4 |
3 |
1994 |
Parfitt AM. The two faces of growth: benefits and risks to bone integrity. Osteoporos Int. November 1994;4(6):382-398. |
34 |
33 |
1986 |
Villanueva AR, Sypitkowski C, Parfitt AM. A new method for identification of cement lines in undecalcified, plastic embedded sections of bone. Stain Tech. March 1986;61(2):83-88. |
10 |
7 |