1 |
Rudd, Rodney W.; Parenteau, Chantal S. Serious spine injuries using 2017-2021 CISS and CIREN data: effect of spinal degeneration comorbidities |
0 |
0 |
17 |
Firey, Lauren M. L.; Rudd, Rodney W.; Lockerby, Jack; Craig, Matthew J. Identification of influential factors among fatalities of restrained first-row occupants in recent frontal crashes |
0 |
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44 |
Kleinschmidt, Katelyn; Dean, Morgan E.; Sherony, Rini; Hasegawa, Takashi; Riexinger, Luke E. Characterisation of real-world intersection traversals from large-scale naturalistic driving data in the USA |
0 |
0 |
55 |
D’Elia, Angelo; Newstead, Stuart Evaluation of the effectiveness of vehicle knee airbags using police reported crash data linked to injury compensation claims data |
0 |
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57 |
Abrams, Mitchell Z.; Venkatraman, Jay; Sherman, Donald; Ortiz-Paparoni, Maria; Bercaw, Jefferson R.; MacDonald, Robert E.; Kait, Jason; Dimbath, Elizabeth; Pang, Derek; Gray, Alexandra; Luck, Jason F.; Bir, Cynthia A.; Bass, Cameron R. Biofidelity and limitations of instrumented mouthguard systems for assessment of rigid body head kinematics |
0 |
0 |
72 |
Mukherjee, Sayak; Carpenter, Randolff; Berthelson, Parker; Forman, Jason; Panzer, Matthew B. Measurement of fast, goal-directed head motions in humans |
0 |
0 |
74 |
Alshareef, Ahmed A.; Giudice, J. Sebastian; Shedd, Daniel F.; Knutsen, Andrew K.; Pham, Dzung L.; Panzer, Matthew B. Multimodal experimental acquisition of brain motion in a 3D headform phantom |
0 |
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76 |
Wu, Taotao; Rifkin, Jared A.; Alshareef, Ahmed; Panzer, Matthew B. Computational modeling of human cerebrovasculature for enhancing the capabilities to simulate and predict traumatic brain injury |
0 |
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78 |
Shaikh, Junaid; Pipkorn, Bengt Comparison of head injuries during small and moderate overlap in motor vehicle crashes |
0 |
0 |
81 |
Chauvet, Robert; Martin, Ashton; Rovt, Jennifer; Petel, Oren; Ouellet, Simon; Westover, Lindsey; Dennison, Chris Output location sensitivity analysis for head impact FEA models in pressure and displacement using the BIPED headform |
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83 |
Seeburrun, Tanvi; Hartlen, Devon C.; Bustamante, Michael C.; Azar, Austin; Ouellet, Simon; Cronin, Duane S. Application of measured head kinematics to finite element head model and assessment of brain response in human volunteers subject to acceleration events from rifle recoil |
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85 |
Vives-Torres, Carmen M.; Valdano, Manuel; Alvarez-Fernandez, Jaime; Asensio-Gil, Juan M.; Rodriguez-Morcillo, Carlos; Millet-Solanelles, Marc; Oleaga-Ortega, Nil; Llobet-Cusí, Lucas; Lopez-Valdes, Francisco J. The effectiveness of cervical airbags in the control of head and neck kinematics |
1 |
0 |
105 |
Meng, Shiyang; Gidion, Fritjof; Lubbe, Nils Craniofacial injuries for helmeted and unhelmeted bicyclists in Germany |
0 |
0 |
113 |
Trube, Niclas; Matt, Patrick; Jenerowicz, Marcin; Ballal, Niranjan; Soot, Thomas; Fressmann, Dirk; Lazarov, Nikolay; Moennich, Joerg; Lich, Thomas; Lerge, Patrick; Nölle, Lennart V.; Schmitt, Syn Plausibility assessment of numerical cyclist to vehicle collision simulations based on accident data |
0 |
0 |
136 |
Erlinger, Nico; Schinagl, Maximilian; Krebs, Cornelia; Arneitz, Christoph; Klug, Corina Simulation of blunt abdominal impacts caused by handlebar ends during bicycle crashes with the PIPER child model |
0 |
0 |
156 |
Fahlstedt, Madelen; Halldin, Peter The relationship between bicycle helmet performance and the choice of injury metrics, injury risk functions and headforms |
0 |
0 |
158 |
Quarrington, Ryan D.; Jones, Claire F.; Woolley, Jeremy Making it less deadly down under: lessons learned at leading injury biomechanics research laboratories |
0 |
0 |
160 |
Tesny, Angela C.; Fibbi, Clare; Kang, Yun Seok; Agnew, Amanda M.; Baker, Gretchen H.; Zaragoza-Rivera, Yadetsie; Shurtz, Benjamin; Pipkorn, Bengt; Rhule, Heather; Moorhouse, Kevin; Markusic, Craig; Malcolm, Skye; Bolte, IV, John Evaluation of 5th percentile female ATDs in near-side impact scenarios compared to elderly PMHS |
0 |
0 |
184 |
Wang, Z. Jerry; Loeber, Brian H.; Tesny, Angela; Kan, Yun Seok Biomechanical responses of a new neck for THOR-AV 5th percentile female dummy |
0 |
0 |
201 |
Hayashi, Shigeki; Miyazaki, Hiroshi; Imura, Kazuo; Galazka, Jakub; Lucchini-Gilera, Andrea Comparison of the impact response of the thums human body model and of the WorldSID finite element model in far side sled tests |
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228 |
Hederskog, Amanda; Schilling, Stefan; Kruse, Dion; Lubbe, Nils Sensitivity of rear-seated Hybrid III 5th and THOR 5th to load limiting and crash pulse |
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230 |
Linder, Astrid; Hjort, Mattias; Svensson, Mats Y. Dummy kinematics assessment: evaluation of a combined gyro and accelerometer set-up |
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232 |
Brumbelow, Matthew L. Female driver lower extremity injury: contributing factors and crash test relevance |
3 |
1 |
244 |
Bangert, L. Garrett; Collins, Caitlyn J.; Riexinger, Luke E. Do females have a higher risk of suffering distal tibia fractures in frontal car crashes? |
0 |
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254 |
Brumbelow, Matthew L. Sex-related vehicle and crash differences and their potential to confound relative injury risk analyses |
1 |
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266 |
Shin, Jeesoo; Donlon, John Paul; Richardson, Rachel; Espelien, Corina; Gallaher, Mary; Luong, Vinh; Gepner, Bronislaw; Forman, Jason; Östling, Martin; Kerrigan, Jason Comparison of pelvis kinematics and injuries in reclined frontal impact sled tests between mid-size adult male and female PMHS |
2 |
0 |
285 |
Schäuble, Andreas; Zippel, Florian; Rücker, Peter; Kinsky, Thomas Impact kinematics and dynamics of an obese ATD in comparison with an elderly female, the HIII 50th male and the HIII 5th female ATDs as drivers and front passengers in full-width frontal impacts |
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301 |
Haste, Phoebe; De Almeida E. Bueno, Leonardo; Jerusalem, Antoine; Bergmann, Jeroen The under-representation of women in biomechanical sports-related concussion studies |
0 |
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303 |
Corrales, Miguel; Holcombe, Sven; Cronin, Duane Distribution of rib cross-sectional area affects fracture location in side impact for small stature females |
0 |
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305 |
Hartlen, Devon C.; Cronin, Duane S. A general method for computing an average curve and statistical response corridors using biomechanical monotonic and load-unload data |
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318 |
Garrote-Márquez, Álvaro; Balboa-Vega, Santiago; Fernández-Cabrera, David; Pro-Martín, José Luis; Zabala-Ibáñez, Isabel A new approach to restitution coefficient modelling in low intensity collisions between vehicles |
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332 |
Gellner, Ryan; Begonia, Mark; Gagliardi, Susanna; Tierney, Gregory; Rowson, Steve Optimal cutoff frequencies for filtering linear acceleration and angular velocity signals associated with laboratory head impacts measured with externally mounted sensors |
0 |
0 |
343 |
Östling, Martin; Eriksson, Linda; Forman, Jason The need for injury criteria targets to address high exposure, low-severity frontal crashes |
1 |
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359 |
Espelien, Corina; Gallaher, Mary; Forman, Jason; Chernyavskiy, Pavel Function-on-scalar regression of female and male volunteer head angular velocities in frontal impacts |
0 |
0 |
361 |
Vichachang, Patcharadanai; Carmai, Julaluk Studying the effects of front-end impact-absorbing member using reduced order modelling |
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363 |
Hasija, Vikas; Ruparel, Tejas; Kelkar, Rohit; Craig, Matthew J.; Takhounts, Erik G. Injury risk evaluation for mid-sized females using finite element human body models |
0 |
0 |
383 |
DeWitt, Timothy; Pradhan, Vikram; Kang, Yun-Seok Evaluation of head and cervical spine kinematics of GHBMC M50-O and THUMS AM50 occupants in moderate-speed rear impact |
0 |
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398 |
Zouzias, D.; Fokylidis, A.; Lioras, A.; Rorris, L. Assessment of abdominal and skeletal loadings and kinematics during frontal impacts through a novel tool for HBM variants generation based on the occupant’s BMI |
1 |
1 |
411 |
Koerber, Sydney; Rawska, Katarzyna; Lancashire, Richard; Bosma, Freerk; Gepner, Bronislaw; Forman, Jason Development of a model-specific tuning methodology for frontal impact rib fracture injury risk assessment for multibody human body models |
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442 |
Pradhan, Vikram; DeWitt, Tim; Ramachandra, Rakshit; Kang, Yun-Seok Comparison of thorax and upper-extremity responses between GHBMC M50-OS and M50-O in a high-speed, rear-facing, frontal impact |
0 |
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445 |
Lundin, Linus; Iraeus, Johan; Pipkorn, Bengt Powered two-wheeler rider thoracic impact loading in crashes with the side of passenger cars: literature review and human body model validation |
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469 |
Cherta-Ballester, Oscar; Llari, Maxime; Bros, Tanguy; Honoré, Valentin; Arnoux, Pierre-Jean Coupling a wearable airbag with a back protector: what are the effects on motorcyclists’ safety? |
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477 |
Harden, Angela L.; Kang, Yun-Seok; Baker, Gretchen H.; Stull, Kyra E.; Agnew, Amanda M. Exploring the effects of sex and size on dynamic tibia properties |
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499 |
Huang, Qi; Lindgren, Natalia; Kleiven, Svein; Li, Xiaogai A method for obtaining case-specific buck models based on vehicle side-view image for pedestrian collision simulations |
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501 |
Wehrmeyer, Lara; Wingren, Magdalena; Carroll, Jolyon A. Method development for assessing risk of thoracic injury to motorcycle riders |
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504 |
Van Meter, Mara; Carroll, Jolyon; Meng, Shiyang; Pipkorn, Bengt; Tesny, Angela; Higinbotham, Erin; Kang, Yun-Seok; Bolte, IV, John Development of powered two-wheeler PMHS crash test methodology |
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507 |
Tylko, Suzanne; Tang, Kathy; Giguère, François; Bussières, Alain Occupant protection in transit buses: do we have the correct tools? |
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523 |
Lindgren, Natalia; Yuan, Qiantailang; Pipkorn, Bengt; Kleiven, Svein; Li, Xiaogai Subject-specific pedestrian SAFER human body models using a rapid and landmark-free mesh morphing method |
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525 |
Tang, Kathy; Tylko, Suzanne; Pastula, Christopher; Cronin, Duane Digital twin to assess public transit safety in frontal crash |
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527 |
Isemann, Daniel; Lehmann, Karina; Böhme, Martin; Kröger, Matthias Effects of impact side on medial collateral ligament elongation during vehicle–pedestrian impact |
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529 |
Liu, Siyuan; Li, Quan; Zhou, Qing; Nie, Bingbing Constructing a virtual testing platform on pedestrian safety incorporating active human behaviour for highly automated vehicles |
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531 |
Hall, Daniel; Simms, Ciaran K. An energy-absorbing countermeasure concept for subway-to-pedestrian collisions using numerical and analytical modelling techniques |
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533 |
Millard, Matthew; Kempter, Fabian; Stutzig, Norman; Siebert, Tobias; Fehr, Jörg Improving the accuracy of musculotendon models for the simulation of active lengthening |
0 |
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542 |
Edwards, Marcy A.; Brumbelow, Matthew L. Relationship of whiplash injury metrics and crash pulse severity to injury claim rates |
0 |
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557 |
Morino, Concetta F.; Middleton, Shea T.; Dimbath, Elizabeth; Op ‘t Eynde, Joost; Kait, Jason; Bass, Cameron R. ‘Dale’ Modelling viscoelastic creep response of porcine lumbar spinal units exposed to repeated flexion-compression loading |
0 |
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568 |
Kang, Yun-Seok; Connell, Rosalie; Stark, David; Mansfield, Julie; Bolte, IV, John H. Evaluation of a traditional scaling method for pediatric head-neck responses in a simulated frontal impact |
0 |
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586 |
Tushak, Sophia K.; Gepner, Bronislaw D.; Pipkorn, Bengt; Kerrigan, Jason R. GHBMC-M50-specific lumbar spine fracture risk prediction considering two different metrics |
0 |
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589 |
Rycman, Aleksander; Ngan, Sophia; Carter, Jarrod; Cronin, Duane S. Assessment of spinal cord tissue deformation during central compression and fracture in a functional spinal unit finite element model |
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591 |
Soltan, Nikoo; Svensson, Mats Y.; Jones, Claire F.; Cripton, Peter A.; Siegmund, Gunter P. Cerebrospinal fluid pressure in an in vivo porcine model during simulated whiplash loading of different severities |
0 |
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594 |
Jenerowicz, Marcin; Matt, Patrick; Boljen, Matthias; Bauer, Steffen; Straßburger, Elmar; Hiermaier, Stefan Assessment of GHBMC M50-P response for behind armour blunt trauma: impact loading with approximation of 3D surface of the armour back face displacemen |
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605 |
McMahon, Justin A.; Berthelson, Parker R.; Salzar, Robert S.; Shah, Alok; Op ‘t Eynde, Joost; McEntire, Joseph B. Development of impulse-based rib fracture injury criterion for behind armor blunt trauma |
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607 |
Burrows, Liam; de Lange, Julia E.; Cheryl E. Quenneville The injury tolerance of the upper extremity from behind-shield blunt trauma mechanisms |
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609 |
Kote, Vivek B.; Frazer, Lance L.; Jones, Derek; Hostetler, Zachary; Davis, Matthew; Bass, Dale; Sheehy, Jim; Shender, Barry; Bentley, Tim; Nicolella, Daniel Incapacitation prediction for readiness in expeditionary domains: an integrated computational tool (I-PREDICT): assessing the injury risk in behind armor blunt trauma |
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612 |
Pandey, Punit Kumar; Ganpule, Shailesh Effect of backing material on the ballistic response of skin simulant against fragment-simulating projectiles |
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614 |
Ruparel, Tejas; Hasija, Vikas; Takhounts, Erik Simulation based ankle injury evaluation using GHBMC modular human body models |
0 |
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626 |
Szmega, Rebecca; Farmer, Jon Towards a representative test method for rugby knee strikes |
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629 |
Koerber, Benjamin M.; Gepner, Bronislaw D.; Thurman, Carly M.; George, Christina D.; Kerrigan, Jason R. Development of a test methodology for representing the shoe-turf interaction of complex player-like motions |
0 |
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631 |
Yuan, Qiantailang; Kleiven, Svein; Li, Xiaogai Video-based accurate human kinematics estimation during high-speed impact |
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633 |
Aston, Thomas; Teixeira-Dias, Filipe An automatic, markerless approach to measuring head kinematics in soccer |
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635 |
Cerrito, Adrien; Niemann, Steffen; Schmitt, Kai-Uwe Development and implementation of an injury surveillance system in Swiss Olympic wrestling |
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637 |
Dawber, W.; Foster, L.; Senior, T.; Hart, J. Traumatic brain injury predictions amid equestrian activity with realistic biomechanical constraints |
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639 |
Leledakis, Alexandros; Östh, Jonas; Iraeus, Johan; Davidsson, Johan; Jakobsson, Lotta Influence of an individualised shoulder belt position for diverse occupant anthropometries on seatbelt interaction in frontal and side impacts |
0 |
0 |
665 |
Baker, Gretchen H.; Bohman, Katarina; Mansfield, Julie A.; Jakobsson, Lotta; Bolte, IV, John H. Comparison of self-selected, holding device, and nominal conditions on the belt fit and posture of children on belt-positioning boosters |
0 |
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690 |
Makris, M.; Bohman, K.; Osvalder, A-L. Comparison of sitting postures and shoulder belt fit of rear seat car passengers over time in stationary and driven scenarios |
1 |
1 |
708 |
Rees, Marius; Wernicke, Philipp; Bregulla, Anna-Loan; Peldschus, Steffen Effects of geometric variations of anterior iliac wings on submarining risk in reclined seating |
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710 |
Visvikis, Costandinos; Thurn, Christoph; Müller, Thomas Child restraint system support leg reaction forces in UN regulation no. 129 front impact tests |
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713 |
Rieger, Laura; Neumann, Fenna; Asahi, Ryusuke; Izumiyama, Tomohiro; Draper, Dustin; Pipkorn, Bengt; Sprenger, Michael; Peldschus, Steffen First target datasets for the consideration of postural variety in FE HBM analysis of the lumbar spine |
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1 |
715 |
Deng, Gongxun; Peng, Yong; Simms, Ciaran High-speed train occupant impact injury analysis in post-derailment collisions: methodology framework and initial results |
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718 |
Albert, Devon L.; Chan, Hana; Gayzik, F. Scott; Kemper, Andrew R. Volunteer bracing strategies and variability before low-speed frontal and frontal-oblique sled tests |
0 |
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733 |
Griffith, Madeline; Seacrist, Thomas; Graci, Valentina Can vehicle seat loads discriminate between occupants’ displacements in non-standard postures during low-acceleration manoeuvres? |
0 |
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744 |
Graci, V.; Akkem, R.; Griffith, M.; Maheshwari, J.; Seacrist, T.; Arbogast, K. Neuromuscular control in critical take-over scenarios: the effect of sex, age, texting, and a startle-based warning |
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746 |
Mukherjee, Sayak; Perez-Rapela, Daniel; Forman, Jason; Panzer, Matthew B. Reinforcement learning framework for active muscle control of the head and neck |
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748 |
Fahse, Niklas; Harant, Monika; Roller, Michael; Kempter, Fabian; Obentheuer, Marius; Linn, Joachim; Fehr, Jörg Towards learning human-seat interactions for optimally controlled multibody models to generate realistic occupant motion |
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751 |
Roberts, Carolyn W.; Booth, Gabrielle R.; Mergler, Olivia; Pipkorn, Bengt; Cripton, Peter A.; Forman, Jason L.; Siegmund, Gunter P. Lumbar spine position in an automotive posture relative to standing and seated flexed postures |
0 |
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753 |
Soni, Anurag; Schilling, Stefan; Lucht, Andreas Investigating the effects of pre-pretensioning on occupant kinematics and abdominal organ response during pre-crash and in-crash |
0 |
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768 |
Kirschbichler, S.; Klein, C.; Breitfuss, D.; Steidl, T.; Pucher, J.; Krajnc, Aleksandra; Iacono, Lucas Passenger kinematics in reclined sitting position in braking and steering manoeuvres |
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785 |
Leo, Christoph; Schachner, Martin; Kofler, Desiree; Klug, Corina E-scooter driving postures and velocities retrieved from volunteer tests using motion capturing and traffic observations |
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819 |
Iraeus, Johan; Mishra, Ekant; Östh, Jonas Comparison of average female and male active HBM responses in whole-sequence frontal crash simulations |
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843 |
Al-Salehi, Loay; Cripton, Peter A.; Siegmund, Gunter P. Pre-impact cervical spine posture of human subjects in headfirst free falls |
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845 |
Wang, Qingfan; Xu, Dongyang; Zhou, Qing; Nie, Bingbing A knowledge distillation-based training framework improves the accuracy of pre-crash occupant injury prediction models with high computation efficiency |
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0 |
847 |
Shen, Wenxuan; Zhou, Qing; Tang, Jisi Pedestrian knee kinematics and injuries upon vehicle collision considering realistic pre-impact avoidance maneuvers |
0 |
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849 |
Correia, Matheus A.; Hadagali, Prasannaah; McLachlin, Stewart D.; Cronin, Duane S. Passive neck muscle implementation in finite element models influences upper cervical spine kinematics in low-speed rear impacts |
0 |
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851 |
Tresson, Philippe; Nicolas, Elise; Vezin, Philippe Pressure wave propagation in the aorta with and without sudden occlusion |
0 |
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865 |
Malczyk, Axel; Pedron, Antonio; Zinner, Christoph; Mueller, Gerd Effects of personal protective equipment worn by police officers on restraint system performance in frontal crash |
0 |
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882 |
Östh, Jonas; Nylund, Max; Olofsson, Nils; Iraeus, Johan; Jakobsson, Lotta Assessment of THOR-50M thoracic injury criteria by population-based accident reconstructions |
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895 |
Mroz, Krystoffer; Östling, Martin; Shin, Jeesoo; Donlon, John Paul; Kerrigan, Jason; Lubbe, Nils Chest injury assessment of reclined occupants in frontal impacts with the SAFER human body model in comparison to the THOR and Hybrid-III 50th percentile male ATDs |
0 |
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897 |
Caffrey, Juliette M.; Thomas, Patricia K.; Von Kleeck, III, Wade; Davis, Mathew L.; Weaver, Caitlin M.; Kleinberger, Michael; Gayzik, F. Scott The influence of impactor shape on injury severity for high-rate non-penetrating blunt impacts using an ovine thorax finite element model |
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899 |
Tan, Puyuan; Huang, Yuan; Fei, Jing; Tang, Jisi; Zhou, Qing Cover protection for occupants of various body sizes via uniformly distributed restraint force |
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901 |
Soni, Anurag; Schilling, Stefan A novel method for objective assessment of submarining incidence in simulations |
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903 |
Thomas, Patricia K.; Lipford, Megan E.; Weaver, Caitlin M.; Kleinberger, Michael; Gayzik, F. Scott Correlation of mechanical tissue properties and signal intensity via magnetic resonance imaging |
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905 |
Valdano, Manuel; Jiménez-Octavio, Jesús R.; Pipkorn, Bengt; López-Valdés, Francisco J. Characterisation of the features of seat-belt systems based on the analysis of large crash databases |
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922 |
Campolettano, Eamon T.; Scanlon, John M.; Victor, Trent Descriptive analysis of cyclist dooring events using data from the national electronic injury surveillance system (NEISS) |
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932 |
Qin, Detong; Li, Quan; Lu, Tianle; Zhou, Qing; Nie, Bingbing Experimental investigation on the uncertainty of driver’s perception response time in safety-critical scenarios |
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934 |
Doecke, Sam D. Risk of serious injury relative to impact speed in two-vehicle crashes: deriving risk curves for crash types from impact type risk curves |
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936 |
Sun, Zhiwei; Chen, Wentao; Zhou, Qing; Ying, Pengfei A case study of unavoidable accidents of autonomous vehicles |
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938 |
Kalmar-Gonzalo, Alex J.; Guleyupoglu, Berkan; Jones, Derek A. Development and preliminary validation of computational finite element truck underride guards through reverse engineering |
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940 |
Fitterer, Sonja; Ressi, Felix; Steffan, Hermann; Klug, Corina Simulation study of a real-world far-side crash |
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942 |
Harden, Angela L.; Cole, Mary E.; Bautsch, Brian; Markusic, Craig; Kinn, Christopher; Bolte, IV, John H. Crash research network: a retrospective approach to Vision Zero |
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944 |
Bland-Rothgeb, Megan L.; Redmann, Alec; White, Tony Aboratory evaluation of mountain bike helmet impact performance against a surrogate compliant mountain biking trail surface versus a conventional surrogate road surface |
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956 |
Stark, Nicole E.-P.; Geiman, Taylor C.; Gagliardi, Susanna; Wood, Matthew; Viano, Luca; Rowson, Steve Headform friction coefficients relevant to helmet testing |
0 |
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968 |
Yu, Xiancheng; Ghajari, Mazdak The protective performance of industrial safety helmets under falls and trips in the workplace |
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970 |
Bonin, Stephanie; Brolin, Karin; Fahlstedt, Madelen Equestrian fall characteristics: rider head impacts during hunter/jumper competitions |
0 |
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972 |
Haid, Daniel; Duncan, Olly; Hart, John; Foster, Leon Adaptable mechanical metamaterial for ice hockey helmet liners |
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974 |
Morgan, Maxwell I.; Corrales, Miguel A.; Cripton, Peter A.; Cronin, Duane S. Effect of posture on neck response during head-first impact evaluated using a numerical full-body model |
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976 |
Rojas-Rodriguez, Nicolas; Finan, John D. Inhibiting myosin motor protein activity reversibly softens human cortical organoids |
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978 |
Carpenter, Randolff L.; Berthelson, Parker R.; Donlon, John-Paul; Forman, Jason L. Quantifying female subject-specific knee-thigh-hip responses in frontal impact scenarios |
1 |
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1013 |
Morino, Concetta F.; Schmidt, Allison L.; Dimbath, Elizabeth; Middleton, Shea T.; Kait, Jason R.; Shridharani, Jay; Ortiz-Paparoni, Maria A.; Klinger, Josh; Op ‘t Eynde, Joost; Bass, Cameron R. ‘Dale’ Human and porcine lumbar endplate injury risk in repeated flexion-compression |
1 |
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1025 |
Bliven, Emily K.; Fung, Anita; Baker, Alexander; Helgason, Benedikt; Guy, Pierre; Cripton, Peter A. Non-linear response of a post-mortem human subject pelvis during a sideways fall impact: a biomechanical case study |
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1027 |
Thompson-Bagshaw, Darcy W.; Quarrington, Ryan D.; Cripton, Peter A.; Jones, Claire F. Towards a dynamic experimental model of cervical facet dislocation |
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1029 |
Dias, Luis; Yamamoto, Shun; Cronin, Duane; Hartlen, Devon C.; Oxland, Thomas; Cripton, Peter Influence of mechanical and demographic factors on the sagittal stiffness of C6/C7 motion segments under dynamic shear loading |
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1031 |
Hunter, Randee L.; Haverfield, Zachary A.; Kang, Yun-Seok; Agnew, Amanda M. Potential consequences of contradictions in bone mineral density assessments in injury biomechanics |
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1048 |
Iraeus, Johan; Poojary, Yash Niranjan; Jaber, Leila; John, Jobin; Davidsson, Johan A new open-source finite element lumbar spine model, its tuning and validation, and development of a tissue-based injury risk function for compression fractures |
1 |
1 |
1073 |
Dimbath, Elizabeth; Morino, Concetta; Middleton, Shea; Kait, Jason; Bass, Cameron R. ‘Dale’ Lumbar response to flexion-compression in cyclic and quasi-static loading in intervertebral discs |
1 |
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1075 |
Low, Lucas; Masouros, Spyros; Newell, Nicolas Compressive and flexion stiffnesses of human cervical, thoracic and lumbar intervertebral discs under high-rate loading |
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1078 |
Zhang, Guanjun; Wang, Qinhuai; Jia, Xiaohang; Mao, Haojie Influence of material inhomogeneity and transverse isotropy on the biomechanical responses of femur under bending and compression |
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1081 |
Ondar, Kyle L.; Ablordeppey, Eugene; Brown, Philip J.; Stitzel, Joel D.; Gayzik, F. Scott Focal compressive indentation injury comparison between post-mortem human subjects and ventral porcine tissue |
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1084 |
Chastain, Kalle; Burns, Michael R.; Gepner, Bronislaw; Forman, Jason; Hallman, Jason; Kerrigan, Jason R. Effect of axial compression on the kinetic and kinematic responses of adult male human lumbar spine in lateral bending |
1 |
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