1Dept. of Injuxy Prevention, Chalmers University of Technology, S-412 96 Göteborg, Sweden
2Electrolux Autoliv AB, P.O. Box 104. S-447 00 Vågårda, Sweden
3SAAB Automobile AB, AS-2TKAL. S-461 80 Trollhättan, Sweden
One type of production-car front-seat with a head-restraint was tested in simulated low-velocity rear-impacts using a Hybrid III-dummy fitted with a modified neck (RID-neck). The seat was modified in various ways to test the influence of different seat properties on the head-neck motion during the impact.
The results show that it is possible to influence the head-neck kinematics to a great extent by modifying the properties of the seat-back and the head-restraint. It was possible to virtually eliminate the neck extension motion during the rear-impact and this will hopefully result in a significant decrease of the neck injury risk in real world rearimpacts.