2004 |
Haug E, Choi H-Y, Robin S, Beaugonin M. Human models for crash and impact simulation. In: Ayache N, ed. Computational Models for the Human Body. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier B.V; 2004:231-452. Ciarlet PG, ed. Handbook of Numerical Analysis; vol 12. |
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1998 |
Guillemot H, Got C, Besnault B, Lavaste F, Robin S, Le Coz JY, Lassau J-P. Pelvic behavior in side collisions: static and dynamic tests on isolated pelvic bones. In: Proceedings of the 16th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV). May 31–June 4, 1998; Windsor, Ontario, Canada.1412-1424. |
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1998 |
Talantikite Y, Bouquet R, Ramet M, Guillemot H, Robin S, Voiglio E. Human thorax behaviour for side impact: influence of impact masses and velocities. In: Proceedings of the 16th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV). May 31–June 4, 1998; Windsor, Ontario, Canada.1542-1549. |
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1998 |
Bouquet R, Ramet M, Bermond F, Caire Y, Talantikite Y, Robin S, Voiglio E. Pelvis human response to lateral impact. In: Proceedings of the 16th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV). May 31–June 4, 1998; Windsor, Ontario, Canada.1665-1686. |
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1998 |
Besnault B, Lavaste F, Guillemot H, Robin S, Le Coz J-Y. Morphometric study of the human pelvis. In: Proceedings of the 16th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV). May 31–June 4, 1998; Windsor, Ontario, Canada.2065-2072. |
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2001 |
Robin S. HUMOS: HUman MOdel for Safety: a joint effort towards the development of refined human-like car occupant models. In: Proceedings of the 17th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV). June 4-7, 2001; Amsterdam, The Netherlands. |
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1998 |
Lizée E, Song E, Robin S, Lecoz J-Y. Finite element model of the human thorax validated in frontal, oblique and lateral impacts: a tool to evaluate new restraint systems. In: Proceedings of the 1998 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impact. September 16-18, 1998; Göteberg, Sweden.527-543. |
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1998 |
Sokol Jaffredo A, Potier P, Robin S, Le Coz J-Y, Lassau J-P. Upper extremity interaction with side impact airbag. In: Proceedings of the 1998 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impact. September 16-18, 1998; Göteberg, Sweden.485-. |
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2000 |
Bertholon N, Robin S, Le-Coz J-Y, Potier P, Lassau J-P, Skalli W. Human head and cervical spine behaviour during low-speed rearend impacts: PMHS sled tests with a rigid seat. In: Proceedings of the 2000 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impact. September 20-22, 2000; Montpellier, France.265-289. |
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2000 |
Sokol Jaffredo A, Potier P, Robin S, Le Coz J-Y, Lassau J-P. Cadaver lower limb dynamic response in inversion-eversion. In: Proceedings of the 2000 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impact. September 20-22, 2000; Montpellier, France.183-194. |
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1997 |
Guillemot H, Besnault B, Robin S, Got C, Le Coz JY, Lavaste F, Lassau J-P. Pelvic injuries in side impact collisions: a field accident analysis and dynamic tests on isolated pelvic bones. In: Proceedings of the 41st Stapp Car Crash Conference. November 13-14, 1997; Lake Buena Vista, FL. Warrendale, PA: Society of Automotive Engineers:91-100. SAE 973322. |
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1998 |
Besnault B, Lavaste F, Guillemot H, Robin S, Le Coz J-Y. A parametric finite element model of the human pelvis. In: Proceedings of the 42nd Stapp Car Crash Conference. November 2-4, 1998; Tempa, AZ. Warrendale, PA: Society of Automotive Engineers:33-46. SAE 983147. |
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1998 |
Lizee E, Robin S, Song E, Bertholon N, Le Coz J-Y, Besnault B, Lavaste F. Development of a 3D finite element model of the human body. In: Proceedings of the 42nd Stapp Car Crash Conference. November 2-4, 1998; Tempa, AZ. Warrendale, PA: Society of Automotive Engineers:115-137. SAE 983152. |
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1999 |
Baudrit P, Hamon J, Song E, Robin S, Le Coz J-Y. Comparative studies of dummy and human body models behavior in frontal and lateral impact conditions. In: Proceedings of the 43rd Stapp Car Crash Conference. October 25-27, 1999; San Diego, CA. Warrendale, PA: Society of Automotive Engineers:55-75. SAE 99SC05. |
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1999 |
Beillas P, Lavaste F, Nicolopoulos D, Kayventash K, Yang KH, Robin S. Foot and ankle finite element modeling using CT-scan data. In: Proceedings of the 43rd Stapp Car Crash Conference. October 25-27, 1999; San Diego, CA. Warrendale, PA: Society of Automotive Engineers:171-184. SAE 99SC11. |
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1992 |
Lavaste F, Skalli W, Robin S, Roy-Camille R, Mazel C. Three-dimensional geometrical and mechanical modelling of the lumbar spine. J Biomech. October 1992;25(10):1153-1164. |
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