Bone is frequently modeled as a two-phase composite of hydroxyapatite mineral crystals dispersed throughout an organic collagen matrix. However, because of the numerous limitations (e.g. small sample size, poor strain measuring techniques, rapid demineralization with acids) of previous mechanical tests of bone with its hydroxyapatite chemically removed, we have determined new, accurate data on the material properties of the demineralized bone matrix for use in these composite models. We performed tensile tests on waisted specimens of demineralized bovine cortical bone from six humeral diaphyses. Specimens were demineralized over 14 days with a 0.5 M disodium EDTA solution that was replaced daily. Atomic absorption spectrophotometry was used to track the demineralization process and to determine the effectiveness of our demineralization protocol. Mechanical tests were performed at room temperature under displacement control at an approximate strain rate of 0.5% pers. We imposed nine preconditioning cycles before a final ramp to failure, and measured gauge length displacements using a non-invasive optical technique. The resulting stress-strain curves were similar to the tensile behavior observed in mechanical tests of other collagenous tissues, exhibiting an initial non-linear ‘toe’ region, followed by a linear region and subsequent failure without evidence of yielding. We found an average modulus, ultimate stress, and ultimate strain of 613 MPa (S.D. = 113 MPa), 61.5 MPa (S.D. = 13.1 MPa), and 12.3% (S.D. = 0.5%), respectively. Our average modulus is approximately half the value frequently used in current composite bone analyses. These data should also have clinical relevance because the early strength of healing fractured bone depends largely on the material properties of the collagen matrix.
Demineralized bone; Collagen; EDTA, Composite models; Material properties