1981 |
Woo SL-Y. The relationships of changes in stress levels on long bone remodeling. In: Cowin SC, ed. Mechanical Properties of Bone. The Joint ASME-ASCE Applied Mechnics, Fluids Engineering and Bioengineering Conference; June 22-24, 1981; Boulder, CO. New York, NY: American Society of Mechical Engineers; 1981:107-129. |
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2005 |
Woo SL-V, Lee TQ, Abramowitch SD, Gilbert TW. Structure and function of ligaments and tendons. In: Mow VC, Huiskes R, eds. Basic Orthopaedic Biomechanics & Mechano-Biology. 3rd ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2005:301-342. |
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1990 |
Mow VC, Ratcliffe A, Woo SL-Y, eds. Biomechanics of Diarthrodial Joints. New York, NY: Springer-Verlag; 1990. |
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1990 |
Mow VC, Ratcliffe A, Woo SL-Y. Preface. In: Mow VC, Ratcliffe A, Woo SL-Y, eds. Biomechanics of Diarthrodial Joints. Vol 1. New York, NY: Springer-Verlag; 1990:v-vi. |
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1990 |
Woo SL-Y, Weiss JA, MacKenna DA. Biomechanics and morphology of the medial collateral and anterior cruciate ligaments. In: Mow VC, Ratcliffe A, Woo SL-Y, eds. Biomechanics of Diarthrodial Joints. Vol 1. New York, NY: Springer-Verlag; 1990:63-104. |
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1990 |
Kwan MK, Woo SL-Y. Biomechanical properties of healing cartilage. In: Mow VC, Ratcliffe A, Woo SL-Y, eds. Biomechanics of Diarthrodial Joints. Vol 1. New York, NY: Springer-Verlag; 1990:391-399. |
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1990 |
Winters JM, Woo SL-Y, eds. Multiple Muscle Systems: Biomechanics and Movement Organization. New York, NY: Springer-Verlag; 1990. |
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2003 |
Woo SL-Y, Abramowitch SD, Loh JC, Musahl V, Wang JH-C. Ligament healing: present status and the future of functional tissue engineering. In: Guilak F, Butler DL, Goldstein SA, Mooney DJ, eds. Functional Tissue Engineering. New York, NY: Inc., Springer-Verlag; 2003:17-34. |
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1992 |
Woo SL-Y, Ohland KJ, Fu FH. Healing and repair of knee ligaments relating to sports injury. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Injury Prevention Through Biomechanics Symposium. April 10-11, 1992; Detroit, MI.3-6. |
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1983 |
Frank C, Woo SL-Y, Amiel D, Harwood F, Gomez M, Akeson W. Medial collateral ligament healing: a multidisciplinary assessment in rabbits. Am J Sports Med. 1983;11(6):379-389. |
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1987 |
Woo SL-Y, Inoue M, McGurk-Burleson E, Gomez MA. Treatment of the medial collateral ligament injury, II: structure and function of canine knees in response to differing treatment regimens. Am J Sports Med. January–February 1987;15(1):22-29. |
20 |
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1991 |
Woo SL-Y, Hollis JM, Adams DJ, Lyon RM, Takai S. Tensile properties of the human femur-anterior cruciate ligament-tibia complex: the effects of specimen age and orientation. Am J Sports Med. 1991;19(3):217-225. |
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2000 |
Woo SL-Y, Debski RE, Zeminski J, Abramowitch SD, Chan Saw SS, Fenwick JA. Injury and repair of ligaments and tendons. Annu Rev Biomed Eng. 2000;2:83-118. |
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1982 |
Woo SL-Y. Mechanical properties of tendons and ligaments, I: quasi-static and nonlinear viscoelastic properties. Biorheology. 1982;19(3):385-396. |
73 |
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1982 |
Woo SL-Y, Gomez MA, Woo Y-K, Akeson WH. Mechanical properties of tendons and ligaments, II: the relationships of immobilization and exercise on tissue remodeling. Biorheology. 1982;19(3):397-408. |
47 |
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1976 |
Woo SL-Y, Akeson WH, Jemmott GF. Measurements of nonhomogeneous, directional mechanical properties of articular cartilage in tension. J Biomech. 1976;9(12):785-791. |
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1979 |
Woo S-Y, Lubock P, Gomez MA, Jemmott GF, Kuei SC, Akeson WH. Large deformation nonhomogeneous and directional properties of articular cartilage in uniaxial tension. J Biomech. 1979;12(6):437-446. |
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1986 |
Woo SL-Y, Orlando CA, Camp JF, Akeson WH. Effects of postmortem storage by freezing on ligament tensile behavior. J Biomech. 1986;19(5):399-404. |
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1987 |
Woo SL-Y, Hollis JM, Roux RD, Gomez MA, Inoue M, Kleiner JB, Akeson WH. Effects of knee flexion on the structural properties of the rabbit femur-anterior cruciate ligament-tibia complex (FATC). J Biomech. 1987;20(6):557-563. |
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1993 |
Kwan MK, Lin TH-C, Woo SL-Y. On the viscoelastic properties of the anteromedial bundle of the anterior cruciate ligament. J Biomech. April–May 1993;26(4-5):447-452. |
42 |
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1995 |
Suh J-K, Li Z, Woo SL-Y. Dynamic behavior of a biphasic cartilage model under cyclic compressive loading. J Biomech. April 1995;28(4):357-364. |
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1996 |
Rudy TW, Livesay GA, Woo SL-Y, Fu FH. A combined robotic/universal force sensor approach to determine in situ forces of knee ligaments. J Biomech. October 1996;29(10):1357-1360. |
26 |
14 |
1999 |
Li G, Rudy TW, Sakane M, Kanamori A, Ma CB, Woo SL-Y. The importance of quadriceps and hamstring muscle loading on knee kinematics and in-situ forces in the ACL. J Biomech. April 1999;32(4):395-400. |
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2004 |
Song Y, Debski RE, Musahl V, Thomas M, Woo SL-Y. A three-dimensional finite element model of the human anterior cruciate ligament: a computational analysis with experimental validation. J Biomech. March 2004;37(3):383-390. |
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1980 |
Woo SL-Y, Simon BR, Kuei SC, Akeson WH. Quasi-linear viscoelastic properties of normal articular cartilage. J Biomech Eng. May 1980;102(2):85-90. |
83 |
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1981 |
Woo SL-Y, Gomez MA, Amiel D, Ritter MA, Gelberman RH, Akeson WH. The effects of exercise on the biomechanical and biochemical properties of swine digital flexor tendons. J Biomech Eng. February 1981;103(1):51-56. |
35 |
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1981 |
Woo SL-Y, Gomez MA, Akeson WH. The time and history-dependent viscoelastic properties of the canine medical collateral ligament. J Biomech Eng. November 1981;103(4):293-298. |
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1984 |
Simon BR, Coats RS, Woo SL-Y. Relaxation and creep quasilinear viscoelastic models for normal articular cartilage. J Biomech Eng. May 1984;106(2):159-164. |
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1987 |
Woo SL-Y, Lee TQ, Gomez MA, Sato S, Field FP. Temperature dependent behavior of the canine medial collateral ligament. J Biomech Eng. February 1987;109(1):68-71. |
26 |
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1988 |
Lee TQ, Woo SL-Y. A new method for determining cross-sectional shape and area of soft tissues. J Biomech Eng. May 1988;110(2):110-114. |
31 |
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1989 |
Kwan MK, Woo SL-Y. A structural model to describe the nonlinear stress-strain behavior for parallel-fibered collagenous tissues. J Biomech Eng. November 1989;111(4):361-363. |
27 |
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1990 |
Woo SL-Y, Danto MI, Ohland KJ, Lee TQ, Newton PO. The use of a laser micrometer system to determine the cross-sectional shape and area of ligaments: a comparative study with two existing methods. J Biomech Eng. November 1990;112(4):426-431. |
31 |
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1991 |
Wayne JS, Woo SL-Y, Kwan MK. Application of the u-p finite element method to the study of articular cartilage. J Biomech Eng. November 1991;113(4):397-403. |
33 |
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1993 |
Woo SL-Y, Johnson GA, Smith BA. Mathematical modeling of ligaments and tendons. J Biomech Eng. November 1993;115(4B):468-473. |
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1996 |
Johnson GA, Livesay GA, Woo SL-Y, Rajagopal KR. A single integral finite strain viscoelastic model of ligaments and tendons. J Biomech Eng. May 1996;118(2):221-226. |
33 |
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1999 |
Li G, Gil J, Kanamori A, Woo SL-Y. A validated three-dimensional computational model of a human knee joint. J Biomech Eng. December 1999;121(6):657-662. |
49 |
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2004 |
Abramowitch SD, Woo SL-Y. An improved method to analyze the stress relaxation of ligaments following a finite ramp time based on the quasi-linear viscoelastic theory. J Biomech Eng. February 2004;126(1):92-97. |
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1995 |
Joshi MD, Suh J-K, Marui T, Woo SL-Y. Interspecies variation of compressive biomechanical properties of the meniscus. J Biomed Mater Res. July 1995;29(7):823-828. |
42 |
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1981 |
Woo SL-Y, Kuei SC, Amiel D, Gomez MA, Hayes WC, White FC, Akeson WH. The effect of prolonged physical training on the properties of long bone: a study of Wolff's Law. J Bone Joint Surg. June 1981;63A(5):780-787. |
100 |
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1983 |
Woo SL-Y, Gomez MA, Seguchi Y, Endo CM, Akeson WH. Measurement of mechanical properties of ligament substance from a bone-ligament-bone preparation. J Orthop Res. 1983;1(1):22-29. |
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1986 |
Woo SL, Orlando CA, Gomez MA, Frank CB, Akeson WH. Tensile properties of the medial collateral ligament as a function of age. J Orthop Res. 1986;4(2):133-141. |
30 |
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1990 |
Woo SL-Y, Peterson RH, Ohland KJ, Sites TJ, Danto MI. The effects of strain rate on the properties of the medial collateral ligament in skeletally immature and mature rabbits: a biomechanical and histological study. J Orthop Res. September 1990;8(5):712-721. |
56 |
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1991 |
Weiss JA, Woo SL-Y, Ohland KJ, Horibe S, Newton PO. Evaluation of a new injury model to study medial collateral ligament healing: primary repair versus nonoperative treatment. J Orthop Res. July 1991;9(4):516-528. |
17 |
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1991 |
Anderson DR, Woo SL-Y, Kwan MK, Gershuni DH. Viscoelastic shear properties of the equine medial meniscus. J Orthop Res. July 1991;9(4):550-558. |
23 |
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1993 |
Danto MI, Woo SL. The mechanical properties of skeletally mature rabbit anterior cruciate ligament and patellar tendon over a range of strain rates. J Orthop Res. January 1993;11(1):58-67. |
40 |
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1994 |
Johnson GA, Tramaglini DM, Levine RE, Ohno K, Choi N-Y, Woo SL-Y. Tensile and viscoelastic properties of human patellar tendon. J Orthop Res. 1994;12(6):796-803. |
55 |
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1996 |
Przybylski GJ, Carlin GJ, Patel PR, Woo SL-Y. Human anterior and posterior cervical longitudinal ligaments possess similar tensile properties. J Orthop Res. 1996;14(6):1005-1008. |
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2020 |
Woo SL-Y. In the memory of Yuan-Cheng “Bert” Fung, Ph.D. September 15, 1919 – December 15, 2019 The Father of Modern Biomechanics and a 5G man (Genius, Giant, Generous, Genuine and Gentle). J Orthop Translat. July 2020;23:A2-A3. |
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