Verzijl, Nicole1; DeGroot, Jeroen1; Ben Zaken, Chaya2; Braun-Benjamin, Orit2; Maroudas, Alice2; Bank, Ruud A.3; Mizrahi, Joe2; Schalkwijk, Casper G.4; Thorpe, Suzanne R.5; Baynes, John W.5; Bijlsma, Johannes W. J.6; Lafeber, Floris P. J. G.6; TeKoppele, Johan M.3
Crosslinking by advanced glycation end products increases the stiffness of the collagen network in human articular cartilage:​ a possible mechanism through which age is a risk factor for osteoarthritis
Arthritis Rheum. January 2002;​46(1):​114-123