1998 |
Basser PJ, Schneiderman R, Bank RA, Wachtel E, Maroudas A. Mechanical properties of the collagen network in human articular cartilage as measured by osmotic stress technique. Arch Biochem Biophys. March 15, 1998;351(2):207-219. |
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2002 |
Verzijl N, DeGroot J, Ben Zaken C, Braun-Benjamin O, Maroudas A, Bank RA, Mizrahi J, Schalkwijk CG, Thorpe SR, Baynes JW, Bijlsma JWJ, Lafeber FPJG, TeKoppele JM. Crosslinking by advanced glycation end products increases the stiffness of the collagen network in human articular cartilage: a possible mechanism through which age is a risk factor for osteoarthritis. Arthritis Rheum. January 2002;46(1):114-123. |
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1998 |
Bank RA, Bayliss MT, Lafeber FPJG, Maroudas A, Tekoppele JM. Ageing and zonal variation in post-translational modification of collagen in normal human articular cartilage: the age-related increase in non-enzymatic glycation affects biomechanical properties of cartilage. Biochem J. February 15, 1998;3301(1):345-351. |
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2005 |
Hernandez CJ, Tang SY, Baumbach BM, Hwu PB, Sakkee AN, van der Ham F, DeGroot J, Bank RA, Keaveny TM. Trabecular microfracture and the influence of pyridinium and non-enzymatic glycation-mediated collagen cross-links. Bone. December 2005;37(6):825-832. |
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2002 |
Wang X, Li X, Bank RA, Agrawal CM. Effects of collagen unwinding and cleavage on the mechanical integrity of the collagen network in bone. Calcif Tiss Int. August 2002;71(2):186-192. |
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2000 |
Wang X, Bank RA, TeKoppele JM, Hubbard GB, Althanasiou KA, Agrawal CM. Effect of collagen denaturation on the toughness of bone. Clin Orthop Relat Res. February 2000;371:228-239. |
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2011 |
Willems NMBK, Mulder L, Bank RA, Grünheid T, Toonder JMJd, Zentner A, Langenbach GEJ. Determination of the relationship between collagen cross-links and the bone–tissue stiffness in the porcine mandibular condyle. J Biomech. April 7, 2011;44(6):1132-1136. |
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2006 |
Silva MJ, Brodt MD, Wopenka B, Thomopoulos S, Williams D, Wassen MH, Ko M, Kusano N, Bank RA. Decreased collagen organization and content are associated with reduced strength of demineralized and intact bone in the samp6 mouse. J Bone Miner Res. January 2006;21(1):78-88. |
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1997 |
Bank RA, Beekman B, Verzijl N, de Roos JADM, Nico Sakkee A, TeKoppele JM. Sensitive fluorimetric quantitation of pyridinium and pentosidine crosslinks in biological samples in a single high-performance liquid chromatographic run. J Chromatogr B Biomed Sci Appl. December 5, 1997;703:37. |
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1999 |
Chen C-T, Burton-Wurster N, Lust G, Bank RA, Tekoppele JM. Compositional and metabolic changes in damaged cartilage are peak-stress, stress-rate, and loading-duration dependent. J Orthop Res. November 1999;17(6):870-879. |
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2001 |
Wang X, Bank RA, Tekoppele JM, Agrawal CM. The role of collagen in determining bone mechanical properties. J Orthop Res. 2001;19(6):1021-1026. |
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1997 |
Bank RA, Krikken M, Beekman B, Stoop R, Maroudas A, Lafebers FPJG, Te Koppele JM. A simplified measurement of degraded collagen in tissues: application in healthy, fibrillated and osteoarthritic cartilage. Matrix Biol. November 1997;16(5):233-243. |
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