This paper deals with the experimental problems related to the reconstruction of the position and orientation of the lower limb bones in space during the execution of locomotion and physical exercises. The inaccuracies associated with the relative movement between markers and underlying bone are analysed. Quantitative information regarding this movement was collected by making experiments on subjects who had suffered fractures and were wearing either femoral or tibial external fixators. These latter devices provided frames that were reliably rigid with the bone involved, and hence the possibility of assessing the relative movement between markers mounted on the skin and this bone. Anatomical frames associated with thigh and shank were reconstructed using technical frames based on different clusters of skin markers and their rotation with respect to the relevant bone evaluated. Marker movement was also assessed in subjects with intact musculoskeletal structures using digital videofluoroscopy.
Relevance: The use of movement analysis using stereophotogrammetry in a clinical context is limited by the experimental errors associated with the skin marker movement artefacts. These make the estimation of small, but clinically relevant, angular and linear joint movements critical. This work is intended to contribute to the solution of this problem.