Three interdisciplinary studies of articular cartilage were performed to address the relationships between structure, composition and mechanical behavior of normal and pathological articular cartilage. Constitutive models, based on a continuum mixture approach and fundamental compositional and physicochemical parameters, were applied to the study of articular cartilage. A detailed presentation ofthe biphasic poroviscoelastic model for articular cartilage (Mak, 1986) is given and results of a one-dimensional analysis are used to study the experimental compressive behavior of bovine cartilage in creep and stress-relaxation. The contributions of both flow-dependent and flow-independent viscoelastic mechanisms were assessed using the biphasic poroviscoelastic model. Articular cartilage after removal of the articular surface was also analyzed to determine a potential role for the surface zone in normal cartilage, and to assess the effects offibrillation and focal loss ofthe surface zone in osteoarthritis.
An experimental study of two in vivo models of altered joint loading - joint instability and joint disuse - was undertaken to gather data on changes in the site-specific material properties and biochemical composition of articular cartilage with degeneration. Data on the site-specific equilibrium and swelling properties of articular cartilage in tension are presented. Biochemical composition was determined for site-specific comparison with the material properties to determine relationships between composition and function, and their alterations with degradation.
A theoretical study was undertaken to predict the magnitude and distribution of swelling-induced residual stresses in articular cartilage due to the presence of fixed negative charges on the solid matrix. A detailed presentation ofthe triphasic theory for articular cartilage (Lai et al., 1991) is given. Analytical solutions for three geometric models representative of knee joint anatomy are presented for the prediction of in situ residual stresses and strains at physiological concentrations. Solutions are obtained for inhomogeneous variations in both composition and material properties and for the assumptions of material isotropy and infinitesimal strain. An estimation of changes in the distribution and magnitude ofresidual stress and strain associated with the two models of altered joint loading is also presented.