2015 |
Nightingale RW, Myers BS, Yoganandan N. Neck injury biomechanics. In: Yoganandan N, Nahum AM, Melvin JW, eds. Accidental Injury: Biomechanics and Prevention. 3rd ed. New York: Springer; 2015:259-308. |
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1998 |
Nightingale RW, Winkelstein BA, Van Ee CA, Myers BS. Injury mechanisms in the pediatric cervical spine during out-of-position airbag deployments. In: 42nd Annual Proceedings, Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine (AAAM). October 5-7, 1998; Charlottesville, VA.153-164. |
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2013 |
Dibb AT, Cutcliffe HC, Luck JF, Cox CA, Myers BS, Bass CR, Nightingale RW, Arbogast KB, Seacrist T. Pediatric head and neck dynamics in frontal impact: analysis of important mechanical factors and proposed neck performance corridors for six and ten year old ATDs. In: Proceedings of the 23rd International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV). May 27-30, 2013; Seoul, South Korea. |
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2002 |
Nightingale RW, Chancey VC, Luck JF, Tran L, Ottaviano D, Myers BS. Accounting for frame and fixation compliance in cervical spine tensile testing. In: Proceedings of the 30th International Workshop on Human Subjects for Biomechanical Research. November 2002; Ponte Vedra Beach, FL.21-28. |
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2003 |
Ottaviano D, Chancey VC, Tran L, Nightingale R, Myers BS. Centers of rotation for the upper cervical spine: methodology and preliminary data. In: Proceedings of the 31st International Workshop on Human Subjects for Biomechanical Research. October 23, 2003; San Diego, CA.173-182. |
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2004 |
Loyd AM, Luck JF, Buraglia N, Myers BS, Frush DP, Nightingale RW. Thresholding techniques for developing geometrically accurate pediatric skull and cervical spine models. In: Proceedings of the 32nd International Workshop on Human Subjects for Biomechanical Research. 2004.61-72. |
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2005 |
Loyd AM, Myers BS, Luck JF, Frush DP, Nightingale RW. A CT method for finding the pediatric head center of gravity and inertial properties. In: Proceedings of the 33rd International Workshop on Human Subjects for Biomechanical Research. 2005.27-40. |
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2006 |
Loyd AM, Daniel C, Mukundan S, Marcus J, Schoenleber J, Marshall S, Das RR, Myers BS, Nightingale RW. 3-D average skull contour data for 3-year-olds and 5-year-olds: a pilot study. In: Proceedings of the 34th International Workshop on Human Subjects for Biomechanical Research. 2006.41-52. |
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2007 |
Siegmund GP, Davis MB, Quinn KP, Hines E, Myers BS, Ejima S, Ono K, Kamiji K, Yasuki T, Winkelstein BA. Cervical facet capsule response to whiplash loading with a rotated head posture. In: Proceedings of the 35th International Workshop on Human Subjects for Biomechanical Research. 2007.123-136. |
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2009 |
Verla TG, Loyd AM, Myers BS, Bass CR. The effects of strain softening in adult and pediatric dura mater. In: Proceedings of the 37th International Workshop on Human Subjects for Biomechanical Research. 2009. |
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1997 |
Myers BS, Nightingale R. The dynamics of head and neck impact and its role in injury prevention and the complex clinical presentation of cervical spine injury. In: Proceedings of the 1997 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impact. September 24-26, 1997; Hannover, Germany.15-33. |
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2009 |
Panzer MB, Bass CRD, Salzar RS, Pellettiere J, Myers B. Evaluation of ear-mounted sensors for determining impact head acceleration. In: Proceedings of the 2009 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impact. September 9-11, 2009; York, UK.319-322. |
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2012 |
Loyd AM, Nightingale RW, Song Y, Luck JF, Cutcliffe H, Myers BS, Bass CD. Impact properties of adult and ATD heads. In: Proceedings of the 2012 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Injury. September 12-14, 2012; Dublin, Ireland.552-564. |
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2016 |
Cox CA, Dibb AT, Myers BS, Nightingale RW, Bass CR. Adult head and neck dynamics: a sensitivity analysis study during frontal impact. In: Proceedings of the 2016 International IRCOBI Asia Conference on the Biomechanics of Injury. May 16-18, 2016; Seoul, South Korea.24-25. |
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1988 |
McElhaney JH, Doherty BJ, Paver JG, Myers BS, Gray L. Combined bending and axial loading responses of the human cervical spine. In: Proceedings of the 32nd Stapp Car Crash Conference. October 17-19, 1988; Atlanta, GA. Warrendale, PA: Society of Automotive Engineers:21-28. SAE 881709. |
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1989 |
Myers BS, McElhaney JH, Doherty BJ, Paver JG, Nightingale RW, Ladd TP, Gray L. Responses of the human cervical spine to torsion. In: Proceedings of the 33rd Stapp Car Crash Conference. October 4-6, 1989; Washington, DC. Warrendale, PA: Society of Automotive Engineers:215-222. SAE 892437. |
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1991 |
Nightingale RW, Doherty BJ, Myers BS, McElhaney JH, Richardson WJ. The influence of end condition on human cervical spine injury mechanisms. In: Proceedings of the 35th Stapp Car Crash Conference. November 18-20, 1991; San Diego, CA. Warrendale, PA: Society of Automotive Engineers:391-399. SAE 912915. |
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1994 |
Hopper RH Jr, McElhaney JH, Myers BS. Mandibular and basilar skull fracture tolerance. In: Proceedings of the 38th Stapp Car Crash Conference. October 31–November 2, 1994; Fort Lauderdale, FL. Warrendale, PA: Society of Automotive Engineers:123-131. SAE 942213. |
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1995 |
Myers BS, Van Ee CA, Camacho DLA, Woolley CT, Best TM. On the structural and material properties of mammalian skeletal muscle and its relevance to human cervical impact dynamics. In: Proceedings of the 39th Stapp Car Crash Conference. November 8-10, 1995; San Diego, CA. Warrendale, PA: Society of Automotive Engineers:203-214. SAE 952723. |
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1997 |
Nightingale RW, McElhaney JH, Camacho DL, Kleinberger M, Winkelstein BA, Myers BS. The dynamic responses of the cervical spine: buckling, end conditions, and tolerance in compressive impacts. In: Proceedings of the 41st Stapp Car Crash Conference. November 13-14, 1997; Lake Buena Vista, FL. Warrendale, PA: Society of Automotive Engineers:451-471. SAE 973344. |
93 |
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1997 |
Camacho DL, Nightingale RW, Robinette JJ, Vanguri SK, Coates DJ, Myers BS. Experimental flexibility measurements for the development of a computational head-neck model validated for near-vertex head impact. In: Proceedings of the 41st Stapp Car Crash Conference. November 13-14, 1997; Lake Buena Vista, FL. Warrendale, PA: Society of Automotive Engineers:473-486. SAE 973345. |
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1998 |
Van Ee CA, Chasse AL, Myers BS. The effect of postmortem time and freezer storage on the mechanical properties of skeletal muscle. In: Proceedings of the 42nd Stapp Car Crash Conference. November 2-4, 1998; Tempa, AZ. Warrendale, PA: Society of Automotive Engineers:169-. SAE 983155. |
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1999 |
Winkelstein BA, Nightingale RW, Richardson WJ, Myers BS. Cervical facet joint mechanics: its application to whiplash injury. In: Proceedings of the 43rd Stapp Car Crash Conference. October 25-27, 1999; San Diego, CA. Warrendale, PA: Society of Automotive Engineers:243-252. SAE 99SC15. |
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2000 |
Siegmund G, Myers BS, Davis MB, Bohnet HF, Winkelstein BA. Human cervical motion segment flexibility and facet capsular ligament strain under combined posterior shear, extension and axial compression. Stapp Car Crash J. 2000;44:159-170. SAE 2000-01-SC12. |
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2000 |
Van Ee CA, Nightingale RW, Camacho DLA, Chancey VC, Knaub KE, Sun EA, Myers BS. Tensile properties of the human muscular and ligamentous cervical spine. Stapp Car Crash J. 2000;44:85-102. SAE 2000-01-SC07. |
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2000 |
Winkelstein B, Myers BS. Experimental and computational characterization of three-dimensional cervical spine flexibility. Stapp Car Crash J. 2000;44:139-158. SAE 2000-01-SC11. |
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2003 |
Chancey VC, Nightingale RW, Van Ee CA, Knaub KE, Myers BS. Improved estimation of human neck tensile tolerance: reducing the range of reported tolerance using anthropometrically correct muscles and optimized physiologic initial conditions. Stapp Car Crash J. 2003;47:135-153. SAE 2003-22-0008. |
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2004 |
Oi N, Pandy MG, Myers BS, Nightingale RW, Chancey VC. Variation of neck muscle strength along the human cervical spine. Stapp Car Crash J. 2004;48:397-417. SAE 2004-22-0017. |
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2004 |
Prange MT, Luck JF, Dibb A, Van Ee CA, Nightingale RW, Myers BS. Mechanical properties and anthropometry of the human infant head. Stapp Car Crash J. 2004;48:279-299. SAE 2004-22-0013. |
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2006 |
Dibb AT, Nightingale RW, Chancey VC, Fronheiser LE, Tran L, Ottaviano D, Myers BS. Comparative structural neck responses of the THOR-NT, Hybrid III, and human in combined tension-bending and pure bending. Stapp Car Crash J. 2006;50:567-581. SAE 2006-22-0021. |
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2008 |
Luck JF, Nightingale RW, Loyd AM, Prange MT, Dibb AT, Song Y, Fronheiser L, Myers BS. Tensile mechanical properties of the perinatal and pediatric PMHS osteoligamentous cervical spine. Stapp Car Crash J. 2008;52:107-134. SAE 2008-22-0005. |
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2010 |
Loyd AM, Nightingale R, Bass CRD, Mertz HJ, Frush D, Daniel C, Lee C, Marcus JR, Mukundan S, Myers BS. Pediatric head contours and inertial properties for ATD design. Stapp Car Crash J. 2010;54:167-196. SAE 2010-22-0009. |
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2004 |
Quinlan KP, Annest JL, Myers B, Ryan G, Hill H. Neck strains and sprains among motor vehicle occupants: United States, 2000. Accid Anal Prev. January 2004;36(1):21-27. |
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2018 |
Lessley DJ, Kent RW, Funk JR, Sherwood CP, Cormier JM, Crandall JR, Arbogast KB, Myers BS. Video analysis of reported concussion events in the National Football League during the 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 seasons. Am J Sports Med. December 2018;46(14):3502-3510. |
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2012 |
Panzer MB, Myers BS, Capehart BP, Bass CR. Development of a finite element model for blast brain injury and the effects of CSF cavitation. Ann Biomed Eng. July 2012;40(7):1530-1544. |
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1995 |
Myers BS, Winkelstein BA. Epidemiology, classification, mechanism, and tolerance of human cervical spine injuries. Crit Rev Biomed Eng. 1995;23(5-6):307-409. |
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2001 |
Winkelstein BA, McLendon RE, Barbir A, Myers BS. An anatomical investigation of the human cervical facet capsule, quantifying muscle insertion area. J Anat. April 2001;198(4):455-461. |
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1991 |
Myers BS, McElhaney JH, Doherty BJ. The viscoelastic responses of the human cervical spine in torsion: experimental limitations of quasi-linear theory, and a method for reducing these effects. J Biomech. 1991;24(9):811-817. |
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1994 |
Best TM, McElhaney J, Garrett WE, Myers BS. Characterization of the passive responses of live skeletal muscle using the quasi-linear theory of viscoelasticity. J Biomech. April 1994;27(4):413-419. |
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1996 |
Nightingale RW, McElhaney JH, Richardson WJ, Myers BS. Dynamic responses of the head and cervical spine to axial impact loading. J Biomech. March 1996;29(3):307-318. |
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1997 |
Camacho DLA, Hopper RH, Lin GM, Myers BS. An improved method for finite element mesh generation of geometrically complex structures with application to the skullbase. J Biomech. 1997;30(10):1067-1070. |
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1999 |
Camacho DLA, Nightingale RW, Myers BS. Surface friction in near-vertex head and neck impact increases risk of injury. J Biomech. March 1999;32(3):293-301. |
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2000 |
Nightingale RW, Camacho DL, Armstrong AJ, Robinette JJ, Myers BS. Inertial properties and loading rates affect buckling modes and injury mechanisms in the cervical spine. J Biomech. February 2000;33(2):191-197. |
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2002 |
Nightingale RW, Winkelstein BA, Knaub KE, Richardson WJ, Luck JF, Myers BS. Comparative strengths and structural properties of the upper and lower cervical spine in flexion and extension. J Biomech. June 2002;35(6):725-732. |
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2003 |
Siegmund GP, Sanderson DJ, Myers BS, Inglis JT. Rapid neck muscle adaptation alters the head kinematics of aware and unaware subjects undergoing multiple whiplash-like perturbations. J Biomech. April 2003;36(4):473-482. |
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2007 |
Nightingale RW, Chancey VC, Ottaviano D, Luck JF, Tran L, Prange M, Myers BS. Flexion and extension structural properties and strengths for male cervical spine segments. J Biomech. 2007;40(3):535-542. |
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2000 |
Van Ee CA, Chasse AL, Myers BS. Quantifying skeletal muscle properties in cadaveric test specimens: effects of mechanical loading, postmortem time, and freezer storage. J Biomech Eng. February 2000;122(1):9-14. |
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2001 |
Camacho DLA, Nightingale RW, Myers BS. The influence of surface padding properties on head and neck injury risk. J Biomech Eng. October 2001;123(5):432-439. |
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2009 |
Dibb AT, Nightingale RW, Luck JF, Chancey VC, Fronheiser LE, Myers BS. Tension and combined tension-extension structural response and tolerance properties of the human male ligamentous cervical spine. J Biomech Eng. August 2009;131(8):081008. |
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1996 |
Nightingale RW, McElhaney JH, Richardson WJ, Best TM, Myers BS. Experimental impact injury to the cervical spine: relating motion of the head and the mechanism of injury. J Bone Joint Surg. March 1996;78A(3):412-421. |
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1994 |
Myers BS, Arbogast KB, Lobaugh B, Harper KD, Richardson WJ, Drezner MK. Improved assessment of lumbar vertebral body strength using supine lateral dual‐energy X‐ray absorptiometry. J Bone Miner Res. May 1994;9(5):687-693. |
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1997 |
Winkelstein BA, Myers BS. The biomechanics of cervical spine injury and implications for injury prevention. Med Sci Sports Exer. July 1997;29(suppl 7):S246-S255. |
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1991 |
Myers BS, McElhaney JH, Doherty BJ, Paver JG, Gray L. The role of torsion in cervical spine trauma. Spine. August 1991;16(8):870-874. |
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1997 |
Nightingale RW, Richardson WJ, Myers BS. The effects of padded surfaces on the risk for cervical spine injury. Spine. October 15, 1997;222(20):2380-2387. |
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2000 |
Winkelstein BA, Nightingale RW, Richardson WJ, Myers BS. The cervical facet capsule and its role in whiplash injury: a biomechanical investigation. Spine. May 15, 2000;25(10):1238-1246. |
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2001 |
Siegmund GP, Myers BS, Davis MB, Bohnet HF, Winkelstein BA. Mechanical evidence of cervical facet capsule injury during whiplash: a cadaveric study using combined shear, compression, and extension loading. Spine. October 1, 2001;26(9):2095-2101. |
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2003 |
Siegmund GP, Sanderson DJ, Myers BS, Inglis JT. Awareness affects the response of human subjects exposed to a single whiplash-like perturbation. Spine. April 1, 2003;28(7):671-679. |
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2013 |
Luck JF, Nightingale RW, Song Y, Kait JR, Loyd AM, Myers BS, Bass CRD. Tensile failure properties of the perinatal, neonatal, and pediatric cadaveric cervical spine. Spine. January 2013;38(1):E1-E12. |
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2013 |
Dibb AT, Cox CA, Nightingale RW, Luck JF, Cutcliffe HC, Myers BS, Arbogast KB, Seacrist T, Bass CR. Importance of muscle activations for biofidelic pediatric neck response in computational models. Traffic Inj Prev. November 22, 2013;14(suppl 1):S116-S127. |
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