Trabecular bone microdamage significantly influences the skeletal integrity and bone remodelling process. In this paper a novel constitutive model, called the virtual internal bond model (VIB), was adopted for simulating the damage behaviour of bone tissue. A unique 3D image analysis technique, named individual trabeculae segmentation, was used to analyse the effects of microarchitectures on the damage behaviours of trabecular bone. We demonstrated that the process of initiation and accumulation of microdamage in trabecular bone samples can be captured by the VIB-embedded finite-element method simulation without a separate fracture criterion. Our simulation results showed that the microdamage can occur at as early as about 0.2–0.4% apparent strain, and a large volume of microdamage was accumulated around the apparent yield strain. In addition we found that the plate-like trabeculae, especially the longitudinal ones, take crucial roles in the microdamage behaviours of trabecular bone.
trabecular bone; microdamage; virtual internal bond model; individual trabeculae segmentation; microarchitecture