This study is an in-depth analysis of the mechanical properties of the canine femur. The parameters studied were compressive strength, modulus of elasticity and density.
The test specimens (4.5 mm long, 3 mm2 cross-sectional area) were prepared from eight different quadrants about the circumference of different levels of the proximal of the canine femur.
The results showed that the regions of highest compressive strength were in the lateral and upper medial quadrants. The posterior quadrant ranked third while the anterior quadrant demonstrated the lowest values. Values of the modulus of elasticity showed a similar pattern, with the lateral and medial quadrants possessing the highest moduli.
The density study revealed no clearly dominant quadrant, although the upper anterior wall showed high values and most of the values for the posterior quadrant were in the lower range. A comparison between the compressive strength levels and the density values showed no direct correlation.