Lange, William A.
; Van Kirk, Donald J.
The effectiveness of current methods and systems used to reduce injury
Impact Injury and Crash Protection
Associate Professor of Surgery,
Wayne State University
School of Medicine, Detroit, Michigan
Research Assistant, Department of Mechanical Engineering Sciences,
Wayne State University
, Detroit, Michigan
Cited Works (16)
Aldman B. Biodynamic studies on impact protection.
Acta Physiol Scand
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Aldman B. A protective seat for children: experiments with a safety seat for children between one and six. In: Patrick LM, ed.
Proceedings of the 8th Stapp Car Crash and Field Demonstration Conference
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Appoldt FA. Dynamic tests of restraints for children. In: Patrick LM, ed.
Proceedings of the 8th Stapp Car Crash and Field Demonstration Conference
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Patrick LM, Daniel RP. Comparison of standard and experimental windshields. In: Patrick LM, ed.
Proceedings of the 8th Stapp Car Crash and Field Demonstration Conference
. October 21-23, 1964; Wayne State University. Detroit, MI: Wayne State University Press:147-166. SAE 640849.
Sharp JE, Campbell HE, Utans P. Analysis of lap shoulder belt effectiveness in accidents. In: Cragun MK, ed.
Proceedings of the 9th Stapp Car Crash Conference
. October 20-21, 1965; Minneapolis, MN. Warrendale, PA: Society of Automotive Engineers:65-81. SAE 650953.
Nahum AM, Canty T. Case study investigation of human injury patterns and the relation to vehicular design. In: Severy DM, ed.
Proceedings of the 7th Stapp Car Crash and Field Demonstration Conference
. 1963; University of California at Los Angeles. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas; 1965:519-525.
Patrick LM, Lange WA, Hodgson VR. Facial injuries: causes and prevention. In: Severy DM, ed.
Proceedings of the 7th Stapp Car Crash and Field Demonstration Conference
. 1963; University of California at Los Angeles. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas; 1965:541-568.
Rose CW. A safety engineering approach to child restraining devices. In: Severy DM, ed.
Proceedings of the 7th Stapp Car Crash and Field Demonstration Conference
. 1963; University of California at Los Angeles. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas; 1965:432-436.
Daniel RP, Patrick LM. Instrument panel impact study. In: Cragun MK, ed.
Proceedings of the 9th Stapp Car Crash Conference
. October 20-21, 1965; Minneapolis, MN. Warrendale, PA: Society of Automotive Engineers:165-179. SAE 650958.
Campbell BJ, Kihlberg JK. Seat belt effectiveness in the non-ejection situation. In: Severy DM, ed.
Proceedings of the 7th Stapp Car Crash and Field Demonstration Conference
. 1963; University of California at Los Angeles. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas; 1965:177-188.
Nahum AM, Siegel AW, Trachtenberg SB. Causes of significant injuries in nonfatal traffic accidents. In:
Proceedings of the 10th Stapp Car Crash Conference
. November 8-9, 1966; Hollomon Air Force Base, NM. Warrendale, PA: Society of Automotive Engineers:295-313. SAE 660803.
Skeels PC. The General Motors energy-absorbing steering column. In:
Proceedings of the 10th Stapp Car Crash Conference
. November 8-9, 1966; Hollomon Air Force Base, NM. Warrendale, PA: Society of Automotive Engineers:1-13. SAE 660785.
Robertson JS, McLean AJ, Ryan GA.
Traffic Accidents in Adelaide, South Australia
. Melbourne, Australia: Ware Publishing Pty. Ltd., Ramsay; July 1966. Australian Road Research Board Special Report 1.
Snyder RG, Young JW, Snow CC. Experimental impact protection with advanced automotive restraint systems: preliminary primate tests with air bag and inertia reel/inverted-y yoke torso harness. In:
Proceedings of the 11th Stapp Car Crash Conference
. October 10-11, 1967; Anaheim, CA. Warrendale, PA: Society of Automotive Engineers:406-431. SAE 670922.
Mertz HFJ Jr.
The Kinematics and Kinetics of Whiplash
[PhD thesis]. Detroit, MI: Wayne State University; 1967.
Severy DM, Brink HM, Baird JD. Backrest and head restraint design for rear-end collision protection. In:
Proceedings of the SAE Automotive Engineering Congress and Exposition
. January 8-12, 1968; Detroit, MI. Warrendale, PA: Society of Automotive Engineers. SAE 680079.
Cited By (1)
Goldsmith W. Biomechanics of head injury. In: Fung YC, Perrone N, Anliker M, eds.
Biomechanics: Its Foundations and Objectives
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