1980 |
Lestrelin D, Brun-Cassan F, Fayon A, Tarrière C, Castan F. “PRAKIMOD”: mathematical simulation of accident victims, validation and application to car-pedestrian collisions. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Technical Conference on Experimental Safety Vehicles (ESV). October 21-24, 1980; Wolfsburg, Germany.902-926. |
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1982 |
Lestrelin D, Tarrière C, Walfisch G, Fayon A, Got C, Patel A, Hureau J. Proper use of HIC under different typical colllsion environments. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Technical Conference on Experimental Safety Vehicles (ESV). November 1-4, 1982; Kyoto, Japan.321-336. |
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1985 |
Lestrelin D, Brun-Cassan F, Fayon A, Tarriere C. Vehicle pedestrian head impact: a computer method for rating a profile without previous mathematical modelization. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Technical Conference on Experimental Safety Vehicles (ESV). July 1-4, 1985; Oxford, England.949-954. SAE 856110. |
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1980 |
Lestrelin D, Fayon A, Tarriere C. Development and use of a mathematical model simulating a traffic accident victim. In: Proceedings of the 1980 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impact. September 9-11, 1980; Birmingham, England.47-67. |
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1982 |
Walfisch G, Chamouard F, Lestrelin D, Fayon A, Tarrière C, Got C, Guillon F, Patel A, Hureau J. Tolerance limits and mechanical characteristics of the human thorax in frontal and side impact and transposition of these characteristics into protection criteria. In: Proceedings of the 1982 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impact. September 8-10, 1982; Cologne, Germany.122-139. |
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1982 |
Leung YC, Tarrière C, Lestrelin D, Got C, Guillon F, Patel A, Hureau J. Submarining injuries of 3 pt. belted occupants in frontal collisions: description, mechanisms and protection. In: Proceedings of the 26th Stapp Car Crash Conference. October 20-21, 1982; Ann Arbor, MI. Warrendale, PA: Society of Automotive Engineers:173-205. SAE 821158. |
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1985 |
Walfisch G, Chamouard F, Lestrelin D, Tarriere C, Brun Cassan F, Mack P, Got C, Guillon F, Patel A, Hureau J. Predictive functions for thoracic injuries to belt wearers in frontal collisions and their conversion into protection criteria. In: Proceedings of the 29th Stapp Car Crash Conference. October 9-11, 1985; Washington, DC. Warrendale, PA: Society of Automotive Engineers:49-68. SAE 851722. |
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