2009 |
Monetti R, Bauer J, Sidorenko I, M̈uller D, Rummeny E, Matsuura M, Eckstein F, Lochmueller E-M, Zysset P, Räth C. Assessment of the human trabecular bone structure using Minkowski Functionals. In: Xiaoping P. Hu; Anne V. Clough, eds. Medical Imaging 2009: Biomedical Applications in Molecular, Structural, and Functional Imaging. SPIE Medical Imaging 2009; February 8-10, 2009; Lake Buena Vista, FL. Proceedings of the SPIE; vol 7262. |
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1971 |
Slattenschek A, Tauffkirchen W, Benedikter G. The quantification of internal head injury by means of the phantom head and the impact assessment methods. In: Proceedings of the 15th Stapp Car Crash Conference. November 17-19, 1971; Coronado, CA. Warrendale, PA: Society of Automotive Engineers:742-766. SAE 710879. |
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1974 |
Slattenschek A, Tauffkirchen W, Benedikter G. Efficiency of phantom impact test in safety glass testing. In: Proceedings of the 18th Stapp Car Crash Conference. December 4-5, 1974; Ann Arbor, MI. Warrendale, PA: Society of Automotive Engineers:629-655. SAE 741194. |
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2004 |
Hellmich C, Ulm F-J, Dormieux L. Can the diverse elastic properties of trabecular and cortical bone be attributed to only a few tissue-independent phase properties and their interactions? arguments from a multiscale approach. Biomech Model Mechanobiol. June 2004;2(4):219-238. |
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2008 |
Matsuura M, Eckstein F, Lochmüller E-M, Zysset PK. The role of fabric in the quasi-static compressive mechanical properties of human trabecular bone from various anatomical locations. Biomech Model Mechanobiol. February 2008;7(1):27-42. |
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2009 |
Garcia D, Zysset PK, Charlebois M, Curnier A. A three-dimensional elastic plastic damage constitutive law for bone tissue. Biomech Model Mechanobiol. April 2009;8(2):149-165. |
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2009 |
Rincón-Kohli L, Zysset PK. Multi-axial mechanical properties of human trabecular bone. Biomech Model Mechanobiol. June 2009;8(3):195-208. |
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2010 |
Reisinger AG, Pahr DH, Zysset PK. Sensitivity analysis and parametric study of elastic properties of an unidirectional mineralized bone fibril-array using mean field methods. Biomech Model Mechanobiol. October 2010;9(5):499-510. |
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2011 |
Reisinger AG, Pahr DH, Zysset PK. Elastic anisotropy of bone lamellae as a function of fibril orientation pattern. Biomech Model Mechanobiol. February 2011;10(1):67-77. |
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2011 |
Varga P, Dall’Ara E, Pahr DH, Pretterklieber M, Zysset PK. Validation of an HR-pQCT-based homogenized finite element approach using mechanical testing of ultra-distal radius sections. Biomech Model Mechanobiol. July 2011;10(4):431-444. |
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17 |
2015 |
Varga P, Hesse B, Langer M, Schrof S, Männicke N, Suhonen H, Pacureanu A, Pahr D, Peyrin F, Raum K. Synchrotron X-ray phase nano-tomography-based analysis of the lacunar–canalicular network morphology and its relation to the strains experienced by osteocytes in situ as predicted by case-specific finite element analysis. Biomech Model Mechanobiol. April 2015;14(2):267-282. |
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2010 |
Wolfram U, Wilke H-J, Zysset PK. Rehydration of vertebral trabecular bone: influences on its anisotropy, its stiffness and the indentation work with a view to age, gender and vertebral level. Bone. February 2010;46(2):348-354. |
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2010 |
Varga P, Pahr DH, Baumbach S, Zysset PK. HR-pQCT based FE analysis of the most distal radius section provides an improved prediction of Colles' fracture load in vitro. Bone. November 2010;47(5):982-988. |
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2011 |
Paschalis EP, Tatakis DN, Robins S, Fratzl P, Manjubala I, Zoehrer R, Gamsjaeger S, Buchinger B, Roschger A, Phipps R, Boskey AL, Dall'Ara E, Varga P, Zysset P, Klaushofer K, Roschger P. Lathyrism-induced alterations in collagen cross-links influence the mechanical properties of bone material without affecting the mineral. Bone. December 2011;49(6):1232-1241. |
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2013 |
Dall'Ara E, Luisier B, Schmidt R, Kainberger F, Zysset P, Pahr D. A nonlinear QCT-based finite element model validation study for the human femur tested in two configurations in vitro. Bone. January 2013;52(1):27-38. |
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2015 |
Katsamenis OL, Jenkins T, Thurner PJ. Toughness and damage susceptibility in human cortical bone is proportional to mechanical inhomogeneity at the osteonal-level. Bone. July 2015;76:158-168. |
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2020 |
Iori G, Schneider J, Reisinger A, Heyer F, Peralta L, Wyers C, Glüer CC, van den Bergh JP, Pahr D, Raum K. Cortical thinning and accumulation of large cortical pores in the tibia reflect local structural deterioration of the femoral neck. Bone. August 2020;137:115446. |
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2021 |
Frank M, Grabos A, Reisinger AG, Burr DB, Pahr DH, Allen MR, Thurner PJ. Effects of anti-resorptive treatment on the material properties of individual canine trabeculae in cyclic tensile tests. Bone. September 2021;150:115995. |
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2013 |
Zysset PK, Dall'Ara E, Varga P, Pahr DH. Finite element analysis for prediction of bone strength. BoneKEy Rep. August 2013;2:386. |
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2020 |
Steiner L, Synek A, Pahr DH. Comparison of different microCT-based morphology assessment tools using human trabecular bone. Bone Rep. June 2020;12:100261. |
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2012 |
Spiesz EM, Roschger P, Zysset PK. Influence of mineralization and microporosity on tissue elasticity: experimental and numerical investigation on mineralized turkey leg tendons. Calcif Tiss Int. 2012;90(4):319-329. |
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2008 |
Chevalier Y, Charlebois M, Pahr D, Varga P, Heini P, Schneider E, Zysset P. A patient-specific finite element methodology to predict damage accumulation in vertebral bodies under axial compression, sagittal flexion and combined loads. Comput Methods Biomech Biomed Eng. October 2008;11(5):477-487. |
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2012 |
Gross T, Pahr DH, Peyrin F, Zysset PK. Mineral heterogeneity has a minor influence on the apparent elastic properties of human cancellous bone: SRμCT-based finite element study. Comput Methods Biomech Biomed Eng. November 2012;15(11):1137-1144. |
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2011 |
Sidorenko I, Monetti R, Bauer J, Mueller D, Rummeny E, Eckstein F, Matsuura M, Lochmueller E-M, Zysset P, Raeth C. Assessing methods for characterising local and global structural and biomechanical properties of the trabecular bone network. Curr Med Chem. 2011;18(22):3402-340. |
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2004 |
Hellmich C, Barthélémy J-F, Dormieux L. Mineral–collagen interactions in elasticity of bone ultrastructure: a continuum micromechanics approach. Eur J Mech – A/Solids. September–October 2004;23(5):783-810. |
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2021 |
Waltenberger L, Beitel S, Benecker B, Heimel P, Weninger W, Kanz F. A histological comparison of non-human rib models suited for sharp force trauma analysis. Forensic Sci Int. February 2021;319:110661. |
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2016 |
Schwiedrzik J, Gross T, Bina M, Pretterklieber M, Zysset P, Pahr D. Experimental validation of a nonlinear μFE model based on cohesive-frictional plasticity for trabecular bone. Int J Num Meth Biomed Eng. April 2016;32(4):e02739. |
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2019 |
Werner B, Ovesy M, Zysset PK. An explicit micro‐FE approach to investigate the post‐yield behaviour of trabecular bone under large deformations. Int J Num Meth Biomed Eng. May 2019;35(5):e3188. |
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2019 |
Georgiou L, Kivell TL, Pahr DH, Buck LT, Skinner MM. Trabecular architecture of the great ape and human femoral head. J Anat. May 2019;234(5):679-693. |
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1998 |
Reihsner R, Menzel EJ. Two-dimensional stress-relaxation behavior of human skin as influenced by non-enzymatic glycation and the inhibitory agent aminoguanidine. J Biomech. November 1998;31(11):985-993. |
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2002 |
Hellmich C, Ulm F-J. Are mineralized tissues open crystal foams reinforced by crosslinked collagen? some energy arguments. J Biomech. September 2002;35(9):1199-1212. |
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2006 |
Rapillard L, Charlebois M, Zysset PK. Compressive fatigue behavior of human vertebral trabecular bone. J Biomech. 2006;39(11):2133-2139. |
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2007 |
Chevalier Y, Pahr D, Allmer H, Charlebois M, Zysset P. Validation of a voxel-based FE method for prediction of the uniaxial apparent modulus of human trabecular bone using macroscopic mechanical tests and nanoindentation. J Biomech. 2007;40(15):3333-3340. |
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2009 |
Pahr DH, Zysset PK. A comparison of enhanced continuum FE with micro FE models of human vertebral bodies. J Biomech. March 11, 2009;42(4):455-462. |
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2009 |
Varga P, Baumbach S, Pahr D, Zysset PK. Validation of an anatomy specific finite element model of Colles’ fracture. J Biomech. August 7, 2009;42(11):1726-1731. |
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2010 |
Wolfram U, Wilke H-J, Zysset PK. Valid μ finite element models of vertebral trabecular bone can be obtained using tissue properties measured with nanoindentation under wet conditions. J Biomech. 2010;43(9):1731-1737. |
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2011 |
Brynk T, Hellmich C, Fritsch A, Zysset P, Eberhardsteiner J. Experimental poromechanics of trabecular bone strength: role of Terzaghi's effective stress and of tissue level stress fluctuations. J Biomech. 2011;44(3):501-508. |
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2011 |
Wolfram U, Wilke H-J, Zysset PK. Damage accumulation in vertebral trabecular bone depends on loading mode and direction. J Biomech. April 7, 2011;44(7):1164-1169. |
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2011 |
Dall'Ara E, Öhman C, Baleani M, Viceconti M. Reduced tissue hardness of trabecular bone is associated with severe osteoarthritis. J Biomech. May 17, 2011;44(8):1593-1598. |
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2012 |
Dejaco A, Komlev VS, Jaroszewicz J, Swieszkowski W, Hellmich C. Micro ct-based multiscale elasticity of double-porous (pre-cracked) hydroxyapatite granules for regenerative medicine. J Biomech. April 5, 2012;45(6):1068-1075. |
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2012 |
Kinzl M, Boger A, Zysset PK, Pahr DH. The mechanical behavior of PMMA/bone specimens extracted from augmented vertebrae: a numerical study of interface properties, PMMA shrinkage and trabecular bone damage. J Biomech. May 11, 2012;45(8):1478-1484. |
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2013 |
Kersh ME, Zysset PK, Pahr DH, Wolfram U, Larsson D, Pandy MG. Measurement of structural anisotropy in femoral trabecular bone using clinical-resolution CT images. J Biomech. October 18, 2013;46(15):2659-2666. |
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2021 |
Frank M, Fischer J-T, Thurner PJ. Microdamage formation in individual bovine trabeculae during fatigue testing. J Biomech. January 22, 2021;115:110131. |
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2021 |
Stipsitz M, Zysset PK, Pahr DH. Prediction of the inelastic behaviour of radius segments: damage-based nonlinear micro finite element simulation vs Pistoia criterion. J Biomech. February 12, 2021;116:110205. |
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2009 |
Franzoso G, Zysset PK. Elastic anisotropy of human cortical bone secondary osteons measured by nanoindentation. J Biomech Eng. February 2009;131(2):021001. |
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2009 |
Chevalier Y, Pahr D, Zysset PK. The role of cortical shell and trabecular fabric in finite element analysis of the human vertebral body. J Biomech Eng. November 2009;131(11):111003. |
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2020 |
Amini M, Reisinger A, Pahr DH. Influence of processing parameters on mechanical properties of a 3D-printed trabecular bone microstructure. J Biomed Mater Res. January 2020;B108(1):38-47. |
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2015 |
Maquer G, Musy SN, Wandel J, Gross T, Zysset PK. Bone volume fraction and fabric anisotropy are better determinants of trabecular bone stiffness than other morphological variables. J Bone Miner Res. June 2015;30(6):1000-1008. |
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2011 |
Jungmann R, Szabo ME, Schitter G, Tang RY-S, Vashishth D, Hansma PK, Thurner PJ. Local strain and damage mapping in single trabeculae during three-point bending tests. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater. May 2011;4(4):523-534. |
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2011 |
Reisinger AG, Pahr DH, Zysset PK. Principal stiffness orientation and degree of anisotropy of human osteons based on nanoindentation in three distinct planes. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater. November 2011;4(8):2113-2127. |
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2012 |
Spiesz EM, Roschger P, Zysset PK. Elastic anisotropy of uniaxial mineralized collagen fibers measured using two-directional indentation: effects of hydration state and indentation depth. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater. August 2012;12:20-28. |
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2012 |
Wolfram U, Gross T, Pahr DH, Schwiedrzik J, Wilke H-J, Zysset PK. Fabric-based Tsai-Wu yield criteria for vertebral trabecular bone in stress and strain space. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater. November 2012;15:218-228. |
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2018 |
Frank M, Marx D, Nedelkovski V, Fischer J-T, Pahr DH, Thurner PJ. Dehydration of individual bovine trabeculae causes transition from ductile to quasi-brittle failure mode. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater. November 2018;87:296-305. |
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2020 |
Nedelkovski V, Hahn R, Mayrhofer PH, Steiger-Thirsfeld A, Bernardi J, Thurner PJ. Influence of experimental constraints on micromechanical assessment of micromachined hard-tissue samples. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater. June 2020;106:103741. |
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2023 |
Nia A, Jeremic N, Popp D, Schmoelz L, Patsch J, Döring K, Weber M, Synek A, Pahr DH, Aldrian S. Feasibility of aluminum phantom radiography for osteoporosis detection in postmenopausal women with a fragility fracture of the distal radius compared to DXA and HR-pQCT. J Orthop Res. August 2023;41(8):1774-1780. |
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2011 |
Pemmer B, Hofstaetter JG, Meirer F, Smolek S, Wobrauschek P, Simon R, Fuchs RK, Allen MR, Condon KW, Reinwald S, Phipps RJ, Burr DB, Paschalis EP, Klaushofer K, Streli C, Roschger P. Increased strontium uptake in trabecular bone of ovariectomized calcium-deficient rats treated with strontium ranelate or strontium chloride. J Synchrotron Radiat. November 2011;18(6):835-841. |
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2007 |
Fritsch A, Hellmich C. “Universal” microstructural patterns in bone: micromechanics-based prediction of anisotropic material behavior. J Theo Biol. February 21, 2007;244(4):597-620. |
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2009 |
Fritsch A, Hellmich C, Dormieux L. Ductile sliding between mineral crystals followed by rupture of collagen crosslinks: experimentally supported micromechanical explanation of bone strength. J Theo Biol. September 21, 2009;260(2):230-252. |
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2020 |
Collins CJ, Kozyrev M, Frank M, Andriotis OG, Byrne RA, Kiener HP, Pretterklieber ML, Thurner PJ. The impact of age, mineralization, and collagen orientation on the mechanics of individual osteons from human femurs. Materialia. March 2020;9:100573. |
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2020 |
Iori G, Peralta L, Reisinger A, Heyer F, Wyers C, van den Bergh J, Pahr D, Raum K. Femur strength predictions by nonlinear homogenized voxel finite element models reflect the microarchitecture of the femoral neck. Med Eng Phys. May 2020;79:60-66. |
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2009 |
Zysset PK. Indentation of bone tissue: a short review. Osteoporos Int. June 2009;20(6):1049-1055. |
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2012 |
Dall’Ara E, Pahr D, Varga P, Kainberger F, Zysset P. QCT-based finite element models predict human vertebral strength in vitro significantly better than simulated DEXA. Osteoporos Int. February 2012;23(2):563-572. |
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2022 |
Raabe D, Ponge D, Uggowitzer PJ, Roscher M, Paolantonio M, Liu C, Antrekowitsch H, Kozeschnik E, Seidmann D, Gault B, De Geuser F, Deschamps A, Hutchinson C, Liu C, Li Z, Prangnell P, Robson J, Shanthraj P, Vakili S, Sinclair C, Bourgeois L, Pogatscher S. Making sustainable aluminum by recycling scrap: the science of “dirty” alloys. Prog Mater Sci. July 2022;128:100947. |
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2017 |
Núñez JA, Goring A, Hesse E, Thurner PJ, Schneider P, Clarkin CE. Simultaneous visualisation of calcified bone microstructure and intracortical vasculature using synchrotron X-ray phase contrast-enhanced tomography. Sci Rep. October 16, 2017;7:13289. |
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2020 |
Turyanskaya A, Rauwolf M, Pichler V, Simon R, Burghammer M, 4 OJLF, Sawhney K, Hofstaetter JG, Roschger A, Roschger P, Wobrauschek P, Streli C. Detection and imaging of gadolinium accumulation in human bone tissue by micro- and submicro-XRF. Sci Rep. 2020;10:6301. |
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