Biomechanical properties of human intervertebral discs subjected to axial dynamic compression: influence of age and degeneration
J Biomech. 1986;19(10):807-816
1Klinik für Orthopaedie. Med Universität, Ratzeburger Allee 160. 2400 Luebeck 1, F.R.C
2Abteil für Krankheiten der Bewegungsorgane und des Stoffwechsels, Med Hochschule, Postfach 610180, 3000 Hannover 61, F.R.G.
This investigation was performed to study biomechanical properties of human intervertebral discs as a function of age. 178 specimens from 21 spinal sections (Th9-S1, 5–84 yr) were subjected to axial dynamic compression; the load being 950 ± 540 N. The results revealed three distinct age ranges: (1) From the first to the middle of the third decade: axial deformability decreases within the thoracic region, and remains almost constant within the lumbar spine; creep decreases in both parts. (2) From the middle of the third to the beginning of the sixth decade: the biomechanical behavior scarcely alters. (3) Afterwards: axial deformability remains unchanged; creep, however, again increases within the lumbar spine. The results reveal the discs behave most efficiently within the age range where the incidence of back pain is maximal.