The purpose of this study was to determine whether the same estimates of individual muscle and L4L5 lumbar joint compressive forces result from an optimization (OPT) compared to an electromyography (EMG) assisted approach for solving the inderminate moment equilibrium equations in the same anatomical model. Four male subjects performed near maximum, isometric, ramp efforts in trunck flexion, extension and lateral bending in a testing apparatus. The EMG approach was sensitive to subject and trial differences in the magnitudes of individual muscle forces needed to produce the same reaction moment. In contrast, the OPT method converged on a similar estimate of muscle forces for all subjects and trials producing the same moment. The OPT method predicted lower L4L5 joint compression values, on average, by 32, 43 and 23% in trunk extension, flexion and lateral bending, respectively, because, unlike the EMG method, it could not predict co-contraction of anatomically antagonistic muscles. We incorporated the OPT method's advantage of forcing an equilibrium in the reaction moments into the EMG method in a new approach we have called ‘EMG assisted optimization’ (EMGAO). Muscle force estimates from the EMG and EMGAO methods differed from those from the OPT method, on average, by 123% (RMS) for flexion and extension and by 218% for lateral bends. Data from the two approaches result in different conclusions about spine mechanics. We have more confidence in the EMG assisted methods because they respond to variation in muscle synergy and co-contraction patterns commonly observed in different trials and subjects for the same reaction moments.