In order to assess the relevance of certain traffic accident types, collisions or injury patterns, the abbreviated injury scale and its maximum value, known as MAIS, is a well-established evaluation measurement in the field of accident research and vehicle safety. Despite all of its benefits, however, it lacks the ability to compare or combine severe injuries with respect to either mortality or long-term impairment. With vehicle safety specifically and traffic safety in general improving, an evaluation method to assess non-fatal injuries as well as fatal injuries has become necessary. This paper proposes a combined evaluation method based on the AIS 2005 rev. 08 code and period life tables. The method is generically formulated and in the context of this paper applied to GIDAS data and German period life tables. Its usefulness is proven in an example analysis involving car-topedestrian frontal collisions from GIDAS. The method shows a certain significance for the lower extremities due to their long-term impairment characteristics, while the head is still proven to be the most relevant body part in this area of action. For the lower extremities, the most important injury type is the fracture of bony structures in the lower leg.
Accident Data Analysis; Abbreviated Injury Scale; Injury Assessment; Injury Evaluation; Pedestrian Accidents