2004 |
Hassenkam T, Fantner G, Cutroni J, Weaver J, Morse D, Hansma P. High-resolution AFM imaging of intact and fractured trabecular bone. Bone. July 2004;35(1):4-10. |
55 |
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2007 |
Thurner PJ, Erickson B, Jungmann R, Schriock Z, Weaver JC, Fantner GE, Schitter G, Morse DE, Hansma PK. High-speed photography of compressed human trabecular bone correlates whitening to microscopic damage. Eng Fract Mech. 2007;74(12):1928-1941. |
45 |
35 |
2010 |
Diez‐Perez A, Güerri R, Nogues X, Cáceres E, Peña MJ, Mellibovsky L, Randall C, Bridges D, Weaver JC, Proctor A, Brimer D, Koester KJ, Ritchie RO, Hansma PK. Microindentation for in vivo measurement of bone tissue mechanical properties in humans. J Bone Miner Res. 2010;25(8):1877-1885. |
39 |
37 |
2011 |
Jungmann R, Szabo ME, Schitter G, Tang RY-S, Vashishth D, Hansma PK, Thurner PJ. Local strain and damage mapping in single trabeculae during three-point bending tests. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater. May 2011;4(4):523-534. |
34 |
30 |
2005 |
Hansma PK, Fantner GE, Kindt JH, Thurner PJ, Schitter G, Turner PJ, Udwin SF, Finch MM. Sacrificial bonds in the interfibrillar matrix of bone. J Musculoskel Neuron Interact. October–December 2005;5(4):313-315. |
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2007 |
Fantner GE, Adams J, Turner P, Thurner PJ, Fisher LW, Hansma PK. Nanoscale ion mediated networks in bone: osteopontin can repeatedly dissipate large amounts of energy. Nano Lett. August 2007;7(8):2491-2498. |
32 |
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2005 |
Fantner GE, Hassenkam T, Kindt JH, Weaver JC, Birkedal H, Pechenik L, Cutroni JA, Cidade GAG, Stucky GD, Morse DE, Hansma PK. Sacrificial bonds and hidden length dissipate energy as mineralized fibrils separate during bone fracture. Nat Mater. August 2005;4(8):612-616. |
130 |
126 |
1999 |
Smith BL, Schäffer TE, Viani M, Thompson JB, Frederick NA, Kindt J, Belcher A, Stucky GD, Morse DE, Hansma PK. Molecular mechanistic origin of the toughness of natural adhesives, fibres and composites. Nature. June 24, 1999;399(6738):761-763. |
43 |
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2001 |
Thompson JB, Kindt JH, Drake B, Hansma HG, Morse DE, Hansma PK. Bone indentation recovery time correlates with bond reforming time. Nature. December 13, 2001;414(6865):773-776. |
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2009 |
Ritchie R, Buehler M, Hansma P. Plasticity and toughness in bone. Phys Today. June 2009;62(6):41-47. |
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63 |