2019 |
Wittig NK, Laugesen M, Birkbak ME, Bach-Gansmo FL, Pacureanu A, Bruns S, Wendelboe MH, Brüel A, Sørensen HO, Thomsen JS, Birkedal H. Canalicular junctions in the osteocyte lacuno-canalicular network of cortical bone. ACS Nano. 2019;13(6):6421-6430. |
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2019 |
Wittig NK, Palle J, Østergaard M, Frølich S, Birkbak ME, Spiers KM, Garrevoet J, Birkedal H. Bone biomineral properties vary across human osteonal bone. ACS Nano. 2019;13(11):12949-12956. |
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2016 |
Bach-Gansmo FL, Brüel A, Jensen MV, Ebbesen EN, Birkedal H, Thomsen JS. Osteocyte lacunar properties and cortical microstructure in human iliac crest as a function of age and sex. Bone. October 2016;91:11-19. |
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2023 |
Østergaard M, Naver EB, Schüpbach D, Kaestner A, Strobl M, Brüel A, Thomsen JS, Schmidt S, Poulsen HF, Kuhn LT, Birkedal H. Correlative study of liquid in human bone by 3D neutron microscopy and lab-based X-ray μCT. Bone. October 2023;175:116837. |
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2023 |
Grünewald TA, Johannes A, Wittig NK, Palle J, Rack A, Burghammer M, Birkedal H. Bone mineral properties and 3D orientation of human lamellar bone around cement lines and the Haversian system. IUCrJ. October 2023;10(2):189-198. |
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2020 |
Hoac B, Østergaard M, Wittig NK, Boukpessi T, Buss DJ, Chaussain C, Birkedal H, Murshed M, McKee MD. Genetic ablation of osteopontin in osteomalacic Hyp mice partially rescues the deficient mineralization without correcting hypophosphatemia. J Bone Miner Res. October 2020;35(10):2032-2048. |
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2022 |
Wittig NK, Østergaard M, Palle J, Christensen TEK, Langdahl BL, Rejnmark L, Hauge E-M, Brüel A, Thomsen JS, Birkedal H. Opportunities for biomineralization research using multiscale computed X-ray tomography as exemplified by bone imaging. J Struct Biol. March 2022;214(1):107822. |
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2005 |
Fantner GE, Hassenkam T, Kindt JH, Weaver JC, Birkedal H, Pechenik L, Cutroni JA, Cidade GAG, Stucky GD, Morse DE, Hansma PK. Sacrificial bonds and hidden length dissipate energy as mineralized fibrils separate during bone fracture. Nat Mater. August 2005;4(8):612-616. |
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2024 |
Wittig NK, Pedersen C, Palle J, Østergaard M, Christensen TEK, Kahnt M, Sadetskaia A, Thomsen JS, Brüel A, Birkedal H. Protocols for preparation of biomineralized samples for computed tomography. Tomogr Mater Struct. June 2024;5:100027. |
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