We have recently established and initially validated a pre‐computed brain response atlas (pcBRA) for instantaneous estimation of regional strains in contact sports. The pcBRA was created by simulating the Dartmouth Head Injury Model (DHIM) subjected to a set of pre‐defined, triangulated rotational acceleration (arot) impulses parametrised by peak magnitude (aprot) and duration (∆trot), as well as the azimuth (θ) and elevation (α) angles characterising the direction of rotational axis, Ω. In this study, we illustrate the potential of pcBRA for parametric studies. Specifically, by reducing the pcBRA dimensionality, we generated implicit functions in terms of color‐coded surfaces and iso‐contours of (i) regional average peak strains (εavg) and (ii) volume‐fractions of strains above a given threshold (Vε) relative to Ω for selected brain regions. For a given Ω, implicit functions of εavg/Vε relative to aprot and ∆trot as well as the resulting peak rotational velocity (vprot) were also obtained. Both εavg and ܸVε were highly dependent on Ω, and they presented non‐linear relationships relative to aprot, ∆trot and vprot. These results provide enhanced understanding of the biomechanical mechanisms of rotation‐induced brain injury and may offer insight into the potential of pcBRA for future parametric or real‐world applications especially in contact sports.
traumatic brain injury, pre‐computation, rotation, strain, Dartmouth Head Injury Model