Improvement to the passive safety of cars in lateral collisions is of great importance. This study of injuries in car side collisions in Sweden has been performed to establish the basis for future development of protective systems for this type of accident. The Folksam car accident data file has been used.
Injuries were found to be 2 times more common for near side than far side1 occupants in car to car impacts.
AIS 3-6 injuries to belted front seat occupants in near side impacts (10% of all injuries) were compared with the estimated number of injuries to different parts of the body with risk of serious consequenses (RSC) either deaths or permanent disabilities (4.5% of all injuries). AIS 3-6 injuries were received by the chest (37%), abdomen/pelvis (25%) and the head (15%). The RSC method gave a different ranking order; head (25%), neck (21%), leg (15%), chest (14%) and abdomen/pelvis (11%).
The study also shows that elderly people receive significantly more chest injuries, on average 4 times greater than young people.
Males receive twice as many chest injuries as females in near side impacts.