PCA based statistical analysis of NASS-PCDS (National Automotive Sampling System – Pedestrian Crash Data Study) database clearly shows that post-impact pedestrian kinematics is complex and depends on various factors, such as impact speed, height of the pedestrian, front-end profile of the striking vehicle and pedestrian posture, etc. The findings from the NASS-PCDS study were also confirmed and verified with the help of numerical simulations that were performed using two modified JAMA human FE models. An adult model (male, 175cm and 72kg) and a properly scaled child model (6 years old, 120cm and 24.5kg) were effectively utilized to investigate the post-crash kinematics in different conditions. The focus of this study is to investigate those factors that determine the post-crash pedestrian kinematics of children and small adults related to the head impact time (HIT) as specified in Euro- NCAP pedestrian protocol.