This study evaluated the kinematic and chest deflection responses of a THOR Mod Kit dummy with the Chalmers/Humanetics SD-3 shoulder and the 50th percentile Hybrid III (H3) in the frontal impact 40 km/h 14 g Gold Standard 1 (GS1) test condition. THOR and H3 biofidelity were evaluated by comparing dummy response to the response of 8 post mortem human surrogates (PMHS) in prior GS1 tests. The subject was restrained by a three-point lap and shoulder belt in a right-front passenger configuration. Pelvis and lower extremity movements were restricted using a rigid knee bolster and footrest which were adjusted to be in contact with the knees and feet of each subject at the time of impact.
The THOR SD-3 shoulder sustained no damage during the course of the nine test series. In general, THOR peak x-axis chest deflection values for the anterior measurement sites were closer to those of the PMHS than the H3. However, the deflection response of neither dummy approached that of the PMHS relative to the motion of the anterior ribcage away from the spine. The THOR SD-3 exhibited a PMHS-like deflection sensitivity to belt position, a characteristic reported for the H3 (Horsch et al 1991).
The PMHS rearward motion of the loaded shoulder may result in increased chest deflection, while the forward motion of the THOR SD-3 may limit chest deflection. The H3 loaded shoulder motion was likely limited by the stiff H3 shoulder design and lack of range of motion. Because the shoulder interaction with the belt is a determinant of chest deflection, further study of the THOR SD-3 shoulder belt interaction is suggested. Similarly a comprehensive study of spinal kinematics with focus on spinal rotations that may substantially influence interaction between the ribcage and the shoulder belt is also warranted.