A total of 87 traditional and functional body measurements were taken on a sample of 4127 infants, children and youths representing the U.S. population aged 2 weeks through 18 years. Measurements were taken throughout the United States by two teams of anthropometrists using an automated anthropometric data acquisition system. Standard anthropometers, calipers, and tape devices were modified to read el ectronically and input dimensional data directly to a mini-computer for data processing and storage. Summary statistics of measurement results are reported for 16 age groups along with scatter plots of the data points for the sexes combined and males and females separately. Each measurement is described along with a photograph and illustration. In addition bivariate relationships of selected functional measurements with weight or stature are provided along with regression data.
Anthropometry; Infants; Children; Youth; Functional Measurements; Automated Data Acquisition; Representative of U.S. Population