Nowadays several injury criteria are being used in the analysis and evaluation of whiplash risk in automotive rear impacts (NIC, Nkm, LNL, etc.). This study presents a review of the most accepted injury mechanisms and evaluates the advantages and inconveniences of the commonest criteria at present. Taking into account the conclusions arrived at during this comparison, a new criterion is proposed using the signals registered in the upper and lower neck load cells of a crash test dummy, trying to minimize the disadvantages previously found in the other criteria. In order to validate this study a series of sled tests with a BioRID-II dummy have been performed and its results analyzed, confirming the assumptions made during the review of the present criteria and showing a very promising response to the new one. In conclusion, the use of injury criteria involving the load cells situated in both ends of the neck at the same time is recommended as the best way to deal with the dynamics produced during the whiplash movement in a rear impact.