The objective of this study was to validate the head model of THUMSv4.1 in Virtual Performance Solution occupant model and to develop model-specific head injury criteria: skull fracture, mild Diffuse Axonal injury (mDAI) and subdural haematoma (SDH). Mesh and materials were updated to improve the biofidelity response and the stability of the original model. The updated head model was then used to replicate different types of head trauma: skull fracture (N = 91), mDAI (78) and SDH (80). Survival analysis was used to develop model-specific injury risk functions. A comparative study with currently available kinematic criteria was performed for the relevant injury mechanism (e.g. for mDAI: DAMAGE, HIC, CIBIC). The improved head model is in good agreement with experimental data regarding skull, brain and bridging veins response. The proposed skull fracture injury risk is based on internal energy at element level. mDAI risk function is based on a combined strain and strain rate metric named brain injury score (BIS). Strain of bridging veins was used for assessing SDH injury risk. The comparison with real accident scenarios showed a good prediction capability. This study emphasises the use of tissue level parameter to predict head injury.
Brain strain; brain strain rate; Finite element head modeling; head trauma simulation; injury tolerance limit