1999 |
Buschmann MD, Kim Y-J, Wong M, Frank E, Hunziker EB, Grodzinsky AJ. Stimulation of aggrecan synthesis in cartilage explants by cyclic loading is localized to regions of high interstitial fluid flow1. Arch Biochem Biophys. June 1, 1999;366(1):1-7. |
94 |
78 |
2001 |
Jin M, Frank EH, Quinn TM, Hunziker EB, Grodzinsky AJ. Tissue shear deformation stimulates proteoglycan and protein biosynthesis in bovine cartilage explants. Arch Biochem Biophys. November 1, 2001;395(1):41-48. |
65 |
54 |
1997 |
Jurvelin JS, Buschmann MD, Hunziker EB. Optical and mechanical determination of Poisson's ratio of adult bovine humeral articular cartilage. J Biomech. March 1997;30(3):235-241. |
73 |
61 |
1998 |
Buschmann MD, Soulhat J, Shirazi-Adl A, Jurvelin JS, Hunziker EB. Confined compression of articular cartilage: linearity in ramp and sinusoidal tests and the importance of interdigitation and incomplete confinement. J Biomech. February 1998;31(2):171-178. |
32 |
24 |
2000 |
Fortin M, Soulhat J, Shirazi-Adl A, Hunziker EB, Buschmann MD. Unconfined compression of articular cartilage: nonlinear behavior and comparison with a fibril-reinforced biphasic model. J Biomech Eng. April 2000;122(2):189-195. |
35 |
32 |
1996 |
Hunziker EB, Rosenberg LC. Repair of partial-thickness defects in articular cartilage: cell recruitment from the synovial membrane. J Bone Joint Surg. May 1996;78A(5):721-733. |
41 |
39 |
1995 |
Buschmann MD, Gluzband YA, Grodzinsky AJ, Hunziker EB. Mechanical compression modulates matrix biosynthesis in chondrocyte/agarose culture. J Cell Sci. April 1995;108(4):1497-1508. |
164 |
146 |
1996 |
Buschmann MD, Hunziker EB, Kim YJ, Grodzinsky AJ. Altered aggrecan synthesis correlates with cell and nucleus structure in statically compressed cartilage. J Cell Sci. February 1996;109(2):499-508. |
50 |
41 |
1998 |
Quinn TM, Grodzinsky AJ, Buschmann MD, Kim YJ, Hunziker EB. Mechanical compression alters proteoglycan deposition and matrix deformation around individual cells in cartilage explants. J Cell Sci. March 1998;111(5):573-583. |
63 |
43 |
1992 |
Buschmann MD, Gluzband YA, Grodzinsky AJ, Kimura JH, Hunziker EB. Chondrocytes in agarose culture synthesize a mechanically functional extracellular matrix. J Orthop Res. November 1992;10(6):745-758. |
115 |
96 |
1996 |
Wong M, Wuethrich P, Eggli P, Hunziker E. Zone-specific cell biosynthetic activity in mature bovine articular cartilage: a new method using confocal microscopic stereology and quantitative autoradiography. J Orthop Res. May 1996;14(3):424-432. |
50 |
45 |
1997 |
Wong M, Wuethrich P, Buschmann MD, Eggli P, Hunziker E. Chondrocyte biosynthesis correlates with local tissue strain in statically compressed adult articular cartilage. J Orthop Res. March 1997;15(2):189-196. |
61 |
59 |
1998 |
Quinn TM, Grodzinsky AJ, Hunziker EB, Sandy JD. Effects of injurious compression on matrix turnover around individual cells in calf articular cartilage explants. J Orthop Res. July 1998;16(4):490-499. |
49 |
29 |
2001 |
Quinn TM, Allen RG, Schalet BJ, Perumbuli P, Hunziker EB. Matrix and cell injury due to sub-impact loading of adult bovine articular cartilage explants: effects of strain rate and peak stress. J Orthop Res. March 2001;19(2):242-249. |
39 |
38 |
1999 |
Hunziker EB. Articular cartilage repair: are the intrinsic biological constraints undermining this process insuperable? Osteoarthritis Cartilage. January 1999;7(1):15-28. |
46 |
44 |
2002 |
Hunziker EB. Articular cartilage repair: basic science and clinical progress. a review of the current status and prospects. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. June 2002;10(6):432-463. |
79 |
79 |
2002 |
Hunziker EB, Quinn TM, Häuselmann H-J. Quantitative structural organization of normal adult human articular cartilage. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. July 2002;10(7):564-572. |
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