1987 |
Kiviranta I, Jurvelin J, Tammi M, Säämäunen A-M, Helminen HJ. Weight bearing controls glycosaminoglycan concentration and articualr cartilage thickness in the knee joints of young beagle dogs. Arthritis Rheum. July 1987;30(7):801-809. |
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2010 |
Isaksson H, Malkiewicz M, Nowak R, Helminen HJ, Jurvelin JS. Rabbit cortical bone tissue increases its elastic stiffness but becomes less viscoelastic with age. Bone. December 2010;47(6):1030-1038. |
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1986 |
Jurvelin J, Kiviranta I, Tammi M, Helminen JH. Softening of canine articular cartilage after immobilization of the knee joint. Clin Orthop Relat Res. June 1986;207:246-252. |
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1987 |
Jurvelin J, Kiviranta I, Arokoski J, Tammi M, Helminen HJ. Indentation study of the biomechanical properties of articular cartilage in the canine knee. Eng Med. January 1987;16(1):15-22. |
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1990 |
Jurvelin J, Kiviranta I, Säämänen A-M, Tammi M, Helminen HJ. Indentation stiffness of young canine knee articular cartilage: influence of strenuous joint loading. J Biomech. 1990;23(12):1239-1246. |
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1997 |
Jurvelin JS, Buschmann MD, Hunziker EB. Optical and mechanical determination of Poisson's ratio of adult bovine humeral articular cartilage. J Biomech. March 1997;30(3):235-241. |
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1998 |
Buschmann MD, Soulhat J, Shirazi-Adl A, Jurvelin JS, Hunziker EB. Confined compression of articular cartilage: linearity in ramp and sinusoidal tests and the importance of interdigitation and incomplete confinement. J Biomech. February 1998;31(2):171-178. |
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2000 |
Wong M, Ponticiello M, Kovanen V, Jurvelin JS. Volumetric changes of articular cartilage during stress relaxation in unconfined compression. J Biomech. September 2000;33(9):1049-1054. |
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2002 |
Korhonen RK, Laasanen MS, Töyräs J, Rieppo J, Hirvonen J, Helminen HJ, Jurvelin JS. Comparison of the equilibrium response of articular cartilage in unconfined compression, confined compression and indentation. J Biomech. July 2002;35(7):903-909. |
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2003 |
Korhonen RK, Laasanen MS, Töyräs J, Lappalainen R, Helminen HJ, Jurvelin JS. Fibril reinforced poroelastic model predicts specifically mechanical behavior of normal, proteoglycan depleted and collagen degraded articular cartilage. J Biomech. September 2003;36(9):1373-1379. |
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2010 |
Isaksson H, Nagao S, MaŁkiewicz M, Julkunen P, Nowak R, Jurvelin JS. Precision of nanoindentation protocols for measurement of viscoelasticity in cortical and trabecular bone. J Biomech. 2010;43(12):2410-2417. |
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2016 |
Grassi L, Väänänen SP, Ristinmaa M, Jurvelin JS, Isaksson H. How accurately can subject-specific finite element models predict strains and strength of human femora? investigation using full-field measurements. J Biomech. March 21, 2016;49(5):802-806. |
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2020 |
Grassi L, Kok J, Gustafsson A, Zheng Y, Väänänen SP, Jurvelin JS, Isaksson H. Elucidating failure mechanisms in human femurs during a fall to the side using bilateral digital image correlation. J Biomech. June 9, 2020;106:109826. |
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2001 |
DiSilvestro MR, Zhu Q, Wong M, Jurvelin JS, Suh J-KF. Biphasic poroviscoelastic simulation of the unconfined compression of articular cartilage, I: simultaneous prediction of reaction force and lateral displacement. J Biomech Eng. April 2001;123(2):191-197. |
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2014 |
Grassi L, Väänänen SP, Yavari SA, Jurvelin JS, Weinans H, Ristinmaa M, Zadpoor AA, Isaksson H. Full-field strain measurement during mechanical testing of the human femur at physiologically relevant strain rates. J Biomech Eng. November 2014;136(11):111010. |
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2016 |
Turunen MJ, Kaspersen JD, Olsson U, Guizar-Sicairos M, Bech M, Schaff F, Tägil M, Jurvelin JS, Isaksson H. Bone mineral crystal size and organization vary across mature rat bone cortex. J Struct Biol. September 2016;195(3):337-344. |
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2019 |
Väänänen SP, Grassi L, Venäläinen MS, Matikka H, Zheng Y, Jurvelin JS, Isaksson H. Automated segmentation of cortical and trabecular bone to generate finite element models for femoral bone mechanics. Med Eng Phys. September 2019;70:19-28. |
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2006 |
Sierpowska J, Hakulinen MA, Töyräs J, Day JS, Weinans H, Kiviranta I, Jurvelin JS, Lappalainen R. Interrelationships between electrical properties and microstructure of human trabecular bone. Phys Med Biol. 2006;51(20):5289-5303. |
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