2017 |
Tsourdi E, Langdahl B, Cohen-Solal M, Aubry-Rozier B, Eriksen EF, Guañabens N, Obermayer-Pietsch B, Ralston SH, Eastell R, Zillikens MC. Discontinuation of denosumab therapy for osteoporosis: a systematic review and position statement by ECTS. Bone. December 2017;105:11-17. |
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2020 |
Hygum K, Harsløf T, Jørgensen NR, Rungby J, Pedersen SB, Langdahl BL. Bone resorption is unchanged by liraglutide in type 2 diabetes patients: a randomised controlled trial. Bone. March 2020;132:115197. |
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2020 |
Langdahl B. Treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis with bone-forming and antiresorptive treatments: combined and sequential approaches. Bone. October 2020;139:115516. |
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2021 |
Starup-Linde J, Langdahl B, Harsløf T. Does FRAX estimate fracture risk in patients with type 1 diabetes? Bone. February 2021;143:115753. |
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2022 |
Geusens P, Feldman R, Oates M, Thomas T, Makras P, Jakob F, Langdahl B, Wang Z, Rojeski M, Libanati C. Romosozumab reduces incidence of new vertebral fractures across severity grades among postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. Bone. January 2022;154:116209. |
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2022 |
Andersen JD, Folkestad L, Hald JD, Harsløf T, Langdahl BL, Abrahamsen B. Osteoarthritis in osteogenesis imperfecta: a nationwide register-based cohort study. Bone. January 2022;154:116222. |
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2023 |
Hald JD, Beck-Nielsen S, Gregersen PA, Gjørup H, Langdahl B. Pycnodysostosis in children and adults. Bone. April 2023;169:116674. |
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2017 |
Hygum K, Starup-Linde J, Harsløf1 T, Vestergaard P, Langdahl BL. Diabetes mellitus, a state of low bone turnover: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Eur J Endocrinol. March 2017;176(3):R137-R157. |
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2015 |
Khan AA, Morrison A, Hanley DA, Felsenberg D, McCauley LK, O'Ryan F, Reid IR, Ruggiero SL, Taguchi A, Tetradis S, Watts NB, Brandi ML, Peters E, Guise T, Eastell R, Cheung AM, Morin SN, Masri B, Cooper C, Morgan SL, Obermayer-Pietsch B, Langdahl BL, Al Dabagh R, Davison KS, Kendler DL, Sándor GK, Josse RG, Bhandari M, El Rabbany M, Pierroz DD, Sulimani R, Saunders DP, Brown JP, Compston J; International Task Force on Osteonecrosis of the Jaw. Diagnosis and management of osteonecrosis of the jaw: a systematic review and international consensus. J Bone Miner Res. January 2015;30(1):3-23. |
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2020 |
Recker R, Dempster D, Langdahl B, Giezek H, Clark S, Ellis G, de Villiers T, Valter I, Zerbini CAF, Cohn D, Santora A, Duong LT. Effects of odanacatib on bone structure and quality in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis: 5‐year data from the Phase 3 Long‐term Odanacatib Fracture Trial (LOFT) and its extension. J Bone Miner Res. July 2020;35(7):1289-1299. |
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2020 |
Sølling AS, Harsløf T, Langdahl B. Treatment with zoledronate subsequent to denosumab in osteoporosis: a randomized trial. J Bone Miner Res. October 2020;35(10):1858-1870. |
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2021 |
Sølling AS, Harsløf T, Langdahl B. Treatment with zoledronate subsequent to denosumab in osteoporosis: a 2-year randomized study. J Bone Miner Res. July 2021;36(7):1245-1254. |
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2022 |
Miller PD, Adachi JD, Albergaria B-H, Cheung AM, Chines AA, Gielen E, Langdahl BL, Miyauchi A, Oates M, Reid IR, Santiago NR, Vanderkelen M, Wang Z, Yu Z. Efficacy and safety of romosozumab among postmenopausal women with osteoporosis and mild-to-moderate chronic kidney disease. J Bone Miner Res. August 2022;37(8):1437-1445. |
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2022 |
Wittig NK, Østergaard M, Palle J, Christensen TEK, Langdahl BL, Rejnmark L, Hauge E-M, Brüel A, Thomsen JS, Birkedal H. Opportunities for biomineralization research using multiscale computed X-ray tomography as exemplified by bone imaging. J Struct Biol. March 2022;214(1):107822. |
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2012 |
Estrada K, Styrkarsdottir U, Evangelou E, Hsu Y-H, Duncan EL, Ntzani EE, Oei L, Albagha OME, Amin N, Kemp JP, Koller DL, Li G, Liu C-T, Minster RL, Moayyeri A, Vandenput L, Willner D, Xiao S-M, Yerges-Armstrong LM, Zheng H-F, Alonso N, Eriksson J, Kammerer CM, Kaptoge SK, Leo PJ, Thorleifsson G, Wilson SG, Wilson JF, Aalto V, Alen M, Aragaki AK, Aspelund T, Center JR, Dailiana Z, Duggan DJ, Garcia M, Garcia-Giralt N, Giroux S, Hallmans G, Hocking LJ, Husted LB, Jameson KA, Khusainova R, Kim GS, Kooperberg C, Koromila T, Kruk M, Laaksonen M, Lacroix AZ, Lee SH, Leung PC, Lewis JR, Masi L, Mencej-Bedrac S, Nguyen TV, Nogues X, Patel MS, Prezelj J, Rose LM, Scollen S, Siggeirsdottir K, Smith AV, Svensson O, Trompet S, Trummer O, van Schoor NM, Woo J, Zhu K, Balcells S, Brandi ML, Buckley BM, Cheng S, Christiansen C, Cooper C, Dedoussis G, Ford I, Frost M, Goltzman D, González-Macías J, Kähönen M, Karlsson M, Khusnutdinova E, Koh J-M, Kollia P, Langdahl BL, Leslie WD, Lips P, Ljunggren Ö, Lorenc RS, Marc J, Mellström D, Obermayer-Pietsch B, Olmos JM, Pettersson-Kymmer U, Reid DM, Riancho JA, Ridker PM, Rousseau F, Slagboom PE, Tang NLS, Urreizti R, Van Hul W, Viikari J, Zarrabeitia MT, Aulchenko YS, Castano-Betancourt M, Grundberg E, Herrera L, Ingvarsson T, Johannsdottir H, Kwan T, Li R, Luben R, Medina-Gómez C, Palsson ST, Reppe S, Rotter JI, Sigurdsson G, van Meurs JBJ, Verlaan D, Williams FMK, Wood AR, Zhou Y, Gautvik KM, Pastinen T, Raychaudhuri S, Cauley JA, Chasman DI, Clark GR, Cummings SR, Danoy P, Dennison EM, Eastell R, Eisman JA, Gudnason V, Hofman A, Jackson RD, Jones G, Jukema JW, Khaw K-T, Lehtimäki T, Liu Y, Lorentzon M, McCloskey E, Mitchell BD, Nandakumar K, Nicholson GC, Oostra BA, Peacock M, Pols HAP, Prince RL, Raitakari O, Reid IR, Robbins J, Sambrook PN, Sham PC, Shuldiner AR, Tylavsky FA, van Duijn CM, Wareham NJ, Cupples LA, Econs MJ, Evans DM, Harris TB, Kung AWC, Psaty BM, Reeve J, Spector TD, Streeten EA, Zillikens MC, Thorsteinsdottir U, Ohlsson C, Karasik D, Richards JB, Brown MA, Stefansson K, Uitterlinden AG, Ralston SH, Ioannidis JPA, Kiel DP, Rivadeneira F. Genome-wide meta-analysis identifies 56 bone mineral density loci and reveals 14 loci associated with risk of fracture. Nat Genet. April 15, 2012;44(5):491-501. |
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2015 |
Zheng H-F, Forgetta V, Hsu Y-H, Estrada K, Rosello-Diez A, Leo PJ, Dahia CL, Park-Min KH, Tobias JH, Kooperberg C, Kleinman A, Styrkarsdottir U, Liu C-T, Uggla C, Evans DS, Nielson CM, Walter K, Pettersson-Kymmer U, McCarthy S, Eriksson J, Kwan T, Jhamai M, Trajanoska K, Memari Y, Min J, Huang J, Danecek P, Wilmot B, Li R, Chou W-C, Mokry LE, Moayyeri A, Claussnitzer M, Cheng C-H, Cheung W, Medina-Gómez C, Ge B, Chen S-H, Choi K, Oei L, Fraser J, Kraaij R, Hibbs MA, Gregson CL, Paquette D, Hofman A, Wibom C, Tranah GJ, Marshall M, Gardiner BB, Cremin K, Auer P, Hsu L, Ring S, Tung JY, Thorleifsson G, Enneman AW, van Schoor NM, M. dGLCPG, Nathalie vdV, Melin B, Kemp JP, Christiansen C, Sayers A, Zhou Y, Calderari S, van Rooij J, Carlson C, Peters U, Berlivet S, Dostie J, Uitterlinden AG, Williams SR, Farber C, Grinberg D, LaCroix AZ, Haessler J, Chasman DI, Giulianini F, Rose LM, Ridker PM, Eisman JA, Nguyen TV, Center JR, Nogues X, Garcia-Giralt N, Launer LL, Gudnason V, Mellström D, Vandenput L, Amin N, M. vDC, Karlsson MK, Ljunggren Ö, Svensson O, Hallmans G, Rousseau F, Giroux S, Bussière J, Arp PP, Koromani F, Prince RL, Lewis JR, Langdahl BL, Hermann AP, Jensen J-EB, Kaptoge S, Khaw K-T, Reeve J, Formosa MM, Xuereb-Anastasi A, Åkesson K, McGuigan FE, Garg G, Olmos JM, Zarrabeitia MT, Riancho JA, Ralston SH, Alonso N, Jiang X, Goltzman D, Pastinen T, Grundberg E, Gauguier D, Orwoll ES, Karasik D, Davey-Smith G, Smith AV, Siggeirsdottir K, Harris TB, Zillikens MC, J. vMJB, Thorsteinsdottir U, Maurano MT, Timpson NJ, Soranzo N, Durbin R, Wilson SG, Ntzani EE, Brown MA, Stefansson K, Hinds DA, Spector T, Cupples LA, Ohlsson C, Greenwood CMT, Jackson RD, Rowe DW, Loomis CA, Evans DM, Ackert-Bicknell CL, Joyner AL, Duncan EL, Kiel DP, Rivadeneira F, Richards JB; AOGC Consortium; UK10K Consortium. Whole‐genome sequencing identifies EN1 as a determinant of bone density and fracture. Nature. October 1, 2015;526(7571):112-117. |
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2014 |
McClung MR, Grauer A, Boonen S, Bolognese MA, Brown JP, Diez-Perez A, Langdahl BL, Reginster J-Y, Zanchetta JR, Wasserman SM, Katz L, Maddox J, Yang Y-C, Libanati C, Bone HG. Romosozumab in postmenopausal women with low bone mineral density. NEJM. January 30, 2014;370(5):412-420. |
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2020 |
Valentin G, Pedersen SE, Christensen R, Friis K, Nielsen CP, Bhimjiyani A, Gregson CL, Langdahl BL. Socio-economic inequalities in fragility fracture outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis of prognostic observational studies. Osteoporos Int. January 2020;31(1):31-42. |
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2020 |
McClung MR, Bolognese MA, Brown JP, Reginster J-Y, Langdahl BL, Maddox J, Shi Y, Rojeski M, Meisner PD, Grauer A. A single dose of zoledronate preserves bone mineral density for up to 2 years after a second course of romosozumab. Osteoporos Int. November 2020;31(11):2231-2241. |
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2021 |
Valentin G, Friis K, Nielsen CP, Larsen FB, Langdahl BL. Fragility fractures and health-related quality of life: does socio-economic status widen the gap? a population-based study. Osteoporos Int. January 2021;32(1):63-73. |
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2021 |
Binkley N, Orwoll E, Chapurlat R, Langdahl BL, Scott BB, Giezek H, Santora AC. Randomized, controlled trial to assess the safety and efficacy of odanacatib in the treatment of men with osteoporosis. Osteoporos Int. January 2021;32(1):173-184. |
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2021 |
Rønn SH, Harsløf T, Oei L, Pedersen SB, Langdahl BL. The effect of vitamin MK-7 on bone mineral density and microarchitecture in postmenopausal women with osteopenia, a 3-year randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Osteoporos Int. January 2021;32(1):185-191. |
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2016 |
Langdahl B, Ferrari S, Dempster DW. Bone modeling and remodeling: potential as therapeutic targets for the treatment of osteoporosis. Ther Adv Musculoskel Dis. December 2016;8(6):225-235. |
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