2004 |
Kalajzic I, Braut A, Guo D, Jiang X, Kronenberg MS, Mina M, Harris MA, Harris SE, Rowe DW. Dentin matrix protein 1 expression during osteoblastic differentiation, generation of an osteocyte GFP-transgene. Bone. July 2004;35(1):74-82. |
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2009 |
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2021 |
Sutter PA, Karki S, Crawley I, Singh V, Bernt KM, Rowe DW, Crocker SJ, Bayarsaihan D, Guzzo RM. Mesenchyme-specific loss of Dot1L histone methyltransferase leads to skeletal dysplasia phenotype in mice. Bone. January 2021;142:115677. |
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2021 |
Rowe DW, Hong S-H, Zhang C, Shin D-G, Adams DJ, Youngstrom DW, Chen L, Wu Z, Zhou Y, Maye P. Skeletal screening IMPC/KOMP using μCT and computer automated cryohistology: application to the Efna4 KO mouse line. Bone. March 2021;144:115688. |
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2006 |
Sawakami K, Robling AG, Ai M, Pitner ND, Liu D, Warden SJ, Li J, Maye P, Rowe DW, Duncan RL, Warman ML, Turner CH. The Wnt co-receptor LRP5 is essential for skeletal mechanotransduction but not for the anabolic bone response to parathyroid hormone treatment. J Biol Chem. August 18, 2006;281(33):23698-23711. |
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2002 |
Kalajzic I, Kalajzic Z, Kaliterna M, Gronowicz G, Clark SH, Lichtler AC, Rowe D. Use of type I collagen green fluorescent protein transgenes to identify subpopulations of cells at different stages of the osteoblast lineage. J Bone Miner Res. January 2002;17(1):15-25. |
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1993 |
Chipman SD, Sweet HO, McBride DJ Jr, Davisson MT, Marks SC Jr, Shuldiner AR, Wenstrup RJ, Rowe DW, Shapiro JR. Defective proα2(I) collagen synthesis in a recessive mutation in mice: a model of human osteogenesis imperfecta. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. March 1993;90(5):1701-1705. |
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