1Departments of Medicine, Human Genetics, Epidemiology and Biostatistics, McGill University, Montréal H3A 1A2, Canada
2Department of Medicine, Lady Davis Institute forMedical Research, Jewish General Hospital, McGill University, Montréal H3T 1E2, Canada
3Institute for Aging Research, Hebrew SeniorLife, Boston, Massachusetts 02131, USA
4Department of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, USA
6Department of Internal Medicine, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam 3015GE, The Netherlands
7Analytic and Translational Genetics Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts 02114, USA
8Developmental Biology Program, Sloan Kettering Institute, New York, New York 10065, USA
9The University of Queensland Diamantina Institute, Translational Research Institute, Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane 4102, Australia
10Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, New York 10065, USA
11Tissue Engineering, Regeneration and Repair Program, Hospital for Special Surgery, New York 10021, USA
12Rheumatology Divison, Hospital for Special Surgery, New York 10021, USA
13School of Clinical Science, University of Bristol, Bristol BS10 5NB, UK
14MRC Integrative Epidemiology Unit, University of Bristol, Bristol BS8 2BN, UK
15Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, Washington 98109, USA
16Department of Research, 23andMe, Mountain View, California 94041, USA
17Department of Population Genomics, deCODE Genetics, Reykjavik IS-101, Iceland
18Department of Biostatistics, Boston University School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts 02118, USA
19Centre for Bone and Arthritis Research, Department of Internal Medicine and Clinical Nutrition, Institute of Medicine, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg S-413 45, Sweden
20California Pacific Medical Center Research Institute, San Francisco, California 94158, USA
21Department of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, Oregon 97239, USA
22Bone & Mineral Unit, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, Oregon 97239, USA
23Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Cambridge CB10 1SA, UK
24Departments of Pharmacology and Clinical Neurosciences, Umeå University, Umeå S-901 87, Sweden
25Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine, Umeå University, Umeå SE-901 87, Sweden
26Centre for Bone and Arthritis Research, Institute of Medicine, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg S-413 45, Sweden
27McGill University and Genome Quebec Innovation Centre, Montréal H3A 0G1, Canada
28Department of Epidemiology, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam 3015GE, The Netherlands
29Oregon Clinical and Translational Research Institute, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, Oregon 97239, USA
30Department of Medical and Clinical Informatics, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, Oregon 97239, USA
31Farr Institute of Health Informatics Research, University College London, London NW1 2DA, UK
32Department of Twin Research and Genetic Epidemiology, King’s College London, London SE1 7EH, UK
33Department of Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, USA
34Department of Human Genetics, McGill University, Montréal H3A 1B1, Canada
35Netherlands Genomics Initiative (NGI)-sponsored Netherlands Consortium for Healthy Aging (NCHA), Leiden 2300RC, The Netherlands
36Center for Musculoskeletal Research, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York 14642, USA
37Department of Biochemistry and Goodman Cancer Research Center, McGill University, Montréal H3G 1Y6, Canada
38Department of Computer Science, Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas 78212, USA
39Musculoskeletal Research Unit, University of Bristol, Bristol BS10 5NB, UK
40Department of Radiation Sciences, Umeå University, Umeå S-901 87, Sweden
41School of Public Health, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53726, USA
42School of Social and Community Medicine, University of Bristol, Bristol BS8 2BN, UK
43Department of Statistics, deCODE Genetics, Reykjavik IS-101, Iceland
44Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics and the EMGO Institute for Health and Care Research, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam 1007 MB, The Netherlands
45Department of Human Nutrition, Wageningen University, Wageningen 6700 EV, The Netherlands
46Department of Internal Medicine, Section Geriatrics, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam 1105, The Netherlands
47Nordic Bioscience, Herlev 2730, Denmark
48Cordeliers Research Centre, INSERM UMRS 1138, Paris 75006, France
49Institute of Cardiometabolism and Nutrition, University Pierre & Marie Curie, Paris 75013, France
50Departments of Medicine (Cardiovascular Medicine), Centre for Public Health Genomics, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia 22908, USA
51Department of Genetics, University of Barcelona, Barcelona 08028, Spain
52U-720, Centre for Biomedical Network Research on Rare Diseases (CIBERER), Barcelona 28029, Spain
53Department of Human Molecular Genetics, The Institute of Biomedicine of the University of Barcelona (IBUB), Barcelona 08028, Spain
54Women’s Health Center of Excellence Family Medicine and Public Health, University of California – San Diego, San Diego, California 92093, USA
55Division of Preventive Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts 02215, USA
56Osteoporosis & Bone Biology Program, Garvan Institute of Medical Research, Sydney 2010, Australia
57School of Medicine Sydney, University of Notre Dame Australia, Sydney 6959, Australia
58St. Vincent’s Hospital & Clinical School, NSW University, Sydney 2010, Australia
59Musculoskeletal Research Group, Institut Hospital del Mar d’Investigacions Mèdiques, Barcelona 08003, Spain
60Cooperative Research Network on Aging and Fragility (RETICEF), Institute of Health Carlos III, 28029, Spain
61Department of Internal Medicine, Hospital del Mar, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona 08193, Spain
62Neuroepidemiology Section, National Institute on Aging, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland 20892, USA
63Icelandic Heart Association, Kopavogur IS-201, Iceland
64Faculty of Medicine, University of Iceland, Reykjavik IS-101, Iceland
65Genetic epidemiology unit, Department of Epidemiology, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam 3000CA, The Netherlands
66Department of Orthopaedics, Skåne University Hospital Malmö 205 02, Sweden
67Department of Medical Sciences, University of Uppsala, Uppsala 751 85, Sweden
68Department of Surgical and Perioperative Sciences, Umeå Unviersity, Umeå 901 85, Sweden
69Department of Molecular Biology, Medical Biochemistry and Pathology, Université Laval, Québec City G1V 0A6, Canada. 70
70Axe Santé des Populations et Pratiques Optimales en Santé, Centre de recherche du CHU de Québec, Québec City G1V 4G2, Canada
71Department of Endocrinology and Diabetes, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Nedlands 6009, Australia
72Department of Medicine, University of Western Australia, Perth 6009, Australia
73Department of Endocrinology and Internal Medicine, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus C 8000, Denmark
74Department of Endocrinology, Odense University Hospital, Odense C 5000, Denmark
75Department of Endocrinology, Hvidovre University Hospital, Hvidovre 2650, Denmark
76Clinical Gerontology Unit, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB2 2QQ, UK
77Medicine and Public Health and Primary Care, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB1 8RN, UK
78Institute of Musculoskeletal Sciences, The Botnar Research Centre, University of Oxford, Oxford OX3 7LD, UK
79Department of Applied Biomedical Science, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Malta, Msida MSD 2080, Malta
80Clinical and Molecular Osteoporosis Research Unit, Department of Clinical Sciences Malmö, Lund University, 205 02, Sweden
81Department of Medicine and Psychiatry, University of Cantabria, Santander 39011, Spain
82Department of Internal Medicine, Hospital U.M. Valdecilla- IDIVAL, Santander 39008, Spain
83Department of Legal Medicine, University of Cantabria, Santander 39011, Spain
84Centre for Genomic and Experimental Medicine, Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine, Western General Hospital, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh EH4 2XU, UK
85Department of Reconstructive Sciences, College of Dental Medicine, University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, Connecticut 06030, USA
86Department of Medicine and Physiology, McGill University, Montréal H4A 3J1, Canada
87Department of Medicine, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, Oregon 97239, USA
88Faculty of Medicine in the Galilee, Bar-Ilan University, Safed 13010, Israel
89Laboratory of Epidemiology, National Institute on Aging, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland 20892, USA
90Department of Genome Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA
91School of Medicine and Pharmacology, University of Western Australia, Crawley 6009, Australia
92Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology, University of Ioannina School of Medicine, Ioannina 45110, Greece
93Department of Health Services, Policy and Practice, Brown University School of Public Health, Providence, Rhode Island 02903, USA
94deCODE Genetics, Reykjavik IS-101, Iceland
95Framingham Heart Study, Framingham, Massachusetts 01702, USA
96Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health, McGill University, Montréal H3A 1A2, Canada
97Department of Oncology, Gerald Bronfman Centre, McGill University, Montréal H2W 1S6, Canada
98Department of Medicine, Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 43210, USA
99The Ronald O. Perelman Department of Dermatology and Department of Cell Biology, New York University School of Medicine, New York, New York 10016, USA
100Department of Diabetes and Endocrinology, Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, Brisbane 4029, Australia