2012 |
Hershman EB, Anderson R, Bergfeld JA, Bradley JP, Coughlin MJ, Johnson RJ, Spindler KP, Wojtys E, Powell JW. An analysis of specific lower extremity injury rates on grass and FieldTrf playing surfaces in National Football League games: 2000-2009 seasons. Am J Sports Med. October 2012;40(10):2200-2205. |
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2020 |
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2020 |
Surowiec RK, Battle LF, Ward FS, Schlecht SH, Khoury BM, Robbins C, Wojtys EM, Caird MS, Kozlof KM. A xenograft model to evaluate the bone forming effects of sclerostin antibody in human bone derived from pediatric osteogenesis imperfecta patients. Bone. January 2020;130:115118. |
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2008 |
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2000 |
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2007 |
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2022 |
Patton DM, Ochocki DN, Martin CT, Casden M, Jepsen KJ, Ashton-Miller JA, Wojtys EM, Schlecht SH. State of the mineralized tissue comprising the femoral ACL enthesis in young women with an ACL failure. J Orthop Res. April 2022;40(4):826-837. |
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