2012 |
Meyer EG, Wei F, Button K, Powell JW, Haut RC. Determination of ligament strain during high ankle sprains due to excessive external foot rotation in sports. In: Proceedings of the 2012 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Injury. September 12-14, 2012; Dublin, Ireland.277-287. |
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1992 |
Powell JW, Schootman M. A multivariate risk analysis of selected playing surfaces in the National Football League: 1980 to 1989. Am J Sports Med. 1992;20(6):686-694. |
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1994 |
Meyer SA, Callaghan JJ, Albright JP, Crowley ET, Powell JW. Midfoot sprains in collegiate football players. Am J Sports Med. June 1994;22(3):392-401. |
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2000 |
Powell JW, Barber-Foss KD. Sex-related injury patterns among selected high school sports. Am J Sports Med. May–June 2000;28(3):385-391. |
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2009 |
Villwock MR, Meyer EG, Powell JW, Fousty AJ, Haut RC. Football playing surface and shoe design affect rotational traction. Am J Sports Med. 2009;37(3):518-525. |
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2012 |
Hershman EB, Anderson R, Bergfeld JA, Bradley JP, Coughlin MJ, Johnson RJ, Spindler KP, Wojtys E, Powell JW. An analysis of specific lower extremity injury rates on grass and FieldTrf playing surfaces in National Football League games: 2000-2009 seasons. Am J Sports Med. October 2012;40(10):2200-2205. |
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2011 |
Wei F, Hunley SC, Powell JW, Haut RC. Development and validation of a computational model to study the effect of foot constraint on ankle injury due to external rotation. Ann Biomed Eng. February 2011;39(2):756-765. |
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2002 |
Bradley JP, Klimkiewicz JJ, Rytel MJ, Powell JW. Anterior cruciate ligament injuries in the National Football League: epidemiology and current treatment trends among team physicians. Arthroscopy. May–June 2002;18(5):502-509. |
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1974 |
Jackson DW, Ashley RL, Powell JW. Ankle sprains in young athletes: relation of severity and disability. Clin Orthop Relat Res. June 1974;101:201-215. |
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1997 |
Scranton PE Jr, Whitesel JP, Powell JW, Dormer SG, Heidt RS Jr, Losse G, Cawley PW. A review of selected noncontact anterior cruciate ligament injuries in the National Football League. Foot Ankle Int. December 1997;18(12):772-776. |
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1999 |
Powell JW, Barber-Foss KD. Traumatic brain injury in high school athletes. JAMA. September 8, 1999;282(10):958-963. |
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1999 |
Powell JW, Barber-Foss KD. Injury patterns in selected high school sports: a review of the 1995–1997 seasons. J Athl Train. September 1999;34(3):277-284. |
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2010 |
Wei F, Villwock MR, Meyer EG, Powell JW, Haut RC. A biomechanical investigation of ankle injury under excessive external foot rotation in the human cadaver. J Biomech Eng. September 2010;132(9):091001. |
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2012 |
Wei F, Meyer EG, Braman JE, Powell JW, Haut RC. Rotational stiffness of football shoes influences talus motion during external rotation of the foot. J Biomech Eng. April 2012;134(4):041002. |
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2012 |
Wei F, Post JM, Braman JE, Meyer EG, Powell JW, Haut RC. Eversion during external rotation of the human cadaver foot produces high ankle sprains. J Orthop Res. September 2012;30(9):1423-1429. |
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2003 |
Orchard J, Powell JW. Risk of knee and ankle sprains under various weather conditions in American football. Med Sci Sports Exer. 2003;35(7):1118-1123. |
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2004 |
Pellman EJ, Powell JW, Viano DC, Casson IR, Tucker AM, Feuer H, Lovell M, Waeckerle JF, Robertson DW. Concussion in professional football: epidemiological features of game injuries and review of the literature—Part 3. Neurosurgery. January 2004;54(1):81-94. |
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2004 |
Pellman EJ, Viano DC, Casson IR, Tucker AM, Waeckerle JF, Powell JW, Feuer H. Concussion in professional football: repeat injuries—Part 4. Neurosurgery. October 2004;55(4):860-876. |
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2009 |
Villwock MR, Meyer EG, Powell JW, Fouty AJ, Haut RC. The effects of various infills, fibre structures, and shoe designs on generating rotational traction on an artificial surface. Proc Inst Mech Eng Part P-J Sports Eng Tech. 2009;223(1):21-29. |
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