2009 |
Marshall SW, Corlette J. Fall Sports Qualifying Report: 2004–2009 Academic Years. Indianapolis, IN: Datalys Center for Sports Injury Research and Prevention; December 2009. |
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2006 |
Knowles SB, Marshall SW, Bowling JM, Loomis D, Millikan R, Yang J, Weaver NL, Kalsbeek W, Mueller FO. A prospective study of injury incidence among North Carolina high school athletes. Am J Epidemiol. 2006;164(12):1209-1221. |
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2012 |
Ocwieja KE, Mihalik JP, Marshall SW, Schmidt JD, Trulock SC, Guskiewicz KM. The effect of play type and collision closing distance on head impact biomechanics. Ann Biomed Eng. January 2012;40(1):90-96. |
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2012 |
Mihalik JP, Guskiewicz KM, Marshall SW, Blackburn JT, Cantu RC, Greenwald RM. Head impact biomechanics in youth hockey: comparisons across playing position, event types, and impact locations. Ann Biomed Eng. January 2012;40(1):141-149. |
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2009 |
Knowles SB, Marshall SW, Bowling MJ, Loomis D, Millikan R, Yang J, Mueller FO. Risk factors for injury among high school football players. Epidemiology. 2009;20(2):302-310. |
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2003 |
Guskiewicz KM, McCrea M, Marshall SW, Cantu RC, Randolph C, Barr W, Onate JA, Kelly JP. Cumulative effects associated with recurrent concussion in collegiate football players: the NCAA concussion study. JAMA. November 19, 2003;290(19):2549-2555. |
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2003 |
McCrea M, Guskiewicz KM, Marshall SW, Barr W, Randolph C, Cantu RC, Onate JA, Yang J, Kelly JP. Acute effects and recovery time following concussion in collegiate football players: the NCAA concussion study. JAMA. November 19, 2003;290(19):2556-2563. |
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2007 |
Dick R, Agel J, Marshall SW. National Collegiate Athletic Association Injury Surveillance System commentaries: introduction and methods. J Athl Train. April–June 2007;42(2):173-182. |
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2007 |
Dick R, Ferrara MS, Agel J, Courson R, Marshall SW, Hanley MJ, Reifsteck F. Descriptive epidemiology of collegiate men's football injuries: National Collegiate Athletic Association Injury Surveillance System, 1988–1989 through 2003–2004. J Athl Train. April–June 2007;42(2):221-233. |
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2007 |
Marshall SW, Covassin T, Dick R, Nassar LG, Agel J. Descriptive epidemiology of collegiate women's gymnastics injuries: National Collegiate Athletic Association injury surveillance system, 1988-1989 through 2003-2004. J Athl Train. April–June 2007;42(2):234-240. |
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2007 |
Agel J, Palmieri-Smith RM, Dick R, Wojtys EM, Marshall SW. Descriptive epidemiology of collegiate women's volleyball injuries: National Collegiate Athletic Association Injury Surveillance System, 1988-1989 through 2003-2004. J Athl Train. April–June 2007;42(2):295-302. |
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2014 |
Kerr ZY, Dompier TP, Snook EM, Marshall SW, Klossner D, Hainline B, Corlette J. National Collegiate Athletic Association Injury Surveillance System: review of methods for 2004–2005 through 2013–2014 data collection. J Athl Train. July–August 2014;49(4):552-560. |
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2020 |
Mauntel TC, Marshall SW, Hackney AC, Pietrosimone BG, Cameron KL, Peck KY, Trump JR, Padua DA. Trunk and lower extremity movement patterns, stress fracture risk factors, and biomarkers of bone turnover in military trainees. J Athl Train. July 2020;55(2):724-732. |
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2007 |
Guskiewicz KM, Marshall SW, Bailes J, McCrea M, Harding HP Jr, Mattihews A, Mihalik JR, Cantu RC. Recurrent concussion and risk of depression in retired professional football players. Med Sci Sports Exer. June 2007;39(6):903-909. |
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2012 |
Kerr Z, Marshall S, Guskiewicz K. Reliability of concussion history in former professional football players. Med Sci Sports Exer. March 2012;44(3):377-382. |
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2005 |
Guskiewicz KM, Marshall SW, Bailes J, McCrea M, Cantu RC, Randolph C, Jordan BD. Association between recurrent concussion and late-life cognitive impairment in retired professional football players. Neurosurgery. October 2005;57(4):719-724. |
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2007 |
Mihalik JP, Bell DR, Marshall SW, Guskiewicz KM. Measurement of head impacts in collegiate football players: an investigation of positional and event-type differences. Neurosurgery. December 2007;61(6):1229-1235. |
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2007 |
Guskiewicz KM, Mihalik JP, Shankar V, Marshall SW, Crowell DH, Oliaro SM, Ciocca MF, Hooker DN. Measurement of head impacts in collegiate football players: relationship between head impact biomechanics and acute clinical outcome after concussion. Neurosurgery. December 2007;61(6):1244-1253. |
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