Rib fractures are still prevalent in motor vehicle crashes and a leading cause of morbidity and mortality. A large body of work has been undertaken to obtain thoracic and individual rib properties, but such testing has primarily focused on 50th percentile males and relies heavily on scaling to apply findings to other populations. Component level testing (i.e., individual bones) has the advantage of capturing large amounts of variation in subject level characteristics (sex, age, stature, etc.). To this end, 318 individual mid-level ribs from 168 postmortem human subjects (4-108 years) were tested in a dynamic bending scenario simulating a frontal impact to the thorax. Although these data have allowed for an extensive exploration of variation in response of the rib, a gap remains in the ability to understand these findings in the context of the intact thorax. To address this, a series of non-injurious frontal impacts (<20% chest compression) were conducted on three post-mortem human subjects. Each subject was tested in four sequential tissue states: intact, intact with upper limbs removed, denuded (superficial tissue removed), and eviscerated (superficial tissue and viscera removed). Force and deflection data were used to evaluate differences between the tissue conditions. Mid-level ribs were removed and tested to failure in the dynamic bending scenario previously described. Preliminary data presented here reveal that denuded thoraces retain 70% of the intact peak force and 73% of the intact stiffness, and the eviscerated thoraces retain 54% of peak force and 59% of the intact stiffness. Furthermore, the application of a model in which each rib is treated as a spring acting in parallel was developed in order to use individual rib response data to predict thoracic response. Initial analyses show the model has potential to predict eviscerated peak force and stiffness from cumulative rib response data. The ultimate goal is to develop a transfer function which utilizes the response of the individual rib to predict the response of the thorax from which it came, allowing for the generation of estimated thoracic response data for all populations. These data could be used to improve thoracic response targets and help assess the biofidelity of current anthropomorphic test devices.