Peak linear and angular acceleration are commonly used to measure concussion risk. In efforts to better understand the importance of loading factors affecting head dynamic response, the purpose of this study was to examine the effects of impact velocity, location, and compliance on head acceleration. A Hybrid III headform and modified neckform attached to a drop tower were subject to 4 impact velocities (1.5, 3.0, 4.5, 6.0 m/s) and 3 surfaces: steel, vinyl nitrile foam, and Rubatex R338 rubber foam to represent falls onto a hard surface, a helmeted fall (i.e. football helmet), and a gymnastics mat, respectively. Each combination of velocity and compliance were tested at front, front boss, side, and rear boss negative azimuth. Regression analysis were conducted for each impact location and revealed that compliance had a consistently stronger influence on head dynamic response than velocity.
dynamic Response, fall events in sport, Hybrid III headform, impact variables